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Everything posted by Alex

  1. There are a lot of good points being made here. We only have two reports of broken pieces and one report of missing pieces ( why do two of those have to fall on me?! I obviously don't give enough to charity) Not quite a pandemic yet.
  2. YAR! The Brig is coming back in the Sarah Jane Adventures. Hoping that this could lead to a DW appearance.
  3. How about yours Graham? Does the hip bar seem difficult to remove when getting it back into fighter? They've pinned the door in rather than having it click in and out. It would have been better if it had been the latter. As it is, the plastic is way too thin so the pins just tore right through.
  4. Speaking of ballistic, the missile boxes don't open btw. No storing of small parts anymore. And I AM really pi#$ed off. 12000en down the tube if I can';t get a refund. I really want this to be an isolated case but each of the breakages i've had on just released items have been reported elsewhere.
  5. The head is obviously supposed to be simply slotted on to the neck. It's to allow for the detachable nose caone feature.
  6. No Shrek hands. I was very careful with it the whole time. Still broke. Guess I'll have more money for Mospeada beagles and Clessics 2.0 now. Oh, and Animated.
  7. When did I say a "nightmare"? Huh. Anyway, I hope that I did just have some really bad luck as I don't want anyone to waste thei money on such a pricey toy. I was really looking forward to this toy.
  8. I'm not getting one. I'll try to get my moneyz back, but that's it for me and Yamato.
  9. The 1/60 just put me off buying any Yammie products ever again. I opened the box and found that the head was missing. "OK" I thought, I suppose I can get a replacement or just exchange it. No biggie. I thought I'd transform it at least once, head or no head. It took me at least 10 minutes to get the hip bars out of the nose cone when transforming it back it fighter. It just wouldn't come out. On the third transformation (2 hours after getting it) the door fell off when I pulled the hip-bars out and I saw that the hinges had crumbled away. This is the second Fokker that broke on the first night I got it (that being the 1/48) and the fourth Yamato product that has just broken due to QC/design issues (Fokker 1/48,Garland,VF-0, 1/60 1S) on the first day i got them. I'm taking up Pachinko. It's a much less risky gamble.
  10. My God. I bought a Yamato valkyrie and didn't have any problems getting the huge azz box to work on the train. No injuring people in the back of the knees. No dinging myself in the legs with the sharp corners of the box. The way things WERE going, Yamato should have just done an MP Convoy with their boxes and have them printed so you could assemble them into a 1:1 SDF.
  11. The guy who played Sean's dad in that movie was Gene Roddenberry's first choice to play Captain Picard apparently. .
  12. My friend just saw Voyager Animated Prime on my shelf and she dubbed him "Goitremus Prime" as he had his face-plate down at the time. Now that's all I see.
  13. Yeah. Over here, you often see signs inside the cubicles that state "ONLY TOILET PAPER MAY BE FLUSHED DOWN THESE TOILETS". The inference being that number twos are forbidden, or that you have to take them away "pooper-scooper" style.
  14. There's actually a magnet in the sensor head that is used to attach the cowl of the bike. One thing I hated was that the hands have a flat, rectangular plug so they cannot swivel or move. makes posing the arms or holding the gun tricky. I like how the display stand can be used to display both Priss and the Moto but that the Priss stand can detach. The pegs for her feet are actually on ball joints so it gives more dynamic poseability-possibilities. I even forgot that this was a Yamato a few days ago and I was idly thinking to myself walking down the road "Hmmm, I wonder when the Yamato Moto is coming ou...........oh God." And might I request that the images occross the top-banner of MW depicting these abominations be removed. They offend my eyes to no end.
  15. If you're only in it for a nice display piece, go for it. But it feels cheap as chips. It's a partsformer where it could easily have been perfect.
  16. "How queer everything is today" is a quote from Alice in Wonderland. Still, taken out of context............ And the t-shirt with the bear and Donald McDonald (in Japan) says "bear claw". I know that's a kind of pastry but what does this t-shirt mean.
  17. And has anyone ever noticed that when you connect the front cowl and the underbelly of the bike to form the chest of the Moto....it kind of looks like the faces of the Grass-hoppers from the movie "Bug's Life"
  18. I swapped the hands on my leader Bulkhead for the Voyager's hands lastnight. Not had a chance to put up any pics yet but for those of you who want two normal hands on their Leader class without buying two, this is the (slightly) cheaper option. The hands need a little sanding but they will attach fairly securely with a little plastic cement. And the wracking ball still attaches. I've even put a metal chain on mine instead of the string. I'll put some pics up tomorrow.
  19. Question is........could they have made it PT at this scale. I would say yes. And I have to say.......the Moto-roid just feels like i'm holding one of the Transformers Movie game character toys.
  20. Alex


    I think the Nora is pretty sinister.....but for all the wrong reasons. For those in the know, there's a 35+ year old comedy-drama in the UK called "Last of the Summer Wine" about a group of old-age pensioners living in a small village in Yorkshire in the UK. (longest running sitcom in the world actually) One of the characters is this cantancerous old woman called Nora Batty. because of that character, my nickname for my 51 is the "NORA BATTROID" All I need now is a Compo-0A
  21. Alex


    Oh, ta very much. That actually caused me to spit tea all over my screen. And it's my office's computer. Btw, you get those through your mail-box?! Hm. Yammer-Toe or C@mel-Toe. Either way your spending your money on plastic creations with QC issues.
  22. Yep. Pretty disappointing attempt by Yammer-toe. And it's odd that they don't show the the third mode in the instructions or on the box. Basically, anyone who was p@#$ed off with the CM Mospeada will hate this. It's more money for less.
  23. I think a little bigger, but yeah, closer to the CMs.
  24. No alternate heads, sorry. Alternate hands tho (yay?) and alternate arm-gun. I sat Priss on the Mospeada and she was actually too small for it to be honest.
  25. Bring on the WIP photos. I can imagine that looking pretty decent. Just a word about scale. I can't provide pics since I don't actually own one but my friends is pretty small. The Motoslave is about the same size as the MH Mospeada. However, Priss is about shoulder high to Stick.
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