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Everything posted by jeniusornome

  1. Heh, nice Orguss cameo. seems fun. Not spectacular, but fun. I’ll have to pick up a couple issues.
  2. I’m actually kind of curious to see what they do with this new dimension-hopping Dana storyline. I couldn’t follow what was happening before - I didn’t really want to, tbh - but I’ll give them a couple of issues to see if they’ve got anything real interesting going on or if it’s just business as usual.
  3. Other collectors: “yeah that’s cool I might pick one up later.” Macross fans: “we need to hire someone to write a program to buy us these figures the second they are available!” I think there will be some available after release. Maybe not as many as the Max figure.
  4. For those of us who grew up with the... odd translations and dubs of anime in the 80s, that all seemed pretty familiar. still neat to see it though.
  5. Those would be perfect candidates for the smaller Toynami ones they’re doing. 4” or whatever the size is.
  6. @jenius I know we’re getting off topic here but that sounds awfully pertinent to a review of the figure. If you can’t find one that isn’t messed up...
  7. Inching closer to Max and Miriya, I’m excited. Maybe we’ll even see the Dana figure they teased a while back. Might be too much to hope for a Maia figure though. I wonder what other “Masters” ones they might do... Bowie and Nova maybe? Zor 2? If it even gets past Macross in the first place?
  8. Ah, I was thinking of the sentinel ones, probably should have clarified. Yellow, or Houquet if they ever do one in red.
  9. Thinking about a ride armor for my shelves. how would you guys rate the complexity of the figure compared to, say, the DX VF-25, VF-31 and VF-1, or Yamato v2 / Arcadia VF-1? trying to figure out if I’d enjoy one or just be frustrated the whole time.
  10. jeniusornome

    Hi-Metal R

    “Empty”? i do not think that word means what you think it means...
  11. I noticed that too. Maybe he uses paper craft to do quick mock-ups? Or they staged it that way intentionally. i feel like there’s a joke about space foods in here somewhere... Edit - space folds. Folds. Damn autocorrect.
  12. I was thinking of buying a set and painting to match my dark red. depending on how easily the outer shell can be disassembled it could be a pretty straightforward paint job.
  13. @seti88 wasn’t prepared for the unibrow. Coffee all over my phone. Can I give more than one like?
  14. @Lolicon that’s a great comparison shot - I think it does a good job of showing off how nice your phone photos look too, though.
  15. @Saburo I like the 29b the best. Love that blue.
  16. Wondering if they might manage a yf-21 reissue now that Bandai has shown the DX... PF or otherwise...
  17. @seti88 saw that too, is it just up there for display purposes or are they doing another reissue? (probably too much to hope for a renewal version).
  18. This shot right here, that's absolutely perfect. I'm in for one. I love the YF-21 design. This looks fantastic as-is.
  19. Awesome! I’m in.
  20. “I was high on protoculture fumes! Those hippies are growing the flower of life in closets! It’s not my fault!”
  21. it doesn’t seem anyone thinks Southern across is marketable, so I suppose I can’t disagree with that move. I haven’t watched it in a while but I don’t recall it being more than mediocre. Definitely rushed. Still hoping KC gets around to Jeanne/Dana and Hover Tank figures before it all gets brushed under the rug. Show wasn’t great but... dat tank. after all this time spent using Mospeada designs, making them so prevalent, seems weird to just toss it all aside. maybe we’ll see some new Mospeada stuff soon, and this is a preemptive move to avoid licensing confusion (not that they’ve ever cared before)? The “genesis breakers” thing has me wondering if there’s going to be a new manga or even anime. i guess I’m not sure what they’re trying to do with whatever is left of the property. Though I don’t think they are either (I don’t think they’ve ever been). I can’t image whatever fans are left are interested in watching “Macross Saga” again, but don’t want to just watch Macross.
  22. @Seto Kaiba I know, I was making a joke about Orguss. I remember hearing a while back that HG was originally going to use all three super dimension shows for Robotech, then switched things up. I have a feeling if they’d kept going Orguss would have been brought into the fold eventually. Anywqys, he time loop plot they keep going back to is either inspired by or directly ripped from Orguss. Since this is my first time actually seeing the second half of the series I’m just wondering how much of it will make me think “oh, that’s where they got it from.”
  23. I’m still waiting for Orguss to somehow factor in to all of this. I just got the complete series set after finding out a few weeks ago it had actually finally been released in the US a couple years back. Going to start watching it tonight probably, and half of the fun will be trying to figure out how they’d have messed it up if it had been used instead of mospeada.
  24. Holy giant YF-21, Batman! What the heck is that? Looks like... 1/48 scale? Were there kits that big? All the ones I see now are 1/72. Or is that a trick of the light and it isn't actually as big as it looks? Damn dude. Congratulations that your business is doing so well, but... "wee bit bonkers" is probably an understatement! That's a scary huge amount of money to spend in under two months. It's easy to spend far more than planned with hobbies like these - please spend responsibly. (I'm not saying you haven't, it's just some people on these boards are a little too encouraging).
  25. The two part swing bar was a weird design choice imo and I can see it being a problem as time goes on - the plastic clip that locks the two together could get loose I expect. I’d be a bit annoyed if they made it a solid piece later and reissued it. But since it doesn’t have to come apart to transform the figure, I wouldn’t call it a partsformer. In my mind that’s reserved for figures like... well, the v1 Yamato design. Or various High Grade 1/144 scale transforming Gunpla if any of you build those. Something where it’s like “first remove the legs and arms, transform this, then reattach these parts”. From what I understand of that Bandai VF-1 model kit’s design I wouldn’t call it a partsformer either, just a design nightmare.
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