heh, my 2-year old was swooshing it around when the nosecone popped off, then the whole thing slipped out of his hand and it took a hard dive onto concrete. Broken tailfins. Nosecone is lost to time and space.
But now, to do a paint job and have a "complete" custom from that 1A, I would have just needed:
the shoulder filler piece - which I now have a spare
some missiles - got those too
super pack if I want it - I've got two of the Hi-Metal parts sets
and if I was going to paint it, a white heat shield (easier to paint over white than red) - now I have one of those.
Plus I've got all the other spare pieces (gun, canopy, hands, wings, landing gear)
And happy ending for everyone: my 2-year old now has his own Toynami VF-1, which I've put through several rounds of the kraggle since I gave it to him, and he is happy as a pig in muck to be able to swoosh one of daddy's planes around.
(I'm actually considering buying one or two more of them since they're so much less expensive than other VFs, and having a spare or two for his little brother might be a good idea...)
(this hobby suuuuuuucks for my paypal account).