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Everything posted by Alex

  1. I picked one up the other day. I was surprised that there was ANY die-cast in it. The reissue I have looks nice and the plastic is very sturdy.
  2. I bought the Proto yesterday. I'm amazed (having owned the original before my landlady accidentally threw it out) how different it is while being so similar. It's far more satisfying to transform than the original Judy. I love all the little bits that were added and the little parts on the side with the magnets that "automatically" attach to the legs when you transform it. The Hargun shield........I also have no problem attaching mine. I just put it at an angle to the strut then push the other side down until it clips on. And I'm loving the "Guns. Lots of guns" aspect to the toy. BTW. I'm thinking of chopping Shogo in half and giving him Meecro-man legs. Has anyone else done something similar?
  3. Here`s the new beefy wheels I added.
  4. I was thinking of just buying a cheapo 1/15 kit and using parts from that, like the visor. Oh, and I changed the wheels on the MH for some bigger, beefier wheels. Couldn't get the originals off without cutting them off but i'm much happier with them than the weedy ones it came with.
  5. Yeah. Renato submitted the name SILVERHAWKS.
  6. ....YOU screamed. WE all screamed for ice-cream.
  7. I mean the finger-licken-chicken hands.
  8. Just bought my first Aoshima. I'm scared to hell of opening it and having it explode/implode/disintegrate/all of the above in my hands. I have some spare Stealth 1/48 hands that I can swap for if the hands on this DO fall apart. Can anyone post a few pics of alternate hands ON theirs?
  9. Sorry. That's more than six degrees. DISQUALIFICATION.
  10. Really? I thought it was going to be smaller? Now look what you've gone and done! I might HAVE to go and blow 30,000 on this thing now. NO Proto Garland for me this month.
  11. I'm really quite intrigued by the addition of cloth on the Beagle. It's little visual cues like the tiny folds in fabric that give a figure that dynamic look when posed. I'm looking forward to this one. Reminds me of the MEGOs.
  12. Y'know, removing the visor on the MH makes the heads look like What's-his-name from Eriku's sig pic.
  13. I WAS going to buy this thing on the 29th but the size is bugging me. I think I prefer the look of the Aoshima/Toynami. Disintegration aside.
  14. I still don't know what to think of the armored 25. It seems a little too Gundam. However, it does look quite nice in fighter mode. Passable at least. I'm just reminded too strongly of a couple of the Gundam-G mecha when I see the Battroid mode.
  15. Thanks for the pic. Yeah, I have that kit and I dug it out just recently to see how gaudy that would look on the 1/60. I like the look of the Kai in the opening credits (all shiny-goodness) so I think i'll try that. WIP pics will be a up in a couple of days. Just wanted to get it looking nice even in this stage. I'm actually a little surprised that no-one has attempted this before. Guess the price of the 1/60 is the problem.
  16. Or a Super Deformed Joke Machine VF-1. KAWAII!
  17. I want to ride an actual Valkyrie. Breast plate and all!!!!! I'd ride her into battle wearing my Slim Pickens cowboy hat and screaming to high hell. What's that? Valkyrie's are mythical Norse warrior maidens that probably never existed? Then we genetically engineer some!! YEE-HAW!!!!!!!!!
  18. Nice. How MUCH Seatbelts memorabilia exactly? I'd love to meet Yoko Kanno. I want to find out how Ed-like she really is in person. Wonder if she plays piano with her toes.
  19. Unfortunately I had glue-fingerprints on my forearm guards from the factory. And, as I mentioned in my review, a couple hairs caught between the two halves of Ray's head. Right on top too. had to give him a f#%*ing plucking
  20. HM. I should have specified that con meetings don't count. But i'll make an exception for you since you are the first to post.
  21. So, I was quite surprised to recently discover that one of my colleagues is the son of Melode Sexton, who, as many of you may kn ow, voiced the lyrics to Macross Plus' "Information High".. What i'd like to know is what other degrees of separation do other MWers have. Tell us all about your connection to the people behind the scenes of the Macross universe.
  22. I've been hearing about this one. The poster for the movie reminds me so much of Army of Darkness (but then again they based that on every fantasy, barbarian story in the last 50 years anyway ) Looks like a Japanese Planet Terror though.
  23. I was thinking exactly the same just the other day. Already picked up an Imai kit. Hopefully, i'll be getting the Cm Legioss/Tread on the 29th so we'll see exactly what potential there is very soon.
  24. Sorry. I meant that it was the first time to see that specific pic of the armoured vf-25 and that since seeing it first in the show, i'm still not liking it. Me am no friend to grammar.
  25. Just some advice to all who are going to tighten Ray's looser waist. I tightened mine after it being floppy for the first two weeks. I thought it was the floppiness that was stressing the post but it could be that tightening the balljoint put more stress on the peg, so be a little careful. God, I feel like the sandwhich-board, end-of-the-world guy. Sorry.
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