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Everything posted by Alex

  1. When is the Alto due out again? I thought it was this Saturday. If so, may pick one up then.
  2. Y'know you can just edit your posts instead of double posting (^-^)b
  3. I have one of these in limbo right now. Except i'm making it a blow-superior version.
  4. Wouldn't be easy but it is entirely do-able. I'd probably start by shoppin g around hardware stores to look for the materials. In fact, I saw a type of breath mask over here that would be the ideal starting base for a scout Invid. That's one of my next projects after gettijg back into kit-bashing after a long break.
  5. Yeah. Just coz they are related to the show it doesn't mean they'd be good bases. There are probably a dozen other, reasonably priced, toys in Toys'r'us that would do.
  6. Tell me about it. I had some last minute stuff come up at the .......last minute. Yeah. Haven't heard from Ren yet.
  7. Some of the Evangelion vinyl angels seems pretty good (if a little stiff). The cheaper they are, the easier it'll be to buy a few for the purposes of "army building". I'd pick up two or three to do that. Articulation wouldn't even be a concern for me.
  8. Bleh. I was supposed to meet up with Ren, Save, Yellow-lightman et al but couldn't go in the end
  9. edited
  10. My post fro m the other day got buried when the page count ticked over. Is Stick's name proven to be his birth name? Could STICK be a call sign or nick-name?
  11. Yamato doesn't have the license for Frontier stuff.
  12. This may be very obvious but......an SDF?
  13. Well, now that you mention it he is quite a handsome......GAH! I have images of Kawa-Whorey Show-boat being assassinated John Wilkes Booth style by a member of the audience for his refusal to resolve the love triangle in Frontier. The assassin will probably shout "SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!" Which of course means "death to b-tards who refuse to resolve love triangles in Frontier.
  14. Well, i'm being dragged along to this thing by Renato............. Though I didn't get a ticket. I just have this image of being the guy who doesn't get into the exclusive club (kinda like in Wanyne's World) stuck outside with the losers. Some random guy walks up to me Otaku- "Hi" Me- "Uh....hi?" Otaku- "Do you like MEEN-MAAAAY?" Me- "Uh, get away from me. You sicken me." Alternatively "Yes, I love LEEN MIIIIIIIIIIN-MAAAAAAAAAY!"
  15. I always wondered about the "DIVE" in Mospeada. Do we see Mospeada being dropped on Reflex point? Where doe the DIVE come in? Military Operation Soldier Protection Emergency Aviation Dive Armor
  16. "I know all there is to know about the flying game......the flying game......."
  17. Was "Stick" ever shown to be his actually BIRTH name? In the back of my mind, I always thought of it in the same way as "Bones" McCoy. Like- "Hey, Bernard. Remember the time you punctured your lung on that stick? Man, that was funny! Except something more heroic.
  18. Since it says on the Sari character sheet, it seems that she is indeed . If that's the case, should be interesting. Looks like it could be that Seems exactly the kind of thing they'd do in this show.
  19. It's implied in the OVA that Though i'm of the opinion that it's all a fever induced dream experienced by Yellow on his death-bed. (not a fan of the thing)
  20. Even firing up their guns caused the Invids to react and allowed them to detect their presence. Though I can't recall the proximity of the invid. That was one element of the show that I really liked. We've got these awesome weapons, but they light up like a Christmas tree on the enemies radar. Can't remember if they used a flatbed or not though. I'm sure they did some of the time.
  21. Oh, I understand WHY in the story they would need to go slowly. I just hate that there's a huge reason invented just so they can include these ships just to sell more toys to the Macross crowd. And the suit of my Stick has split totally along the side of the torso.
  22. I'd like to a see a sequel to the show (dare I say it) with no Treads o rLegioss. Just a buncha guys heading across country, blowin' up bad guys. Handle the cast more like they do with Supernatural. That cast has like two regulars and it works. It was just laughable when you think that they flew the Tread/Legioss slow enough to let the Mospeada catch up. WHY not just load the bikes on the Tread and get to Reflex point in like a day?!
  23. Beyond the toys, Mospeada doesn't seem to generate as much discussion as some other shows. I'd like to see more discussions about the show.
  24. I much prefer the effect of the thinner cloth, but this works really well. I was even considering getting a 1/10 jumpsuit from Volks or somewhere and gving stick a new colour. Just for Gits and Shiggles.
  25. Gah. The roolz! Meh. Don't care. She gets a vote from me anyway.
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