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Everything posted by Alex

  1. It's the first edition of the Nora. I always suspected that Nora of being a bit loose. I had thought about blaming the heat but it's recently gotten a lot chillier, so that ain't it. As Renato quite accurately said; "this could ONLY happen to YOU".
  2. Here's a frickin first. I left my sv51 on the stand on my bookcase for the last two weeks. I went to work the other day only to come home and find my sv51's nose cone on the floor. The pin was stuck to the magnetized side of the nose cone section. My immediate thought was that I must have snapped the hinge previously and it had just fallen off. But when I looked at it more closely, the hinges that hold the pin in place are completely intact. NOTHING is broken, snapped, warped or anything. It's as if the pin became incorporeal and simply fell out. I can't even get it back in as there is not even a tiny amount of bend to allow it. WTF is happening here. Some anime magic warping my valk?!
  3. Shop a couple of stations from my house had the Proto-Mospeada helmet for 77,000en this morning. If that thing was in the 30,000 range..........
  4. Saw the samples of the 1A today. Very nice in person. Gits wouldn't let me take pics though.
  5. It's being produced by Wave. The title of the article is basically "Simple is Best" and it looks like a Fighter only model kit. Where's Renato............
  6. I see that those clear Collector's club combiners are all over the stores in Akiba. I thought they were exclusive, "in-the-mail" thing-a-majigs?
  7. I t might just be my eyes that don't work, but am i the only one who thinks the 1/60s gunpod is a tad too small? I put the 1/48 gunpod with the 1/60 Nora-battyroid and (although still too big) looks much closer to how it should be.
  8. Missing heads and tires. It's probably some guy at the factory line stealing bits at a time, slowly building his own valk at home, piece by piece.
  9. This is getting silly now. I'm more than convinced that this Vote/no comment business is just to screw around. I've been lurking around some of the Japanese forums the last few days and I haven't seen ANY broken reports/pics etc.
  10. I always thought the name "Destroid" was a bit cruel. UN SPACY: Congratulations soldier. You will be piloting one of our Destroids. Solidier: Uh. "DES....TROID"? Isn't that a bit of a jinx? UN SPACY: We like to think of it as more of an accurate description. By the way, if you have any DVDs to return this week, i'd do it now.
  11. After seeing the five page preview of Reign of Starscream, it looks like it's leading to the creation of the Devestator There seem to be six Bots lying around that cube at the end and one of the captured looks like a Constructicon.
  12. My valk came without the head AND the hinges on the door for the hip-bar snapped off like they were butter.
  13. I don't have any problem just using my finger nails. And I bite mine to holy hell. How come you used a hobby blade. There must be a dozen other things that you could have used with the same thickness but less scratching potential.
  14. Well. the tabs are actually close to the lineart. The locking mechanism on the DYRL valks has them.
  15. Same thing happened to me last night. I was on my bed doing barrel rolls overhead (yeah?! So what!?) and a tiny piece of plastic shrapnel came out. I also went over the valk but came up with nothing. BTW. Anyone bothered by the tiny tabs that lock the canopy down? Couple of people I spoke to don't like it but they are there in the lineart which I forgot all about.
  16. I always look at it like an iPod vs an MD walkman. The MD looks busier but the more recent iPod is sleeker and more plain.
  17. So, Jenius, the legs actually extend at the knee?
  18. Good idea. And if those voters get miffed then it might just force them to get of their asses and give us an explanation or two. Assuming they are genuine.
  19. Man. It's nice having a Valk with a head and zero arthritis in the hips. Agreed, I'm also assuming that most of the broken votes are fake. Mine broke and I whined like a baby about it the whole next day. ("No more Yammies! Never again!!!!"- Yeah, that lasted about a day. God i'm a drama queen) Who wouldn't bitch about it if they'd spent THAT much cash.
  20. However, the head lasers on mine are super tight. Bit unnerving when positioning them.
  21. The gunpod/arm connection on mine is eally loose but it stays on just fine.
  22. After taking out a book on banishing evil spirits, hanging garlic around my room, painting pagan symbols on my walls, I am happy to say that my second 1/60 has not befallen any evillness and is perfect. Loving the size of the stand-alone's box. It's perfect. Kinda sucks that I only have a Super 1S but I hardly care about that.
  23. The stand-alone was out today. Noone seemed to be buying them though.
  24. (while doing my best Louie Anderson imitation) Hey Guys. I just got a replacement for my 1/60. Can I come back in the club hoooouse?
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