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Everything posted by jeniusornome

  1. Man I told myself I was only going to get one from this line and it was Max’ 1A, but if they did his 1S I’d buy that too.
  2. Looking real good!
  3. Related: how many humans were living in the SDF-1 when it landed and they started to repopulate the earth? It seems to me that while other Zentradi forces might join the UN forces over time, it's not like there was another planet of humans just hanging around. So actual humans ought to be extremely uncommon in the galaxy. Even if there were 100,000 people living in the ship (which I think is unlikely given the size of the ship?), assuming an even male/female split, everyone coupling and each couple having two kids, account for some too old to have kids, some die in other conflicts... 50 years later that's... maybe a quarter million humans. And that's also assuming they all stayed behind on Earth. Once you figure some were leaving the planet too, then outside of Macross City I'd be surprised if there were any other large population centers on Earth at all. Is it safe to assume that practically everyone we see in all later series is 1/2-1/4 Zentradi, even if no one ever brings it up? That would make "pure" humans extremely rare in the galaxy.
  4. jeniusornome

    Hi-Metal R

    Jungle's got a discount monster: https://jungle-scs.co.jp/sale_en/products/detail/298618
  5. I've got four Arcadia valks 3 1Js and a 1S, so I wanted a 1A for the shelf. I don't think I want to go "all in" on this line either, they're just so big. But I'd consider a Max DYRL 1S variant, and I'd probably jump on a 1D as well. Always been partial to the 1D for some reason.
  6. I can see that sentiment. For a Robotech fan who has been used to Toynami stuff for years and years, these figures are great! Or, if you're just starting out in Macross I think they're a good value, and would be more appealing when they have more variants available (and if some of the QC oddities get ironed out). OTOH, If you're a Macross collector and already have Yamato/Arcadia v2 1/60s, Yamato 1/48s, or one of the new DX figures, it's a much tougher sell.
  7. There's a scene early in Macross Delta... second or third episode I think. Hayate and Freyja are walking through the town on Ragna, they come around a corner, and Freyja stops dead, stares, and says something to the effect of... "now that's deculture..." Camera pans out, going from these cute, seaside, low buildings... homes and such with small alleys between and a kind of rustic, serene feel, to the Macross Elysion just towering over everything there, looking completely out of place. I thought it was a really good illustration of how the word worked in-universe. Like a combination of "cognitive dissonance!" and "does not compute" and "what the what?" deculture! Sounds weird to say it out loud but I can't come up with a better word. Characters using it in Frontier in a way that someone in another anime might say "sugoi!" or "sugei!" is like the equivalent of all of us running around in the 80s saying things that were awesome were "bad", or later, "sick". Like, literally it made no sense, but colloquially it had been co-opted, for a little while at least, to mean the opposite.
  8. O.o @Seto Kaiba that is AMAZING. It reads like a Futurama movie. I’d watch it. If it also played out like a Futurama movie. /shrug. One man’s dumpster fire is another man’s “Better than freezing to death in the middle of winter.” And back then we weren’t exactly rolling in readily available, unedited anime. Robotech left me hungry for more, and for a while there wasn’t very much to choose from. I totally get the hate for HG though. I tried to figure out their business model a long ways back, which is, near as I can tell, still “try to sell stuff based on a brand name that fewer and fewer people even know about, don’t do anything to try renewing interest in that brand name, and be spiteful jerks to Big West.” I honestly wonder how they are still in business. to this day whenever people talk about modern miracles, I will bring up the US release of Macross Plus. How HG let that one sneak past, I’ll never know, but I’m forever grateful to the Zolan cosmic whales that it happened.
  9. It’s a thing that Minmay taught me. I believe it means, I am not serious.
  10. Heh. I loved Robotech and all of its supplementary material when I was little and into the early 90s. Sentinels included. The Palladium RPG books were practically always open. I nearly lost my mind when I found their Macross II books, and had them all memorized long before actually seeing the series (on VHS, from US Renditions, I think?) Macross II seemed to be about in line with the quality and cheesy dubbing I was used to from Robotech, so even when that show came out I still thought it was all the best thing ever. looking at it now, without the nostalgia lenses on, it’s past even the usual 80s cartoons ludicrous and right into plaid. But at the time, before we actually had unaltered anime readily available in the US (barring the occasional run of Akira, Venus Wars, and a few others on early Sci-Fi channel), it was awesome. (I know there’s a lot of hate for it now, but my suspicion is that it’s mostly from people who discovered Anime first and Robotech second. Or people who don’t want to admit that Robotech introduced them to Anime, specifically Macross. Or people who are unable to separate what they thought was cool when they were 6 from what they think is cool at 36.) I keep thinking there were good, if derivative ideas in there, but the execution was always so poor it never took off. Survivors from half a dozen planets that suffered in the Invid wars banding together to take on the Regent? while, after what was essentially an Invid civil war, the Regess occupies Earth and ultimately finds a peaceful solution thanks to a Romeo and Juliet story with Scott and Ariel? The irony of the REF going to preemptively deal with the Masters, only to be trains passing in the night, leaving the underprepared Army of the Southern Cross to deal with them? Etc? On paper it all sounds fantastic. I have all the McKinney novels sitting on a bookshelf here and remember them being pretty good... 25 years ago. Tempting to read them again, but I don’t know that I want to ruin that last bit of nostalgia I still have for the franchise. Everything else I’ve gone back and watched has been much more disappointing than I’d expected. Maybe it would be fun to read the novels again and post about it all here, since they keep getting brought up...
  11. He’s on to us! Quickly, disssssstract him with more giant robot figures!
  12. @Einherjar you know, I saw Orguss back in the 90s, in the dark ages of US Anime availability, and assumed no one had ever gotten around to finishing a US release of it after US Renditions tanked. I know Manga re-released it and an OVA I think. But those were VHS times. And I remember like 15 years ago someone tried again to release it in the US but it never finished. But I decided to check, since this is the second time it has been brought up, and much to my surprise there was a complete release a few years ago that I missed, because now I have kids and can barely keep up with anything. So, that's going on my watch list like, yesterday. Can't wait to see what the idioblast comes up with!
  13. @Lolicon these are fantastic photos, thank you for sharing them!
  14. Dat rainbow canopy! I wouldn't put the boosters on it, it's perfect just like that. Re: the shoulder bumps. I just got KC's dark red Valk in recently and noticed that their shoulder swivels, while sharing the same swivel design as the v2 1/60, instead of having a bump directly in the path of the swivel, there's a little indentation at the end of the swivel that helps it to lock in place for Battloid/Gerwalk mode, but easily come out for transforming back to fighter. I thought it was a really nice solution. The shoulder joint is really the only thing about the 1/60 v2 that I don't like so this was a pleasant surprise. I don't think there's a way to mod the v2 design to remove the bump/notch entirely and put a similar indent on it, so some very light sanding on the bump/notch, like @vlenhoff said, is the best (only?) real "fix".
  15. Seems like the white is greyer and the blue is slightly lighter than the Yamato?
  16. Agreed. They literally could have just ignored all previous media, done a whole new story and not bothered with all of... this. If they wanted to do a new take on the story, just do a new one. I think I'd have preferred it if they'd made Robotech an anthology back in the day, and used the common name to bring a ton of properties to the US. And I say this as someone who practically breathed Robotech when it aired. Trying to tie them together was a neat idea, and the whole time loop thing was ambitious and one of those "if done right would be awesome" ideas, but there was no follow-through. At least, none worth speaking of. There still hasn't been.
  17. I think it also depends on which licenses they actually have? I don’t recall it ever really being said, but we all assume they’ve got all of Macross, Zero and Plus since that’s what Yamato had. Whether they have the molds or CAD files for new versions is another question entirely. wouldn’t mind seeing a reissue of the queadlunn rau suits, or 1/60 destroids, but they’re not exactly pumping out the releases so anything short of a of repaint seems unlikely now.
  18. They actually reached out to me after I placed my order about the shirt size- it defaults to SS on the website and I didn’t see that, so they emailed and said “hey, we noticed your shirt size is the default, is that correct or did you want a different size?” proactive customer support is awesome IMO, and the few other times I’ve heard someone mention needing to contact them it’s all been good.
  19. Bottom left of the box on mine. It’s a sticker they put on it. Nothing on the protective shipping box. hmm. Trying to upload a picture but the board is throwing an error when I do. Weird.
  20. Got my black and red VF-1S in the other day, #19 if anyone is keeping track, and had a chance to open it earlier. Initial impressions: I have the Max and Miriya SD VF-1Js, and I always thought they felt a little wobbly. I think they're fun, cute figures, but I was worried this would have that same loose feel. Thankfully it does not. To me it feels like somewhere in between an HMR and Arcadia VF-1 (the only other VF-1s I have for comparison). This seems fitting since both price and size-wise it's between those. Transformation is very familiar, as a nice mix of both HMR and Yamato/Arcadia method. I like how the arms lock everything into place. The "filler" pieces aren't too annoying, and the integrated hands are pretty good. I like them about the same as the Arcadia ones. Hips and antennae are very tight on mine. Going to have to take some careful working of them to loosen up a bit, especially since the swing bar isn't metal, really don't want that to break, and the antennae are thin, so using them to rotate for transformation would likely just lead to them breaking off. I would have liked to see metal in that swing bar, or a stronger feeling plastic at least. The box on mine also had "gold" written on the sides as some others have reported. No visible gold paint as spray under the red that I can see on mine. The only real "QC" issue I can find is that where the top of the legs / intakes are supposed to snap into place for fighter mode, the connection comes loose easily - like, if I go to transform the legs for Guardian mode, it pops loose like it's ready to swing down for Battloid. Fine once it is all in place though, so it's really only a little fiddly during transformation. In isolation, considering KC toys are literally the only Macross merchandise we can easily get in the US, I would be absolutely over the moon with the figure. I think it feels nice, it nails the look, it's very poseable, and it doesn't break the bank (compared to importing). In comparison with HMR and Arcadia (I haven't played with a DX VF-1 so I can't compare) I would put it squarely in between the two. I think fans of transforming mecha would be well served to own at least one of KC's Valks. Macross fans if for no other reason than to ensure they find it successful enough to continue producing additional Macross figures we'd likely never get from Bandai, and for everyone else, if the line continues successfully, it could mean Southern Cross toys in the future! I expect they will be much easier to get than other Macross merchandise with all sorts of pre-order madness and scalping and markups and so on. I hope to eventually see a 1D, various models of 1A and 1J from them as well - I will probably buy a couple more rather than try to hunt down the hugely overpriced Yamato/Arcadia out of print ones. Overall, very happy with it. Glad I got this color scheme, but would be even happier with this quality for the $100 price point that it seems standard releases will carry. Looking forward to seeing more from KC.
  21. I'm not entirely sure I need another VF-1 - I have a few HMRs, a few Arcadias, and I was waffling back and forth as to whether I even wanted to try to pick up the DX 1A Max in a couple weeks when it releases. I'm also not a fan of HG. But the idea that KC could hold a license long enough to get to a point where they're producing Southern Cross figures and Mecha is worth some of my money. So I just ordered the Black and Red 1S. I have no idea where I'm going to put it.
  22. It's like a reverse model kit. You buy it assembled, it takes itself apart, and then you put it back together without instructions! It's a feature!
  23. @Shizuka the Cat magical girl striker lyric something something? sounds like you got a new Walkure member ahead of everyone else.
  24. That’s Jim Gundam. He works up on the 19th floor at the law firm? You know, Gundam, Gundam and Gundamsson? He gets mistaken for a statue all the time. Especially by birds.
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