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Everything posted by rocketblast

  1. Honestly I sometimes buy 2 or more Valkyrie of each to keep one and sell the rest later. Is there a problem with that? Well you will get negative opinions from some people but it really doesn't matter in the long run because you know what they say about opinions, "a-holes are like opions everyone has one". On a serious note, I did purchase 2x each 2000 Valkyrie 1/55 reissues and I did that so I could have one set for "free" later on. You wouldn't believe how much those valks sold for, especially the Max and Millia unopened and as-advertised. I also had one fresh VF-1J that was not only mint/unopened but it was still in its original shipping bubble pack from whoever imported it probably Spidey Jerusalem, not sure if I purchased any from anyone other than him. It's basically business and it isn't illegal. Immoral or unethical? Not really. It isn't like we are keeping anyone from purchasing toys when we aren't insiders and we are purchasing through the same exact channels everyone else has access to. We only wish we had direct access to the manufacturers so we could make more profit, but the majority of us don't. Anyway good discussion and feel free to flame me and whatnot, it won't make any difference What's done is done. I own 20x VE-1 and VT-1 Bandai Hi-Metal R, an "opinion" isn't going to make a dent in that at all lol. Actually come to think of it I just remembered by looking at this VF-1D that I own 10 of those.
  2. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    Mine spans across the top shelf and I have boxes with my VT-1s and VE-1s in various places in the room. It's nice to be grown up and be able to get all this stuff. When I was a kid, I was so young I didn't know what this stuff was called so I didn't know how to ask for it (what I mean is, the 1/55 Bandai valkyries and whatever else).
  3. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    This is almost exactly what my closet looks like.
  4. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    It's more convenient in here, when it is OT. Helped several of us place orders.
  5. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    Will let you know if another one pops up on there. I just wish I found out about these when they first got released. The armored valkyrie costs too much. Aren't they suppose to be releasing another one? I guess we have to wait til October to see if they are releasing anything else.
  6. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    I just paid for my CF VF-1A on Mandarake. Wish I bought it ages ago when it was at its low point. No idea why they command upwards of $150 or more now, weird. Anyway still I think 3 or 4 more valkyries I don't have may or may not buy them. Let's see. That would be the armored valkyrie, the vf-1j, both of the vf-1s strike valkyries and not sure if there was anything else I'm missing but I don't think so.
  7. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    I saw that and this is by far my favorite non-valkyrie mecha in the series. Kinda want to buy but have other things I want too Maybe some time.
  8. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    I found this little gem on Mandarake for 75 dollars plus shipping: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1119223442&ref=list&keyword=macross hi-metal r&lang=en
  9. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    Saving my cash that normally would go to these for a 2020 Corvette since it looks like Bandai abandoned us. My original account got banned from this forum anyway. Good luck to you all it was fun while it lasted. I have used this forum since maybe the year 2000 or earlier. Always has been a great place for Macross toy information. I even purchased a boatload of 1/55 Bandai reissues from a guy called Spidey Jerusalem whom ran Blasto Toys I think it was. Anyways greets especially to sh9000 always top quality posts. And jenius great site you have, anymoon. Good stuff guys.
  10. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    Hi-Metal R releases seem dead. I moved on to collecting more Yamato 1/60ths that I am missing. I don't really expect anything more from this line of toys. Was great while it lasted.
  11. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    Did it happen to be MyKombini?
  12. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    Still no news on the next valkyrie that is coming out hmm.. I still have room in my closet for more. Tons of valkyries in there already but always on the look out
  13. Oh, simple answer to that. My original account is banned. Doesn't keep me from coming back and creating a new account though
  14. Just more VF-1 valkyries hi-metal R are on my wish list. Looks to me like Bandai will keep making them as long as we keep buying lots of them. They will stop if they flood the market and can't move product. From past experience with 1/55ths, that is how they do things at Bandai. I have an eye on this forum almost every day for releases. Been using macross world since about 2000. Great forum for information about upcoming releases and deals. Once this hi-metal R series is done, I think I'm going to be done with it til Bandai starts releasing something else. Bandai FTW.
  15. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    When will the next announcement be? I'm hoping for TV VF-1A Max, TV Kakizaki, another armored valkyrie. What else is likely to come out?
  16. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    +1 on VF-0
  17. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    It was tilting the head back and snapping it into place. Fortunately I prefer this in robot mode so I'm not really planning on transforming it again. I already have one of my VT-1 in fighter plane mode so I'm good.
  18. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    Also I would like to take this opportunity to mention that YES the head of this latest release is difficult to snap into place when transforming into fighter plane mode. It takes some force and you will feel like you are going to break something. It makes a loud snap when it releases and goes into the proper position. That is the only thing I don't like about this toy. Everything else is good.
  19. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    Here's my 10 valkyries. I have been using Macross World since before the reissue 1/55 VF-1s released in 2000. I remember Spidey Jerusalem whom I bought lots of 1/55 reissues from. I consider myself a forum contributor because I have made purchases from members on this forum in the past, too. Anyway told you guys I would be back and would buy these didn't I? I have used this forum for a long time, you don't think I would just abandon this place, right. Thanks for the perm ban, it really didn't make any difference *chuckle*. These are great toys and I cherish all of my orders. What do I have now, 10 of these, 10 VE-1s, and 10 VT-1s and 1 each of some of the others. Keep em coming Bandai. Keep in mind, too, there's collectors on here that have by and far more valkyries (and other thing such as transformers g1) than I have or can afford. Thanks to all the Macross valkyrie lovers on this forum.
  20. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    I just got 5 VF-1Ds in the mail a couple days ago and had 4 already, so just one more left I'm waiting on. I opened one up. It is really nice.
  21. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    I like how amazon japan packed my items. Corner of the box was dinged but it didn't damage the contents, though one of the valkyrie boxes was a little bit bent. I was going to open one anyways so no big deal. I like this in robot mode most so I have it standing here in robot mode with all the proper parts attached. Also thinking of the Yamato versions. Well, I collect only V1's and I'm happy enough with them. V2's are a bit expensive. My VF-1D is a V1.
  22. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    I got my 4 in from Amazon Japan yesterday. Thanks to the original poster of that deal. I transformed one into jet fighter mode. It is cool but I think I prefer robot mode as above so I'ma transform it back. Really cool toy and I didn't manage to break anything transforming it so I'm pretty happy
  23. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    Seems like if they were coming out of Japan we would have less issues but I feel we are fortunate that it is a Japan owned company with Japan like quality control. I've been happy over all with both 1/55 reissue products as well as this line of toys. Also Saburo, good to see you got yours in. Really nice.
  24. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    So many complaint about the color, etc. I would mainly be worried about QC on this coming out of China. As in the past they have had QC issues before with this line of valks. I may have to open all of mine and check for QC issues before I store them away in my closet. But thanks for the heads up. Good thread. Hoping for more valks to come and keeping an eye peeled for someone selling that CF, as I don't have one. I'm actually missing a few valks but gotta love that CF. Isn't a new armored valk suppose to be coming out? If so, I'll be in for one of those, at least. That would be cool.
  25. rocketblast

    Hi-Metal R

    So far, AE and Amazon shipped. So 5 coming so far. I wonder which valk is up next.
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