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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Good idea. It'll save some headaches I suppose. Cheers. Btw, here's a quick teaser of the reworking of the original legs. I need to sand down the toe are to make it pointier, round off those edges on the side calf plating. The extending ankle feature remains intact. The yellow lights will be translucent.
  2. Just started on Houquet's legs and...stop iiiiit Anyway, just started on her legs and was wondering about height. For the 1/10 Beagle, how tall should she be compared to the guys? Same height or a head shorter etc.
  3. "Macross in the weirdest places" I think that's what Father Merrin said in The Exorcist.
  4. Oi vey. The number of stores i've been to with no luck. 1/10 or even near scale suits are nowhere to be found.
  5. Pity. I was hoping you'd finished that custom as it looked promising even with just tape. Though I did find the plastic quality on the imai kits pretty nice in the reissue sets. The parts I used for my Yellow feel very similar to the Beagle's plastic. Though the original mit I have feels flimsier. Sorry, I sewed the new suit myself. Havn't found ANYTHING even remotely similar to the one Stick wears. Sigh. Gonna have to buy another Toynami to customize.
  6. "OTOKO WA DAREMO......!"
  7. I'm tempted to buy one of those giant Pokemon Genesect toys to customize into a variable concept Invid fighter. http://pokemonfigure.blogspot.jp/2013/06/pokemon-figure-plush-in-july-tomy.html?m=1
  8. Uh....yeeeeeah. I do seem to be a little Mospeada crazy at the moment.
  9. The hip armour now connects to the knees as it ought to. Also, new tread..uh, I mean threads for Stick.
  10. Been meaning to do this for ages.
  11. Does anyone know of any previous Houquet customs out in the online ether? Having flown blind with Yellow I wouldn't mind seeing what other people have done for this custom, if anything. edit- Just saw Frogze's attempt at Houquet. Nice. I've also been thinking about retroactively making her smaller, though I suspect more to avoid havijng to but another beagle
  12. Is it just mine or are the Aoshima hands MUCH better and less prone to crumbling that the Toynami?
  13. Nice. Gotta get me some of dem hanz. You should try posing the Legioss with the intakes pointing down. Makes it look SO much more line art accurate.
  14. With having the Headlights left over from my Yellow custom i'm going to try modding them with LEDS ( non working). I'm definitely doing the shin mod. That is epic.
  15. I really hate both the Beagle and Toynami Stick/Scott head sculpts. The beagle barely looks like the anime while Toynami's looks...kinda stretched vertically. But closer to the anime than beagle's attempt. On a smaller note, anyone else disappointed that the Megahouse has the faux lights in the Ride Armor chest but that the beagle has painted lights. Always wanted to rectify that.
  16. I wish I was more adept at designing 3D models. I could do a proper BlowSuperior like the one you're doing. Actually, I'd have a go ant doing a set of anime accurate 1/10 heads for all the main characters first. I'm aiming to make all the main cast in 1/10 scale right now. After Houquet, Mint.
  17. Pity that it looks like it's not variable. I'm half tempted to track one of these down and see if it can be built to BE transformable. As amazing as the Beagle is, I always dream of a 1/6 Ride Armor being produced by Hot Toys or some other company.
  18. Ah Gotcha. Does Shapeways do transparent parts?
  19. "RP"?
  20. Original with paint stripped. A friend of mine is going to repaint it with more anime accurate hair and eyes.
  21. I'm still kicking myself over passing up the proto-mospeada helmet for 30,000.
  22. Some Toynami Valks go for 3000 in Mandarake. I think MISB is around 5000 and 3000 for opened.
  23. Funnily enough I bought an Aoshima for 3150 the other day. MISB is around 8250.
  24. Unlike the Alphas, you never see Toynami Cyclones over here. Pity.
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