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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find my copy of that book. No worries. Have lllllllloads of online reference images. Also, does anyone have (ideally) a 1/15 Fuke kit built that they can compare to the 1/10 Beagle? Preferably standing.
  2. Starting some mods to the helmet. Might not work though. May have to use the helmet from the kit.
  3. Stripped down Beagle. Once the 1/12 Blow Superior kit arrives I can start deciding what will be canninalized from that or will have to be scratchbuilt. Really hoping the seat and cowl are big enough to integrate. Edit Hmm. Photo does not seem to be showing up for me.
  4. Going to be cutting up my broken Beagle any day now. Ok, that sounds so wrong Wanted to ask exactly what the differences are between the Blow Superior and the other Mospeada. There's the shape of the bike cowl, the shape of the seat and the exhaust at the back. The wheels have different arm gauntlets, of course. Wheels are beefier. Are there any other major differences i'm not seeing? Oh, and cheers Robodragon. Awesopme comparison shots. That helps me out a lot! Hmm. Looks to be a pretty good match for the 1/10 scale. Perhaps a tiny bit smaller.
  5. They should have released this after the Stick bike. I'm sure that releasing Ley directly after the similar Stick turned off a lot of people.
  6. Completely forgot about this. It kills me to think that this prototype is probably only within a few miles of where I live.
  7. Awesome. Cheers
  8. I like it Do you think the 1/12 Blow Superior shields are big enough for a Beagle figure? I'm keeping an eye out for a decently priced Stick Beagle to replace my broken one. The broken one will be customized into a Yellow.
  9. Does anyone have any images of 1/12 or 1/10 Blow Superior transforming customs? I started but abandoned a 1/10 Stick just before the announcement of the Beagle. With that line dead, i'm, going to fill that gap with a custom. I'll most likely use the 1/12 Imai kit as that line was pretty near 1/10 scale with a few adjustments.
  10. Alex

    Macross figures

    Just saw a Basara guitar in scale with TF MP figures. Can anyone shed some light as to where this guitar comes from? It's not the CM figure guitar.
  11. A DVD/BD release for FB7? Yay! Another opportunity for me to completely ignore this movie.
  12. This is definitely the week for buying cheap 171's. Picked up mine for 7000 earlier this week and another two for 7000 popped up in Akihabara yesterday. How come none of the renewal 25's have been seeing these kinds of deals. Darngolit!!!
  13. Alex

    Macross figures

    What.....Mylene was how old? Uh....my point still stands!
  14. Alex

    Macross figures

    Oh, dios mio. MORE of this superdeformed crap. Japan? Can you just let something BE what it is without forcing all your vaguely pedophilic, kawaii worship BS on it?
  15. I don't know why, maybe too much BlackAdder/Police Squad, but I half expect a hand wearing a cheap gorilla costume to come in and flick through that album.
  16. One week into owning MP Soundwave and i'm loving it. Can't wait to get the first cassette set (Cass-set?) later this month. Is Soundwave the first official marsupial Transformer? His Beast Wars form shouldv'e been a Kangaroo. I'm now considering finishing up my Soundboosters MP3 mod as an impetus to buy another SW and put a working MP3 in him. With that multiple cassette gimmick you could still have him accommodate one minion and still have a working mp3/MP13.
  17. Alex

    Macross figures

    If only. I;d love a Basara fig with some accessories like both guitars, maybe a section of wall to simulate part of the dump he lives in.
  18. Alex

    Macross figures

    Unfortunately it's just a quick and dirty custom I made using a Saint Seiya figure and the CM's Basara to see whether the idea would work. Come to think of it, I really should get around to making a proper one.
  19. Alex

    Macross figures

    Fire Bomber, Superior. Mylene. Eject. Operation: Love Triangle.
  20. Heh. I guess most Valks tend to be that way. But this one definitely leads the (fast) pack in terms of frustration and pain. Still, this is probably my favourite Valk now next to the 19P.
  21. In all fairness, Renato did warn me that this Valk was a PITA to transform but...damn, this Valk is a PITA to transform!! I've never had so many pokes, pinches and cuts from a Valk before. It's a beauty on the shelf but i'm almost afraid to go near it. It's like that one woman you know will hurt you but you can't wait to get yer hands on her.
  22. Happy to have found this guy online for half the retail price but i'm annoyed to find the armor parts going for 13000yen now on the secondary market. That's near full retail for the valk itself.
  23. Yep. It's Orguss. In another reality, Renato probably ran into Bobby's VA instead.
  24. What!? Damnnit. Great. I was half thinking of blowing off my other appointment to go with Ren and Gubaba. Now I haz regretz.
  25. I flat out refuse to watch this "movie". Unless someone else pays for the ticket. Well...maybe if it comes out on dvd. Ummm...maybe if it's playing on tv late one night. Uuuuh....maybe if it's the in-flight movie on a plane that's tail-spinning into the Pacific ocean after suffering catastrophic engine failure and it's the only thing on DUMB enough to act as some sort of tranquilizer to take my mind off my impending watery death! Yeah. Maybe then.
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