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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Nah. That would make too much sense.
  2. They have a real problem with the definite article over here, "Pirates OF Caribbean" for example. God knows how they would market a band like "THE THE". As for the metallic finish possibly being scratched durning transformation, they could at least give use the option of whether we want to risk it.
  3. Question is, why just a fighter only model. It's a) extremely cheap of them and b) just weird as to why they didn't include the extra pieces. So, basically, transformation was dropped in favour of MORE BLOODY MOE. Yer really pushing it Bandai!
  4. So, it's POSSIBLE that those exclusive VF-100s are non-transformable? Bandai VF25s just keep disappointing me.
  5. I'm starting to think that the name 'SHALOOM" is a clue. A "LOOM" of "SHAM"? I may have had too much sugar this morning.
  6. When exactly is the Aoshima Beta due out? Two retailers have told me two conflicting dates. One said that it had already been released and one told me that it was due this month.
  7. My invitation was lost in the mail, must have been I don't feel so bad though. I know another member of these boards who discovered the Main nozzles on the 1/48 Fastpacks actually moved..........after owning them for FOUR years.
  8. Am I late to the party, or did everyone know that you have to lock the flap on the back of the Battroid's neck in order to lock the entire torso? It apparently locks under the tiny tab that holds the two halves of the fuselage together.
  9. "POW-AAAH TO THE.......HYDROCHLORIC ACID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  10. Yeah, this has been the huge scandal of the week. The conversations i've had over this latest scandal are funny. Friend-"Alex! Did you hear that Noriko Sakai is missing? OMG!!! WTF!!!" ME-"Yeah, I did. What is she famous for again?" Friend-"Fu@%ed if I know .................................... what?"
  11. Yeah. Noone eats it anyway. I've spoken to a fair few Japanese people who claim that they continue the hunting of whales in order to divert attention from the criminal over-fishing of Tuna. Is this Anime or Science fiction related? Maybe we can pretend that the show takes place in Dynamite Seven. Space Whales!!!!!!!
  12. That's just the thing. it didn't even rip off. There are nos tress marks or tears. It just came off. The surface of the crack is smooth. Could be that there was an imperfection in the plastic, an air bubble or something.
  13. Yeah, sorry about that. Having trouble with the interwebs today. Nothing is working. How's this? http://s966.photobucket.com/albums/ae146/alexcollier/
  14. http://i966.photobucket.com/albums/ae146/a..._Photo-0087.jpg I can't seem to get the handle of the "Pho-toh Buck-it".
  15. My 1/60 broke mid-transformation. There aren't even any stress marks on the plastic. It just seeems to have seperated from each other. Darn. Add another to the list! Edit. Won't upload my pics. It broke at the hinge on the wing.
  16. I don't know. Some of the Revoltech figures only have a few revoltech joints in them. I wouldn't be surprised if this only featured the joints in the head, ankles, hands and perhaps a few other key areas. I have a feeling that it won't be loaded with joints.
  17. Borrowing from the recent Star Trek remake- Hikaru, Misa and Minmei travel back in time through a black hole. By doing so, they disrupt the space/time continuum and create a parallel universe in which all panty-chasing, bust-bouncing, fan-service-worshipping shenanigans never occur. Thus, Frontier is a mature, watchable show, hailed as a fine return to form by Kawamori, both commercially AND critically. Like that would ever happen.
  18. What i'd like to see the most is a smaller, more initmate story a la Plus. Someone mentioned a "Western". Not a bad idea. You need a love-triangle in there somewhere, singing. I had once heard a storyline (most likely a fan-fic) in which a small UN Spacy colony holds the reigns of a small Zentraedi military unit who are sent into the most dangerous and viscious situations. In their "down-time" they are pacified by a singer who is believed by the Zentradi on the outpost to be the reincarnation of the lost idol Minmay. Can't remember the story exactly, but someone kidnaps the singer, hoping the Zentradi will go beserk for some reason, leaving the hero to deal with controlling/fighting off the increasingly rebellious Zents and finding that the recordings of the singer are having increasingly decreased effect. If someone knows where that story comes from, post a link coz I really enjoyed it. I'd prefer a smaller story like this. less of a galactic war and more of a border dispute sort of thing.
  19. Oh dear. Just saw the promo. Seems very bland and generic. Doesn't seem that this itteration of Number 6 will be the target of the same mind games that plagued the MacGoohan version. I always like the feeling that he was a rat in a maze. The VIllage in this vertsion doesn't seem as much of a "character" as the 60's village did. Perhaps they should have gone even furthwer with the Truman Show feel and have a more 1950s, Americana feel to the town. And there also seems to be little hint at why 6 is trapped here. In the first, it was hinted at that it may be his own government, a foreign government etc. More of a spy story. This has none of that from what I saw. This seems like an average Outer Limits episode.
  20. I see that they are now considering a "NIMH" remake. http://movieblips.dailyradar.com/story/nim...ation_in_works/ I really don't feel that this needs a remake, although the shift to magic in the first movie did annoy me. They may be more faithful to the book this time.
  21. Gah! Went out today to pick up a set of the EZ Collection Constructicons and several stores told me that they sold out in about ten minutes.....and they were released yesterday!!!!! And it's mostly scalpers since I saw two sets on sale for 14 and 18,000.
  22. Jack's brother (as far as we know) has none of the Lazarus like qualities that Jack has.
  23. Hmmm. Noty sure what to think of the new costume. Granted, Indiana Jones wore something similar..........but had the sense to swap it for a cool leather jacket when the action started. I guess it'll grwo on me. The only thing I'm a little cool on is the dicky-bow.
  24. See, i'm very interested in how the hell Damn, The writers did a great job here. I was fully expecting a standard Torchwood. I think that this mini-series was really the arrival of this show for me.
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