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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Dear God. That's the first time i've seen the "armored" 25 in that third picture. Can't say that i'm loving it.......or even tolerating it.
  2. I hear that the back of that Variable Bike book has pages with early designs for Mospeada. Seems they originally planned it to be a police show. Oh, and I rented the show on dvd recently. Each disk has a huge bank of line-art images to scroll through on top of the old Gakken tv commercials.
  3. He also first proposed the idea of the geostationary communication satellite for the purpose of telecommunication back when he was serving in WW2. Mari Iijima met him once also. I wonder if he knew she was involved in a show called Macross
  4. I'm going to post some pics in about a week. Actually, I was looking at Jin Saotome's Ironman today and thought about using a silver base with clear yellow wash. Tempted to do this for the red too. Thanks
  5. Not the MBs in particular but that he gets no markings whatsoever.
  6. So the Stick armor has the MB etc tampos but the Ray gets nothing? That's really is annoying.
  7. I may be lazy and I may be a git, but my name...........is..........what was the last part? Anyway, you broke my MP Megatron. Git
  8. I'm currently turning my 1/60 19 into the Kai since I have so much epoxy putty left over from another project. I've started sculpting the head and the "bell-bottoms". I'm just not sure whether to go with an "anime" paint scheme or a realistic paint scheme. The red may be either a dull or a bright anime red. I'm mostly stuck on whether to paint the bells gold or yellow. Has anyone ever attempted this? Searched in vain for some pics but turned up nothing. I'd love to know how others have gone about this.
  9. Please! Don't say "snap"!!! Not at the moment. I'm at work. Sorry.
  10. Am I the only person who actually LIKES the Proto's paint scheme? Having said that, Renato's proposed blue/white scheme would be quite nice. I'd personally like to see the Proto in gray/black. Similar to the stealth 1/48.
  11. I thought the CM would be a poor cousin to the Megahouse. I'm glad I got the CM now, in addition to the Meager-House. . The only thing that broke on my CM was the windshield and that was just because of a poor choice of glue. Yeah, I don't want people to cancel orders left, right and center, either. But i'm now a little dubious about buying future releases. STICK became UNSTUCK. Will YELLOW live up to his name and do just THAT! Will MINT remain MINT....in the box. Only time will tell I guess.
  12. Sorry to bring more bad news about the Megahouse. OK, so i've had mine for nearly a month now. About three days ago the visor just broke off while simply opening it. It looks like the plastic is too thin so the stress of simply opening it broke off a piece. THEN, the little plug that holds up the wheels into the side in armor mode are losing their friction so mine often just fall out. Woke me up the other night as both fell out at the same time. NOW..............the figure itself has broken at the waist. The ball-post simply snapped off. Looking at it it's almost obvious why. The ball joints in the waist are not tight ENOUGH. When you put the armor on it looks like the weight of the armor is stressing the post whenever it falls back. The base of the post is only half attached to plastic in the waist area. Tried to glue it but no go. Had to basically glue the entire torso to the waist. Limited articulation now of course. I hope that this is just mine but this laundry list of complaints has really put me off the MH.
  13. I was thinking of actually doing that sometime this week for gits and shiggles.
  14. Ok, A heads up for all of you who have or will soon have an MH. I was playing around with mine last night and the helmet visor fell off. I tried to pit it back on but I realised that the little bump on the left just broke off. Looking at the other, they are quite small and it looks like the other could just have easily broken. Now this could just be mine but be careful with the visor. Perhaps trying to keep it propped up stressed the plastic too much, or maybe I was a little too rough with it.
  15. Well, now that my camera is fixed, I can do a proper photo-shoot. Man, i'm so looking forward to this set. 30,000yen though. That's going to hurt. But I want the chunky goodness.
  16. So this set is out at the end of this month? If so, I will be calling in sick and rushing out to get this bugger. And of course, a review will be up the next day. Can't have people waiting now, can we. This is THE toy i've been waiting for.
  17. Well, he was pretty flat-chested as a woman anyway. Just need an alternate head with a more femi......GYARGH.....stop me.
  18. Oh God. If we get a yellow figure without the ride-armour, will it still have "Perfect Transformation"? Perfect Transvestisism?
  19. Is it just me or is Yellow way too bulky? I suppose he IS wearing the ride suit and he has to at least be of a similar size to Ray and Stick to be able to fit into the armor. Oh, and it does kind of look like the chest cannons will open. Yay! GBP-styl-ee!
  20. WHAT!? I wait years for a great Ride-armor. I wait years for a great Legioss/Tread pair. All of a sudden i'm facing becoming a poor itinerant because like the proverbial bus, two come along at once. GITS!
  21. Wow, sounds like you were quite unlucky there. I had no problems whatsoever. And the windshield fell off!? I heard of that happening on the CM but not the MH. Now,some half-arsed musing....... I was actually thinking about all those people who had difficulties transforming the CM for example. Alot of people complain that a toy is "impossible to transform" or that it's "fiddly and too flimsy". I think that different people react differently to different designs. Some claim that the toy itself is crappy but it's really because it just doesn't appeal to their particular "style" or "ability". QC aside, i've seen people have TOTALLY different reactions to the same toy. I wonder if there's is some sort of correlation that we can show. YAY! Transforming toys as a Psychological method! Half-arsed musing now finished.
  22. I was thinking that since this iteration of Macross is called 'FRONTIER" then maybe a name from a famous explorer. The VF-25 Armstrong? The VF-25 Gagarin?
  23. I think the next sequel should be "Predator vs Alien vs Spy vs Spy" (And I just noticed that this is my 100th post. Shouldn't I get a red letter from Shawn or Graham or something. That's what the Queen does for people's 100th B-days in the UK)
  24. If I ever get any of the Robotech figures i'll just imagine them to be evil, imperfect robotic clones ala "Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey".
  25. Yeah, I realised that just after posting. The Invid is pretty nice. Seems to hav e some claw action thing. Unfortunately, the Ray is a little....yeah. I keep seeing those Robotech figures turning up in bargain bins etc. pretty fugly things.
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