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Everything posted by Alex

  1. How about "The Get Along Gang". They could tackle more serious issues like teen pregnancy or suicide or underage prostitution. OR, "The Wuzzles" but use it to show the dangers of genetic engineering.
  2. I vote for "Jayce and the Wheeled warriors". Now that was a classic.
  3. I much prefer "1985". The ending is as tripped out as a Gunpla modeler on glue fumes.
  4. Huh. I only just watched the sequel last night for the first time in about two years. The interviews are pretty funny.
  5. HMMMm......VF-25 MESSIAH "My boyfriend is a Pontius Pilate"? Would the VF-25 Messiah would cure Parts-forming rather than leprosy? Will Alto die on the Ma-CROSS? To paraphrase Chandler from Friends: "Too. Many. Jokes. Must. Mock. Kawamori."
  6. I suppose that a Valkyrie IS a Holy Trinity, of sorts. Three modes in one Valk.
  7. The Beagle will be 20,000 yen!?
  8. Couldn't find a topic for this so i'm starting one. I watched this last night and i'm wondering whether i'm on the mark. Yasuo seems to have taken on the mantle of "Lupin" effectively becoming Lupin the IV. Is that right? Has Lupin retired? I was struggling to understand the plot and.....what's a collective noun for 100 Lupins?.......Pack? Lupi?..........the army of Lupi that descended on Tokyo was confusing to say the least. And that "ice-cube" sub-plot melted away pretty quickly. Probably te burning faces of all the fans hoping for something better for the 40th anniversary. It was pretty much a collection of set-pieces without a coherent plot for the sole purpose of getting two Lupi together for a big ol brawl. And WHAT was with that robot!!!???!?!?!?!?!?
  9. I'm probably going to see this for the 80s nostalgia of it all. But I always found First Blood at odds with its sequels. The first movie was actually quite a "low-key" affair. Ok, "low-key" probably aren't the first words that most would associate with Rambo but its setting and the emotional/psychological elements of the movie were pretty heavy. Stallone did some pretty serious acting in that movie. The sequels are what people define as being quintessentially "Rambo" but I much prefer the first. It's when he became a superhero that the series took its first wrong turn. Oh. But then we wouldn't have those fake plastic pectorals and rubber knives hanging up in stores before Halloween. I guess it's a toss up.
  10. And what happens if they get into the armor when NOT wearing their 21 Jump-street-jump-suits? STICK: OH GOD! IT'S TAKEN OFF THE FIRST FIFTEEN LAYERS OF SKIN!!!!!!!!!
  11. i was just thinking the other day how exactly the ride armor transforms WHILE in motion. Wouldn't the bike have to go THROUGH the rider's body. The back of the Gakken shows Stick almost going over the front end of the bike but it's not really clear. The frame-by-frame on the dvd didn't really show it well either. What goes on exactly?!
  12. If "Deculture" translates as "terrifying thing/stupid thing" then the sign off at the end of the show "See you next deculture" makes even more sense after episode 4.
  13. Me too. Right when I want to buy one, they all disappear from the shops.
  14. Hang on. If i'm a soldier and Gene Simmons turns up on the field.......it's MY fault if i'm distracted and die!? I'm positive that basic army training doesn't cover that one. "Welcome to your first day cadets. First class is 'Out of Context Obstacles'!"
  15. Interesting custom Gakken. What was the inspiration?
  16. Went to the kaiyodo store today. The 19 and 21 on display look absolutely amazing. Much better than in the pics. But the sample FPs were the same tan as the 19 itself. I have a feeling that this is the final color scheme because I can't recall any of the sample figures on display being all that different from the final product.
  17. Thanks! Nice one. I saw in Figaro that this is out in November. Sigh.
  18. Heh. I heard a quote from Micheal J.Fox last week in which he jokingly refers to the "J" as standing for "JENIUS". "Where we're going, we won't need Virgin Roads."
  19. Thanks. Still have a loooong way to go.
  20. Is that a scratch built or a custom of the kit?
  21. Nice work there, man. You should go for the leg extension like I did. Still got LOADS to do on it tho. I havn`t really touched the bike. But it`s going to be quite nice when finished. I hope. Oh, yeeeeeah. My Gakken took a tumble off the top most shelf of my case. The visor has a crack running half the length from the bottom. BATTLE DAMAGE!!!!! BTW.......did you paint your visor black opaque or transluscent? I can't quite tell.
  22. Zero XX Gene love. OR "How I learned to stop worrying and love Minmay`s little white dragon".
  23. I'm still in the missed opportunities camp on this episode. The whole being trapped bit seemed like a great place for some character development. As it is, it was just an excuse to see some T&A. Then again, If it had been exactly like SDF/DYRL it would be just more of the same. And what would Macross be without another pseudo-rape scene. Geez. As someone was saying, it is pretty cool that they basically have the DYRL Minmay and the SDF Minmay in the show in Ranka and Sheryl. Overall though, I felt this episode lacked any real thru-line. Felt like it was just meandering with no sense of where it was going.
  24. Is there anyone here who is a fan of Macross 7 TRASH? I read the whole damn thing. Beautiful artwork but lousy story.
  25. The CMs Tread has detachable missiles!!!!????
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