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Everything posted by jeniusornome

  1. Is there a list somewhere of all the VF "cameos" at New Edwards in Macross Plus? I watched the movie the other night and noticed several fighters in the background in some scenes (VF-17s with trainer colors, I think VF-14s in one scene and maybe a VF-5000?) and was wondering if we knew what they were. I did see the 17D in trainer colors on the mecha manual page but no mention of the others.
  2. I'm on the fence about this 1A. I have a TV Max and kind of want a TV Kakizaki to go with it, but then I'd find myself trying to track down a Hikaru 1J and a Roy 1S (whenever they do one) which would be... probably expensive/painful. OTOH, if I get this one, I'll probably want, at least, a DYRL Hikaru 1A and a Max 1S (for Skull Squadron as it existed during the fight over Altira). And then inevitably a Max 1A and a Roy 1S too. I don't see cheap way out of this short of not buying anything, but I would like at least one other DX VF-1. I just know buying one would lead to at least two more. This hobby is just so expensive.
  3. That looks a lot like the one I was thinking about. Probably the same, and if it was related to palladium and a kickstarter I probably just assumed it was “official” or something. Thanks!
  4. Didn't I see something a long ways back where Tommy Yune or someone at HG designed an original transformation/design of the VF-4? Can't find anything on it now aside from really obvious fanart, but I could swear there was an "official" design shown at some point and then never used. As I recall it was much more derivative of the VF-1 than the substantial change the Macross VF-4 was.
  5. Weird. I just checked my DX VF-1A TV Max and it seems fine...
  6. @Seto Kaiba I didn’t know about the manga. When I watched through Delta I kept wondering when they were going to actually explain the conflict and even when they did it didn’t quite all make sense to me. It still doesn’t after a second watch through. But I just assumed that what they really wanted was to push Walküre above all other aspects of the show and everything else was given just a very shallow treatment at best. I thought it amusing that the dimensional bomb in Delta was an Orguss reference (I assume it was), and Delta was full of other odd references (like Macross II stuff). It was fun to watch but it didn’t really work for me. That said, if we never find out where they were going with the dimensionally lost Dana, maybe Jeanne Francaix can make a cameo somewhere in the next Delta movie and then we’ll all know it was Kei’s fault anyhow.
  7. Admittedly, the dimensional bomb and reality merging from the beginning of Orguss can pretty easily be used as an explanation for just about anything, even the various inconsistencies that come up in different Macross shows whenever someone tries to figure out what's "canon". I don't know if it fractured reality quite enough to turn the "first spacefaring civilization" protoculture into a "fuel source derived from a magical flower" protoculture, but...
  8. Well, that’s going on my list right now.
  9. Maybe there's a reality out there somewhere where Robotech IS as popular as die-hard fans in this reality want to believe it is. Paramount has made half a dozen Robotech movies, there's a dozen or so cartoons including some mid 90s early CG ones, and Transformers is just a footnote of 80s nostalgia with a few die-hards who like to troll Diaclone forums. But even there I bet they still haven't found a way to fit Orguss into it.
  10. hmm. I guess I see what you're saying, though I don't see anything in there that specifically calls that scene. The technical part reads more like both a general explanation of the three modes (for someone new) and a detailed description of transformation design (for srs fans). Sort of an odd split there. Interesting to see how the colors for Delta Squad's jets were listed. In show and in toy/model format the colors are a printer cartridge (CMYK). I had just assumed they were trying to come up with a color scheme when someone in the office said they ran out of toner... Anyways, thanks for the translations! Interesting read. I've got a lot to look through now. Next show, let's see some orange, purple and green VFs!
  11. Re: specifically that scene in ep.1 of Delta... idunno, if a guy piloting a plane that turns into a robot so he could use sweet dance moves to trip up a space giant piloting an egg with arms and legs needs to be justified, I think that's thinking too hard about it. We are talking about a sci-fi anime series with space giants, galactic whales, universal bunnies, interdimensional bugs and singing sci-fi magical girls. "Because of course the plane transforms. Why wouldn't it?" Unrelated/related: I had hoped that scene would be a preview of "ridiculous dancing mecha action" all through the series, but I feel like the first few episodes set up a show that played out significantly different from how I'd expected.
  12. Is the VF-31D a thing, or did Aoshima just make it up for their VFG line? related, how many uses of the orange and tan trainer color scheme have their been in the media? I can think of just three from the shows- VF-1D, VT-1 and the very brief appearance of a couple of VF-17Ts parked at New Edwards in a scene setting shot in Macross Plus. other 2-seaters we’ve seen haven’t had this color scheme (or even been intended as trainers in the first place) although the orange YF-25 001 comes close.
  13. I seem to recall reading somewhere that was one of the design principles for the vf-4 - space superiority, far better than a vf-1 with packs, even if it meant atmospheric performance was sacrificed.
  14. There's also a sealed one up on jungle for 38k: https://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/products/detail/380919
  15. @Sanity is Optional there are places that still have retail stock of sdf-1 and the vf-0s?
  16. Protodeviln? No, It was old man protoculture all along! Why’d you do it old man? because you kids won’t turn your damn music down! Enough of the planet dance already!
  17. Not sure where you’re seeing the official Bandai one for those prices - most shops have it second hand over srp but closer to 25k yen (around $250) than $350 and up. The 31C and 31S are certainly getting closer to $400 though. show z store is the only shop I can think of with Valkyrie factory listings and they have it listed at $140. I don’t think that includes shipping and there’s still no rea release date. A few eBay sellers have them between $160 and $180. As I recall srp on the genuine ones was 18k yen?
  18. The 31J amuses me because it appears they’re trying to sell it for roughly the same SRP as the legitimate one. i did see the price drop on a few of those recently. I’m surprised Valkyrie Factory didn’t decide to just pump out a ton of them to capitalize on the lack of readily available paint schemes. CF 1As, 1D, etc, etc.
  19. I hadn’t seen Robotech in a long time, was well into other shows by the time adv did their “perfect collection” and I’d already had the animeigo box set of Macross by then. when I went back and watched it I noticed quite a few things were not as I remembered. Minmay was whinier, Dana was whinier, Rick was whinier, Bowie was whinier, Scott was whinier... whereas what I remembered of the characters in “the Macross saga” was a lot closer to how it was in Macross (possibly just because I’d seen it more recently), and the new gen characters were all kind of generic. But I remembered Dana as being awesome - keep in mind, this was a show I first saw when I was like 5 or 6 and last saw when I was maybe 11 or 12. i sometimes wonder: maybe the Robotech fans who can’t acknowledge that the show was just another poorly written import hack job like Voltron, Tranzor Z (Mazinger) and etc are just going on what they remember and haven’t actually watched it in 30ish years. anyways, point is, I get why you guys don’t like Dana. But the version I remember from 30 ish years ago is still one of my favorites (She just doesn’t actually exist).
  20. I think it was more along the lines of "super dimension, super dimension, super dimension.... they must be the same show! use them all! Wait, we can't get Orguss? Eh, find something else that transforms and put the ideas into a book instead, tell people we planned it that way all along!"
  21. That doesn't surprise me in the slightest. But I think it's something that Macross fans in general may not really think about. I assumed this was how KitzConcept wound up working with HG on "Robotech" products, for instance.
  22. Sqidd, you and I are on opposite sides of the collecting spectrum. I’m not even making an “argument” that needs to “hold weight” - I’m just expressing my opinion (“I don’t want to buy a figure I’ve already owned”) and you seem to think it’s not okay for some reason. I don’t know why you’ve decided to poke at me, but to answer your meme, it’s because I don’t have space, don’t want to add more display space, and can’t generally afford too many anyways. whereas from what I’ve seen of your collection, you buy 3-4 copies of everything and add more display cases when you run out of room. So no, I don’t expect you to appreciate my opinion. I don’t think you can even understand it.
  23. /shrug. TV, movie, makes no difference to me. Anyway, outside of the original show, all further appearances of the SDF-1 are based on the DYRL version with the ARMD platforms attached.
  24. I’ve been keeping an eye out for a good deal on an Arcadia / Yamato one. I liked the one I had a lot but if I’m going to spend a bunch of money getting an sdf-1 I’d rather it be the newer one than one I’ve already owned.
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