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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Didn't see that one. Did it show the HBT canisters? BTW, does anyone remember where the pics of that customized Gakken 1/8 are on these boards? Can't find them anywhere. Thanks.
  2. Thanks. Amazing since I saw one at the new Akiba Mandarake for 31,500yen. Great store by the way. Kicks the shinola out of the other stores.
  3. Pics from the mag? I assumed that they were ones we'd already seen. No?
  4. Managed to find a Gakken 1/8 yesterday for 5000yen. I didn't realise how similar the Gakken and CM were. It's an amazing piece for a 20 plus year old toy. I much prefer this to the MH. One thing though.....the instructions are all in English. And, as far as I read, nigh on perfect English at that. That shocked me more than the quality of the toy. BTW, saw a few pics of the Beagle in that new magazine "Super Robot". It has the HBT canisters but is that IT for accessories? I thought it would come with the storage boxes for the bike, a couple of smaller things etc. Nice to see that it can kneel. But the feet look even tiiiiinier when it's wearing the armor.
  5. Here`s a test with some colour added. This is only a practice piece for testing though. I have another kit ready to be made up as the final piece.
  6. Sorry. Didn't realise you had reviewed it. yeah it's a great piece of kit. Though I keep my Tread in Armo-soldier mode with the alternate head transformation.
  7. It's not so much the hands as it is just the fore-fingers. Putting the finger on the trigger leaves it open to accidental stressing as happened to mine. How are you enjoying the chunky goodness by the way? (I mean the Legioss/Tread )
  8. Saw the tv broadcast of episode one lastnight. The original was far better. I'm sure they cut the Isamu-homage scene, for example.
  9. Ngh! I hate having to be the one that's always posting this stuff..........but I noticed last night that the fore-fingers of the CM's legioss (maybe Tread?) are very thin at the joint. I almost twisted mine off with very little effort. They're both like that so take care with these. Seems Legioss' suffer from incredible-disintegrating hands no matter the company.
  10. Nyahah. There's a bakery near my apartment called Antendo. Their slogan is "A THOUSAND DREAMS IN OUR OVEN" Burn, baby. Burn!
  11. It must come from all those purchases they make. I see them hauling those ruck-sacks around while carrying bags full of stuff. That's a major work-out right there.
  12. Caution CM's Legioss/Tread is bad for your health!!! I was in Yodobashi t'other day and saw one lonely set sitting all by itself. I was idly thinking of nabbing it for a friend. Just as i'm about to lay my fingers on it this skinny little b$%tard literally jumps in under my outstretched arm and pushes me away by slamming me with his bony little spine.
  13. Thanks Sorry. I was intentionally gloating.
  14. Thanks As for the type of "mandoll" it really depends on what you're going for. I'm after a more retro feel to the figure. Sam seems to be going for a more modern figure. I picked mine up in a Kotobukiya. Not sure what you have in your area. I cannibalized an Eva Revoltech for mine. I think you can buy them seperately tho.
  15. Hope it works out. I'm going for pegs'n'posts for my armor attachment.points. Who ARE you making by the way? Ray, Stick, ELO?
  16. Where exactly are you placing magnets?
  17. So the 21 is out on the 8th or 9th. Grr. That means i'll probably have to buy it in the morning and have it sitting under my desk all day at work, calling to me, begging to be opened..................and i'll love every agonizing second of it
  18. Very cool. Nice work Two very different approaches to the same thing. I like the beefiness of the figure you used. Make it Jim in that armor You are a LOT further along in yours than I am. I pretty much only started two days ago. Any more pics? What about the head?
  19. Of course. I'm covering the seat in faux leather and making the various pylons die-cast. The joints in the feet, the connection for the waist plates etc are going to be made using Revoltech joints. I have four sets of hands in different poses too. Can you post a few pics of your 1/12? Mine looks a bit odd in the pics because i'm just test fitting certain parts.
  20. Edited
  21. Here`s the figure so far. Looks like it`s going to be Ray with Stick`s arm guatrds since I like them so much. Bike coming soon along with more WIP of the figure.
  22. Nice pics. I'm probably going to do that mod sometime (ooh...a flying pig). seriously, i'll get around to it coz that bloody Shogo figure gets right on my nerves. I'd like to see what other figures people have put on their bikes. Any pics?
  23. Well I already gave Ray bigger wheels (go back a few pages for pics) and I will give them the blue, clear visors from the kits. And of course i'll give them the stickers from the kits. I have so many bloomin Mospeada customs going right now what with this and my 1/12.
  24. I bought a 1/15 ride armor kit the other day in order to upgrade my MH. I'm going to give them the proper tinted helmets and I used the sticker sheets from those instead of the elusive MH ones. Look like they'll work just as well.
  25. Thanks. But it's difficult to post WIP pics because of the way I work. I often change the way i'm doing something half way through. I'm going to put faux leather on the seat too. I also have three sets of interchangeable hands. And the face will be fully painted (although it's from a prepainted figure I had lying around ) I'm also using Revoltech joints to hinge the armor plates. The "Mandoll" is just some cheapie thing Im picked up from Kotobukiya. Didn't even have any stickers on its clear plastic baggie. Sorry. But you can find similar in most Toys r Us' probably.
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