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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex


    OOPS Have i caused another person to have an existential dilemma? Bugger.....must stop doing that.
  2. Alex


    We transform toys. That means the toys are technically the transformees. Does that make us the Transformers?! My head hurts. Forgive the off topic nature of this message.
  3. Heads up to anyone whos bought or is thinking about buying the first wave of VF0s. The pins in the hip bar and the shoulder areas kept falling out of mine when transforming between modes. Although i managed to easily fix the problem myself it might not be an isolated thing so keep an eye out. Alex
  4. Yo. I guess this is the right forum but well see. Ive been living in Tokyo for some time now and i was interested in knowing where other people living here go shopping for Mac stuff etc. Nakano rulz
  5. Any info on what shell be performing? I was listening to Blanche the other day. Not Sargeant Peppers but damn nice.
  6. Any one interested in Orguss toys and living in Tokyo? If so, theres a 4200 1/40 Orgroid in Mandarake in Nakano right now...also a 12000en one but who cares.
  7. jeez. just the news that a gbp is already on display should be enough. its just a bit of fun news. and any picture i take is gonna be just the same as any pic in a hobby mag except with terrible lighting.
  8. yeah....label this as a tease also....the hands look really good. as is common knowledge they have the black painted areas to make em look more mechanical and they really work. it looks alot more impressive than the old michelin hands from previous 1/48s. the side pices area definite must even without the armour. itll make the bare valks (especially the low vis) look alot more complete. the paint job (at least on the display model) is really nice....lighter blue than the 1/60....which makes it look a little nicer coz the red doesnt stand out against it as much giving it a cooler overall look. the shoulder hatches are a little see thru if open infront of a light source allowing you to see the red bits thru the other side. thats made me a little concerned that the plastic was a little thin but its probably me being too picky again. the sticker apps looked a little cheap to me. especially the insignia on the.....groin. it looked about as good as the i/55 gbp sticker apps. saying that they werent that bad. im gonna be leaving it sticker free but thats just my opinion. so some minus points but thats only from a sample. otherwise....bring on the GBP!
  9. Hey graham.....about thopse forearm missiles....they were blue.
  10. i really cant remember. are there any other mwers who can go take some pics?
  11. I think i was annoying enough without a camera. i didnt leave that shop till id spent at least five minutes inspecting each and every square inch of the thing through the glass cabinet. its the same place that has a low viz just sitting there on display and wont even accept 12000 for it despite the fact it has no accecories or box. Heh...renatos always telling me about the old days on mw...like he was some soldier on the fornt line.
  12. i wont have anytime to get back there till atleast thursday. hopefully itll be out by then anyway. i still cant believe im gonna fork over 12000en for a toy thats labelled "parts"
  13. was just in akihabara and asobit city has the sample gbp on display! what can i say......its beautiful! Go check it out if your near there. The guy there said its out this week so im gonna pop in next saturday to see if i can grab one.
  14. Amsome! Thanks for the effort guys b Thanks Graham.....that comment about necrophilia has added a whole new disturbing dimension
  15. Well, this month brought the following macross goodness. Taka sdf-1 The red and blue books A mint taka 1/55 hikatu ij The sdf1 was boxless and normally i would never buy a boxless toy but it was in absolute mint condition and everything was there so i can live with it. Ill post the pics soon but i gotta say....this toy is great. the transformation is pretty damn close to the tv version and the little things like detachable dad and prom make it even better. it feels nice and solid and the dicast is pretty damn plentiful. ill get a review up sometime if i have a chance and im not too busy. The red and blue books are awsome too. very nice to see lying around next to perfect memory. The both of em were 5000en The Ij was all there...mint but the missiles were desprued...only paid 3000en so who cares...the sprue was there too and i was gonna take then off anyway. the diecast has very little tarnishing and its all tight and solid. box has maybe some small scratches but again....nothing much. jeez.....i go all over to find the best deals and i find all this on my own doorstep in akihabara two stops from my place of work.
  16. Does any one have a transcript of the story from the back of the joons valkyries? Renato and i nearly died laughing when we first read it.
  17. Good to hear that i`m not the only one. I`ve already sold my Aquarion.....though that`s only because the Heavy Ass version is coming next year and i don`t really want two of pretty much the same toy. In the last few months i`ve already sold a miria 1/48, Aquarion, and three binaltechs. I see a toy i really like the look of....spend six hours walking around tokyo mulling over whether i should buy it....then buy it. I can feel the pangs of remorse creeping in no sooner than the money hits that plastic tray. from now on i`m limiting myself to yammie and bandai valks, the odd orguss or legioss and anything kawamori in general (ecxept AC). If only the above statement was worth a damn:(
  18. Ok....so after talking to a friend recently it seems i`m not the only one with this problem. I live in Tokyo so .........on the 30th of september i rushed over to akihabara to check out the newly released SOC Aquarion. The moment i saw it i had to have the kawamori goodness. I ponied over my 20,790 yen and took my lovely aquarion home. The first six hours proved to me that i was right.......coolest thing EVARRRRR! I had the same opinion throughout the next day. And the next day. And....the next day. This feeling continued unabated throughout the rest of the next month. Then came B-Day...........The day it went back in the box. I`d had the Aqua for no more than one month and i was already getting bored of it to the point that i sometimes forgot all about it. A friend of mine also referred to it, at the one month point, as the "OLD ONE" in the face of the imminent Heavy Ass Aqua release. A toy not more than a month old!! I paid 5000 yen for a yf19 and i still can`t get enough of that after more than 7 months. I pay 20,790yen for the SOC AQua and i`m already bored! So my question is whats the shortest Honeymoon period you`ve had for a toy proportionate to the cost? EDITED. I put an extra `0` in the price of the SOC. It definitely ain`t that expensive.
  19. Maybe i`m imaigining this but can anyone tell me whether the mecha in mac 7 were originally envisioned as having giant guitars? There`s no way i could be right about this but god knows with this show. Ta very much
  20. Oh god. Just saw the pics of the "Heavy ass" Aqua for the first time. Now i want it more than ever. That kawamori has stolen more money from me than tax and that bloody vodafone company combined Ah,,,,who am i kidding? I do these things to myself. i have a sickness. Do they have "Otaku interventions" coz when i go visit the uk next month therell probably be a circle of friends waiting for me Hmmm.....guns galore but the colours DO make it look a little too plasticky. Well...since this is just a colour test im sure itll look a lot more kickass when its finally out there. Any word wether this will come with redesigned display stands to show off the gerwalk et al.?
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