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Everything posted by jeniusornome

  1. Hmm. I thought the var “trigger” was short range, activated by creepy kid singing through a wormhole. That was why they needed the protoculture ruins to reach the whole cluster. I don’t recall anything in the show indicating the reach of the mind control effect (which could presumably also be used to trigger var outbreaks) extended beyond the cluster, but it’s been a while since I watched it. that said, even if they could, they’d need to get Windermere apples and water to the entire galaxy to do it. I know there’s a lot of Apple farmers in Windermere, but that seems a bit much considering travel times and supply constraints.
  2. Is it just me or does it seem like prices on Hikaru's 1S have gone down a little since the Roy 1S preorder has come and gone?
  3. He would have to be the worst Valkyrie pilot we've ever seen. Roy wouldn't have to wonder where all the rum has gone. Maybe the box would come with extra shillings and you could pretend the print said "Captain Smith" He'd probably be the best Valkyrie pilot we've ever seen. There was that time he was stranded on a remote asteroid for months but escaped by roping together a bunch of battle pods and paddling himself to shore.
  4. Curious, how does a Diaclone reboot dia-naut figure look in one? Anyone have one and can see if it fits?
  5. I just got a VF-0A today courtesy of another user here. It was brand new and I’m happy to report the leg did not fall off when I transformed it. really enjoying it so far. I definitely see why the mold is so well liked - it’s got a lot of improvements from the v2 1/60 VF-1 like the tilting rotation for the shoulder transformation, the nose come slide / double heat shield fold on the chest, etc. I might transform my DX VF-1A Max tonight to do a side-by-side of them. I know some people were down on the color scheme, calling it too muted, but I dig it. It looks good next to my Arcadia VF-4G, both of them in a more military color scheme than other Macross VFs I have. tried to attach some pictures but got an error, shrug.
  6. Yeah, the PF version of the VF-4 is an Arcadia website exclusive. It probably won't be available through the normal retailers (AJ, HLJ, etc).
  7. I don’t think the PF Vf-0D was an Arcadia web exclusive though, was it?
  8. Over. Way over, right now.
  9. I don’t think Yamato or Arcadia has ever released a figure that didn’t include a pilot. Is there a reason you all are thinking this one wouldn’t have one? It’d be strange if it didn’t. edit - the HLJ listing even explicitly states a pilot is included. (As should be expected).
  10. Maybe HG can find a way to tie it into Macross II and Orguss and call it Sentinels II: electric boogaloo.
  11. @Bolt I did finish it, although after the last episode I was left with a sense of "uh, but what about the rest of the plot?" Which, sadly, was the same sense I got from the ending of Delta. So I'm not holding out hope for an especially well put together plot for whatever we get next. I bet it will look really good, though.
  12. @Bolt since you mention it, you can always watch Last Hope on Netflix, and get an idea of the kind of pseudo-mystic science you quantum stuff Kawamori is likely to put into the next show. Seems like he’s been doing an increasing amount of it since Zero. it all comes across as a bit nonsense to me, but eh, whatchagonnado. personally I’d prefer a show that doesn’t have something to do with a protoculture macguffin or protoculture evil plot or pseudoscience mind control telepathic fold network or protoculture anything, really, beyond maybe a background mention. More like SDFM or M+, less like Zero or Delta (though I enjoyed both).
  13. Yeah, AJ doesn’t guarantee they will cover return shipping for international buyers. I couldn’t get a straight answer out of them at all with a return a while back when I was trying to do a return. so you’re kind of taking a chance with it. Return shipping could be $100+, and you’ve got to pay for it and hope they decide to reimburse.
  14. I really liked blue one but sold mine quickly because of the stress mark on it (to a buyer with full disclosure of the stress mark). After some discussion here showing it has been an issue since the first release I didn’t have any confidence in sentinel fixing it, which is too bad. While I thought it was a bit expensive, for figure and motorcycle i could just about be okay with it. I’d planned to get the red one as well but at this point I’m not preordering anything. I’ll wait until they’re actually out and see if people are reporting the same problems or if it seems to be all clear. If it’s all good I’ll probably order one. If not I’ll see what comes out of these other Breakers releases, if any I’d be interested in the legioss too if it wasn’t so expensive. I just can’t wrap my head around a figure half the size of a DX VF-1 but for $50 more.
  15. If we just go by what we've seen in artwork and the cartoon, it's either the size of a building or a small truck. So it could be anywhere from 1/48 to 1/100 scale.
  16. Man, that's ballsy.
  17. jeniusornome

    Macross figures

    Sadly, they are still some of the only representations of those characters available. Or, in theory, to eventually be available. I did like the prototypes they showed off a long while back, which had more joints and I think better overall design, similar aethetic: https://news.toyark.com/2015/07/09/sdcc-2015-toynami-robotech-165866 I think those were done up by Ori Toy, though, weren't they? Then Toynami greatly simplified them for the little ones coming out now. I'd have bought every little figure they released if they looked like those.
  18. heh, in that color it makes the figure and bike look like one of those soft plastic gum toys. Are we sure this is a pilot and not a pilot-shaped preorder candy bonus?
  19. I've always thought all-white figures were just begging for customs. That VF-11C could be redone in any number of schemes without having to strip anything, really, which makes it especially well-suited. And if you have one that yellowed, it sort of defaults to being perfect for a custom.
  20. It would be a good reason to learn some basic Japanese! the ones I’ve seen are usually written in Katakana (used to write words from foreign languages, like “blue” would be “buruu”) or Hiragana (used to write native Japanese words, so “blue” is “aoi”), which are phonetic scripts. So you could sit there with a small chart (about 50 symbols for each) and learn a little. It’s both fun and practical!
  21. That's a fair point if you just want to look at size and physical composition of it, sure. But that is also not the argument I'm trying to make. If you want a Hikaru VF-1S with all of the pieces, you've got three options. A VF-0S is not one of them. Arcadia VF-1S set (25k yen at Mandarake) Arcadia VF-1S Premium Finish set (40k yen at Mandarake, but sold out) Bandai DX VF-1S with missiles and SSP (47k yen at Mandarake, but sold out) And 47 is nearly double 25 (I assume since you would have to ship three items vs one that the shipping would see to actually doubling the cost). So I guess the question comes down to how much value you place on 1) size and 2) added detail that doesn't involve applying decals. (FWIW, I don't think the Premium Pricing of the Premium Finish figures is worth it either, as they'd have to be sitting just a few feet from me for me to actually notice the added detail, but I work at my desk so I can't fill it full of figures to stare at all day). (and again, I don't want to get into a discussion about which one is better, or whatever, because that's all going to be subjective, and I really don't care. But purely based on cost, if you want a Hikaru VF-1S, then yes, a DX version is going to cost you nearly double an Arcadia one, so to say the Bandai is "better priced" when it's nearly double is... very skewed value).
  22. @davidwhangchoi I know, I even have one of the Yamato sets on my desk for a custom project. my point is that the Bandai figures are not cheaper than Arcadia’s, especially if you factor in secondary market pricing (which may as well be SRP for most of us). So to say it’s better priced when it’s nearly double the cost all-in is a bit disingenuous.
  23. I would have to disagree with the Bandai being priced better than an Arcadia. You've got to pay 18k yen for the VF, plus another 13k for the missiles and SSP. Assuming you can find all of the parts for retail price that's still 31k. An Arcadia PF VF-1S with SSP set retailed for just under 28k. It was under 22k for the regular version (if you don't mind doing decals yourself). Even the standalone release is more expensive - the VF with missiles is going to be around 22k, but Arcadia's two VF-1S releases that didn't include SSP were just under 17k (and included missiles). I'm not counting the ridiculous secondary market prices for the figures - a $300 VF-1S, $90 missile set and $130 SSP, in three separate boxes, with shipping, will probably set you back double an Arcadia VF-1S set (roughly $230 before shipping). The DX figure is nice, but I don't see how anyone could think it's worth double an Arcadia.
  24. correct, the blurring out is only on the hybrid blu-ray release from 2012 - the later 2016 release does not "censor" those scenes. I don't recall if the hybrid disc included a commentary track. if it didn't then I guess that counts as a special feature. I seem to recall most of the documentary type stuff included with the full special edition DYRL hybrid set was on a separate disc with Flashback 2012 and other special features on it. Also of note - there are no English subtitles on the 2016 release (nor were there subtitles on the 2012 hybrid disc). DYRL has never had an official release with English subtitles, nor has there ever been an official English dub (unless you count the heavily edited and hilariously dubbed "Clash of the Bionoids" version that came out on VHS here in the US in the 80s).
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