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Everything posted by Alex

  1. I have no problem getting my Megahouse Ray to sit on the bike with the containers attached. I also just realised that the armour plates on the CM actually plug into the knees. I didn't notice that before. I think I'm loving the CM more than the Megahouse.
  2. I think it's supposed to be the Macross with guns down. Actually, an outside reference, the jet-packs reminded me of the Griffon from Patlabour.
  3. My bad. *rubs boot print on butt*
  4. Just got my CM. I only paid 4000 yen. Bargain. Magahouse has the looks and the detail but CM definitely has the playability and engineering. I'm actually surprised by how much I like it since I was expecting it to be inferior to the Megahouse. Have to say that although it clearly states on the box that the CM contain either Stick OR Rey, it does look like you are getting both at first glance. And sorry to hear about the "bundles of no joy" Graham. There's a shop near me that has all the Takatoku Orguss guys for a set for I think 200,000yen. It's been there for three years now. Those would sell in an instant if they were just sold separately.
  5. That would be great. I'm going to attempt a scratch-build rescue attempt. How is your's shaping up?
  6. Not a fan of Gundam. I was referring to a few Macross kits, Layzner, Votoms etc. Actually, I found the Fire Valkyrie kit to be a sturdy little bugger for a variable kit.
  7. I think that's what irked me the most. The price. I'm never going to find a Judy that i'm happy with. All is lost.
  8. To paraphrase the Simpsons "The stick up that Stick's ass must have a stick up it's ass"
  9. Popular love triangle + Too many fan questions= One great big F%$k OFF black hole
  10. Yeah, I meant 1/24. To be honest, I expected it to be a snap-kit but then I should have checked. The amount of flushing alone on the toy was hideous. I think i'm being a little unfair in as far as construction goes. But when you cannot figure out HOW a piece is ever supposed to fit together.......then it's really a problem. Seriously though, do most people even expect a modern kit to be anything but snap-together? I'm more into scratchbuilding so I don't have a HUGE amount of experience with bought kits.
  11. I'm actually a bit confused about the whole perfect transformation of the CMs. What pieces have to be totally taken off and then replaced in the final armor. Where do the front struts go?
  12. It'll have to be tomorrow night (it's like 4pm here now) coz my camera died on me. That's why I could only get up a few photos last time. And btw....word to anyone who's in Tokyo looking for CMs. I went out last night to get one and the prices have leapt from 6300 yen to around 11,000. WTH.
  13. Actually, for those of you who buy the MH, I tightened the joints in my MH's torso and that greatly added to its ability to stand on its own. It seems that the torso ball-joints are a little loose so it naturally tweaks backwards when you try to stand it. After tightening it it is able to stand a little better on its own, but still in slight action poses. And btw, for those of you who want it to, I realised that you can slide the front fork into the back of the armour. It looks odd but it is neatly tucked away and you can't even notice it all that much. From the front, it's well hidden.
  14. Not so much an "Ouch!" moment but the Guard who's just dying to relieve himself only to be kicked in the stomach by Max's Valkyrie. Not only has he got one hell of a bruise but he must have soiled himself because of that kick. AND....then Max puts on the uniform. EW.
  15. The Isamu joke is just as we are introduced to the students in their crazy, sci-fi jets packs. And is it just me or is the tram in episode one supposed to be slight reference to the closing credits of Dynamite? I may just be trying too hard with this one.
  16. I picked up the 1/12 Aoshima Judy Garland last night. I have never been so frustrated by a kit before. For the 21st century, any kit that needs a LOT of glue to be able to build it is a bit of an anachronism in my book. Especially since most other anime mecha kits have no need for glue. The quality of the one I picked up was terrible. Flushing galore, ill fitting parts etc. many pieces that are needed for the transformation to work are so illogically designed that there is literally no way I could get the front wheels to connect to the toy AT ALL. The arm pieces are fragile and broke......in the box! (what is it with Garland's and their arms?) There are pieces that need glue but CANNOT be glued because they sit so close to other MOVING pieces and there is no way to stop any glue getting on said pieces. The plastic quality and over all sculpting are not all that bad. The Shogo figure was nice. The overall feel of the toy (the parts that I could assemble anyway) is nice and solid. But this was such a terrible kit overall. I've been making kits for years and i've never bought a kit that was THIS frustrating, poorly made. Sorry for the rant. I'd love to have a done a more impartial review but it wasn't possible.
  17. I was fiddling around with the MH last night. Mine can juuuust about stand on its own but it either has to have the legs going back at a 45 degree angle or have the figure leaning forward quite a bit in some sort of action pose. I'm hoping that the Yellow will be a different story.
  18. Maybe the MH Ride Armor can be customized to do that also. I'm already planning that. I have a way of doing it but won't try until I get one cheap at Mandarake or some place else.
  19. Exactly. It connects but it just looks stoo-peed.
  20. I guess you're right. But it's unofficial and I only just realised it last night hence posting about it today. Ok, so the front forks can be reconnected to the Ride armor everyone. But it sits right behind the head and sticks straight up. Looks a little weird though. Especially if you want it to look like the line art.
  21. Once. And i'm looking for more in-jokes. There's the obvious Isamu one. But has anyone seen any more?
  22. A lot of the early buzz is that it is less reliant on wham-bam-thankyou, ma'm tactics and more closely follows the style of the book. So THEY say. Remains to be seen. At least the scene where Rorschach attacks the police at Moloch's seems to be faithful. He isn't using Kung Fu or wire work against them. At least I hope to God he isn't.
  23. Oh, yeah, forgot to add that in my review. Yeah, the lower portion of the legs pulls down and extend ever so slightly to reveal the yellow bits just below the knees. Seems a bit pointless. i just leave them that way to give more height to the figure. If anyone has any questions about the transformation etc, please ask.
  24. The fork CAN actually be reconnected but it means that you have them sticking up and swept back behind the figure's head. Looks ok but not great. And it can stand on its own in the vid? Haven't seen it yet but I can't for the life of me get mine to stand in the armour. The leg joints are nice and tight but it simply can't do it. The feet actually click forward a couple millimeters to help aid in the balance (theoretically) but to no avail. Wonder if mine is just crappy. Good thing i'm getting the Stick sometime this week.
  25. Nah. Mine was stood up against the white backboard and that one in those other photos is clearly being supported by the clear inner-tray.
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