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Everything posted by jeniusornome

  1. Well guys, however you want to justify it, to me it’s $250 for a 6 inch toy. A couple of extra features making a small toy even more delicate and likely to break does not, to me, translate to “worth more than a huge VF-1 toy.” like I said though, I’m looking forward to pictures.
  2. Geez. Same height as the ride armors and even more expensive. Half the size of a DX VF-1 but more expensive. I’m interested but I think I’ll have to pass. I will enjoy all of your pictures though!
  3. any side-by-sides with other figures yet?
  4. @sidearmsalpha the short version of the answer to your question is - yes, it has been a common point of conversation in this thread for several months now, and there has been no apparent rhyme or reason as to who gets shipping notifications and when.
  5. I always thought those "animation errors" were just instances of shading and the colors getting lost in it? Like even in the iconic scene of him shooting bodolzaa in the head, there's a reddish, brownish tint to scenes where it appears black. But yeah, whichever you want is "accurate."
  6. The whole ssp situation is hilariously terrible. For a little more than retail you can get them on the secondary market, new, whereas sets preordered over a year ago haven’t shipped. makes me question the whole PO madness thing. Paying a slight markup to actually get it vs having a few hundred bucks or more that you can’t get refunded and have no idea when you’ll actually get the product you purchased?
  7. I think the Caliburn was a special 19 from The Ride?
  8. Hope the release does well and they make more. I ended up selling my yellow ride armor - it had a slight stress mark on it but the buyer was aware, I just didn’t want to be sitting on a figure that could potentially break easily. Hoping that the Houquet version doesn’t have the same problem. if the legioss is solid I might be in for a green or red one.
  9. I have actually considered that, but I have a hard time buying a transforming toy that I'm never going to transform. I actually really like the 262's design, all three modes, but I'm still not sold on it. .... I bet it'd look really good next to my 31F though....
  10. I’d be up for a tweaked version for the 262ba in different color schemes. I keep looking at Keith’s but every time I get tempted I watch the transformation video and I’m like... nope.
  11. jeniusornome

    Macross figures

    Well, one is poseable and the other is a statue, so... not really comparing the same thing there.
  12. I got an email from Okini land recently about orders and shipping. They were offering the “hold indefinitely” or “ship ferry” or “ship DHL” options. having recently had a new item shipped via ferry without my knowledge, and it arriving in... unpleasant, odd smelling shape, I asked them to just upgrade to DHL. that said, in their email, they said they were hoping for normal post service to resume by late August. I don’t think that’s based on any solid info, but there’s a Japanese opinion on it from a Japanese source, which to me is probably a little better than random speculation from someone outside of japan. take it with a grain of salt, obviously, but if you’re really wanting stuff right now and not, you know, October or so when this all starts up again, I say pay the upgraded shipping fee and roll with it.
  13. Totally agree. Every time I look at the VF-4, I think, this is seriously the space jet I drew when I was a kid. I know it took some inspiration from the YF-12 / SR-71, but even those looked like they belonged in space. It's a shame we haven't gotten to see it in a starring role in an anime yet.
  14. I love this so much. You even put the cardboard down.
  15. It actually depends entirely on the licensing deal. movie studios agreements sometimes involve rights to a property for X years, sometimes with a clause for “abandonment” which is to say if they don’t do anything with it in a period of X years, movie rights default back to whoever. they are not always like that, though it’s very common now. Doesn’t mean this licensing deal was anything like it though.
  16. I got an email from Okini land recently about order status and shipping methods, and they said while there is no official schedule posted, they are hoping for late August that normal international services resume. (they are also offering the option to hold items in their warehouse until shipping opens up again, or upgrade to DHL).
  17. I mean, anime magic and all, but I don’t see how reading a wavelength of light and calling it a certain color would be too far out for a transforming plane built with alien technology and a telepathic control interface.
  18. Yes, there are tornado parts for the V1. the V2 “renewal” tornado parts boxes look like these: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1137911059&ref=list&keyword=Dx tornado&lang=en https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1130457041&ref=list&keyword=Dx tornado&lang=en
  19. Eh, I'll take all the bubblegum pop crisis they want to put in it as long as it's a good story with actual character development and some neat mecha. More recent promotional material for things Macross focuses heavily on the musicians anyways, so it's not like it's going away anytime soon.
  20. @Kuma Style you are killing it with these Mega Man shots. I had a few of the d-arts figures way back when, they were great.
  21. I remember the original release ending with Minmay doing the “1,2,3,4...” then the spotlight fades and the camera fades before the credits rolled. the two BluRay releases (The ps3 “hybrid” BluRay and the later standalone BluRay) I have include the concert scene, though it cuts out after the camera pans over the Macross (and the song continues playing) just like the linked video.
  22. We could be due for another Macross OVA at this point, though. The last one was Zero, and who knows what they have planned after this next Delta movie?
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