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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Had to do MOTOCROSS Minmay. Only a few. Ill post some action shots tomorrow. Enjoy.
  2. Nyah. Lubricating the tyre might actually work.
  3. I have to just add that they do "spin" but they don't spin freely.
  4. HA. Is that first pic showing the lack of stability in the ride armour. Blow-the-man-down-superior! (Must stop making crappy puns ) And that "ride-armour"........pretty much what Mospeada would look like if it were made today.
  5. I'm sure that it comes with both. There was alot of rattling in the Stick type I picked up. And where are the stickers I heard it supposedly comes with? Did I get a box with them missing? Oh, and thanks for posting those pics Renato. Better pics will be up tomorrow night hopefully.
  6. Yeah, that was quite a list of complaints. But honestly, not one of them turned me off the toy. Though that is probably a sad indictment on the lack of QC in the other toys i've bought over the years. I'm used to it
  7. It's almost the same size as the bigger EVA Revoltech figures. Not too big, not too small.
  8. A gallery would be great. Thanks. Sorry that I didn't include any pictures. Haven't had time to take any. I'll try some time this week.
  9. Yeah, the wheels not moving really bugged me but it's not like I roll it around my living room floor making VROOM VROOM noises
  10. Ok. After playing around with the figure for most of last night and this morning, here's a review. The packaging is pretty much standard for this kind of toy. We've all see pics so I won't bother going into much detail here. Opening it up the first time, I was dissapointed to find that the instructions are the usual single sheet, black and white affair that has zero xdepth perception making it difficult to understand what the line drawings are asking you to do. No stickers as we all knew. The contents, nice. There's the bike and figure of course, then 3 sprues of parts for the bonus equipment rack that can be assembled and put on the back of the bike. Nice touch, but no colour-molded pieces. The rack and accessories are all cast in pale putty-green. I can always paint those. The figure itself comes with two optional heads (in helmet and without). The Heads are nice. Nicely painted without any cross-eye syndrome. (on a side note, there were two hairs trapped in between the seams of the top Ray's head, so I had to pull those off. EEEWWW). The optional hands are nice and firmly hold in place on the toy. The hands are a little stiff to put in but hold in place like noone's business. The figure itself is fantastic. At first glance he appears a little short and stocky but then you realise that it's the armour making him so. The construction of the figure is a little off-putting, with the sticks connecting his arms and legs. But it's not all that noticeable. The poseability-possibilities (credit to Renato for that one) are great. It isn't quite up to a Revoltech but it holds its poses well since the joints are tight but easy to move. The figure has around.....ummm.......32 points of articulation I think. The hips have Revoltech-esque joints so you can put him in some nice stances. The included display stand is great and holds the figure amazingly well. (Note of caution...the pin that holds the very top of the display stand on can fall out. if you swivel it back and forth too much) The helmet is nice. The visor is a little purple but looks nice for it. The visor does indeed go up but sometimes falls off so be careful. It stays up well but can sometimes slide down on its own if you knock it. The paint job on the figure is lovely. it has a nice matte finish with nice paint details. I don't even miss any decals. There isn't one area on it that looks rushed. The bike itself is nice. Major gripes? The wheels do not spin freely! You can't roll it along a surface and have them spin. Hardly a big problem but would have been nice. The construction is great. it's solid in the hands. Ther's no die-cast of course but it doesn't need it. The figure sits on the bike well and while it comes without a kick-stand, the handle of the rifle on the front wheel acts as an impromptu one so the bike can free-stand easily. The bike is all in matte tones which makes the silver of the engine really stand out. The bike also looks really nice with the storage rack on the back. The back end of the bike looks a little emaciated so it really makes it look alot bulkier. The transformation. Now, this is where you have to be careful. You have to dismantle the bike into around 6-7 pieces and then re-assemble. The most difficult part of this process was removing the front fork. It takes a lot of force to get it off the first time. I was afraid of breaking it the first time. But once you get it off it goes on and comes off so much easier after that. Also, the headlights have to be taken off and placed on hidden pegs in the final form. Now, be very, very careful. There are no extra pegs included and they can pop off easily. And since they are black...........took me 20 minutes to find the right peg when it popped off.!!!! The tires themselves are attached to pistons so that the pylon can shrink when you place the tyres up on the back of the armour. It's a nice touch. The tyres themselves are cast in a fairly solid rubber. Actually, while the bike can feel a little delicate owing to the number of parts, there are no parts here that feel flimsy or like they can break easily. Everything is solid. The armour is very easy to transform once you get the hang of it but still satisfying even after repeat transformations. Once it is fully formed, the final ride-armour solidly fits on the figure. The only parts left over are the front fork. This kind of sucks.as I don't always like having pieces left over. But the final piece is so nice that I can forgive it for this. Stability. The big question. Can the figure stand once in the ride armour? NO. I could not find any stance that would support the figure. I heard sirens going off when I noticed that the display base had a tiny peg on it in the corner. This is the only way to have the figure stand once it is kitted up. This really bugs me as i'm limited in the number of foot on floor stances I can do. The other question. How poseable is the figure in the armour? Very. It can do alot and the figure is in no way hindered by all the crap it's wearing. If I HAD to give this figure a score out of ten......I'd give it an 8. It's a gorgeous piece with so much going for it but some really annoying things. I wish it could stand under its own weight. I wish it didn't have important pieces popping off and not include extras. Then again, I wish it was 1/1 scale so I could wear it myself so I might have unrealistic standards. You won't be dissappointed by it. It's an amzing piece of kit with alot of play value and display value. And to finish with a lame joke........Order this sucker now with MO-SPEED-AH!
  11. Ah. Sorry, yeah I get what you mean.......hang on..........hmmmmm, seems to be less beefy than the ones on Yellow's in the photos. That sucks. Actually, just opening the box to have a quick peak released all the plastiuc vapors. I think i'm tripping now.
  12. Yeah, it looks gorgeous in the box. I'm gonna have to go to Tsutaya after work and get the first volume of series on dvd so I can play it in the b/g while I play around with it. tee hee Sorry, i'm not sure what you meant by the "Blow superior sized wheels?"
  13. Unless someone beats me to it, i'll get a text review up tomorrow at the very least.
  14. Picked up my Megahouse Ray from Akihabara today. Stuck at work so won't be able to post any reviews until tomorrow. Sorry Well, just had a quick peak at it in the box. Pretty damn nice. I saw the CM ride armour the other day and it just looks really tacky. I wonder if my boss will let me open it in the office. I guess i'll just have to BLOW MY SUPERIOR. Har har.
  15. However, the Gunbuster team didnt use any library. They by passed the library. If they DID indeed "go to the library" then there are a hell of a lot of librarians selling stuff out of the back end of vans in the market on sunday morning.
  16. Hi. Im the friend with no life who noticed the blatant theft. I dont know about those other series but the GURN BUSTER KEATON production team basically set up a mike next to a tv playing the movie Ghostbusters and taped the actual movie soundtrack. Seems to me that that violates just a few copyright laws.
  17. What bugs me is that most people seem to think this is a "Kawamori solo" project. All Kawamori did is come in after the first design was finalised and made some additions. Kawakori steals the limelight and the poor schlub who did most of the groundwork gets zip. That must kinda suck.
  18. Alex

    1/60 0s Diecast Problem

    Sorry. I dont have access to my 0S at the moment so ill get one up as soon as possible. Just thought id better report the news considering all the Garland fiascos recently.
  19. Im probably the first (and only one) this is gonna happen to but i started to notice cracks appearing in the diecast bar where the pin connects to the hip bar. Last night, one of the rings just cracked off completely. I dont know if this is the first of many to come or whether god is just punishing me so take a look at your 0s just to be sure.
  20. Was just in Akiba and i met the rep from Yammie. He had the 0A and the Angel bird in a shopping bag wrapped in plastic. Bit unglamorous. Both are looking extremely cool. 0A does basically look like an unpainted test model but i kinda like that aspect of it. Angel Bird looks nice but a little garish close up. Sorry....no pics allowed. Though they might be on display tomorrow. Maybe
  21. I look at this paint scheme and all i see is a japanese schoolgirl. I know thats the point........but it scares me.
  22. This months Figaro......test colour prototype. Sorry Couldnt get scans.
  23. Im Still amazed at how easily the tip of the peg broke. I didnt even apply much force beyond whats required to transform it. Although, the arm is more than secure in both bike and slave mode so i dont have much to bother me, besides the lack of perfect transformation. Since the break.....two minutes out of the box btw.....im loving the toy more and more every day strangely enough. Whats the word on a replacement being issued?
  24. Beware. My Judy (Garland) broke after five minutes out of the box. The diecast bar that holds the arms/wheels on is incredibly thin and WILL break if you are not careful. Major oversight in my opinion. Tho saying that i bet im the only person this happens to.
  25. Alex


    Transvestites........straightmen in disguise....transvestites.....more between their thighs!!!!!!!! Please feel free to erase this if it offends anyone. I have no taste filter.
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