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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Sorry to derail the topic for a moment but something really sucky happened. My Beagle Stick was stolen. I was taking it out to show someone. Put it in the box and was carrying it in a clear bag. Maybe that was a mistake. Sat down on the train with it in the overhead compartment. Was texting but, hell, it's Japan. I see people leave wallets on tables in cafes while they go to the toilet. So, I get to my stop and when I reach up to get my Beagle...yeeeeeah. Worst part is I am pretty sure it was this arrogant frakking looking businessman who stole it. He was the only one standing next to me. frakk! addendum; Awwww, frakk. That means I gotta sow up another red jumpsuit for another Stick. frakk you, random Japanese guy!
  2. Threw out the first and made a far more accurate cannon.
  3. Are those trading cards?
  4. Sorry. Didn't realise I deleted the text. Yeah, fully transformable, toy possible redesign.
  5. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/mecha/keida/kanzen-page/mospeada.html
  6. Cheers Well, now i'm learning how to sculpt with two part epoxy putty. I really need an eve finer grit paper to get it as smooth as I would like.
  7. Oh, so not looking forward to that. I did see some awesome little decal kits online that have various eyes you can apply on figures. I'll be using one for Houquet's eyes if I decide to stick with this current headsculpt.
  8. First ever attempt actually sculpting hair from scratch. Took one of those resin Stick heads and had a go. The Results are fair for a first go.
  9. Masterpiece Orguss approves of this thread.
  10. Added some rubber grips to the inside of the connector. Now it holds the Tread securely. Also trimmed those annoying Legioss tail fins.
  11. Try picking up a STOCK CM Legioss like this
  12. Started modding the CM Legioss to make it all lock together. Wings are solid now. Not perfect but they can are MUCH better. Plus the arms now lock in place. All thanks to two tiny posts I installed on the legs and two tiny holes drilled into the arms.
  13. How about a "if only CM's had..."? I never noticed how much more accurate the connector for the Tread/Legioss was in the prototype. Damn. That probably would have been MUCH more secure/ easier to tighten/customize.
  14. Aaaaaaand done! Now I can stop hogging the thread
  15. Hopefully. Redoing Yellow's head, too. Never was happy with it.
  16. Soon.
  17. Ley! Stop shooting pictures and start shooting Invid!
  18. Roald Dahl ain't got nothing on this BFG.
  19. Ha! Dayum, girl! Yeah, the shoulders DO need to be pointier. I'll fix that. And I think i'll leave Houquet with a modest rack...I mean on the bsck of the bike, of course
  20. Bigger? Well, she IS like 14 in the show.
  21. And that's the suit finished.
  22. Awwww, man. Don't be a hater Glad people ar digging these customs.
  23. Cheers The onl;y bitch-of-the-bunch is Houquet's BFG. For such a simple design it's hard finding the right fodder for it. I'm using the handle from Ley's 1/12 beam cannon for the BFG.
  24. Thanks for the kind words Here's a little extra frosting for you. Houquet's helmet is all finished apart from some decals. The cleavage area still needs a piece placed in there with the separate red part that you can see in her armor. And yes...she has a remolded posterior to give her a more feminine look. Shots of that coming soon on my pay-per-view channel.
  25. Still a few things to be done. The bell bottoms are wrong so i'll redo those. Need the headlights installed. Fuke's bfg is still under construction. I'm fairly happy.
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