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Arakure Knight

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Everything posted by Arakure Knight

  1. Solaris Japan is even offering the Ostrich: https://solarisjapan.com/products/choujikuu-yousai-macross-ai-oboete-imasu-ka-vt-1-super-ostrich-dx-chogokin-1-48-bandai-spirits-shop-exclusive
  2. Yoyaku seems to have re-opened again - 17 available: https://www.yoyakunow.com/en/robots/20787-dx-chogokin-vt-1-super-ostrich.html
  3. Love this forum and thanks to borh who posted earlier the Luna Park link as well as discount code. Pleasantly surprised at their prices when compared to their recent YF-21 Guld posting which had a plain in sight mark-up. Nin-Nin has always delivered for me to date but after seeing that Luna Park price, I doubt Nin-Nin could do better. Secured three now from different suppliers so will leave heart attack till tomorrow when I see my account balance ...
  4. AmiAmi is listed as a place to get this on the Tamashii website however I am guessing that is more as a walkin and order rather than online?
  5. I wasn't expecting the suddeness of this PO to come today but fortunately it's a public holiday in Oz so I got to standby the computer and hit F5. Thanks for the links - I secured one at BIJ and I'll try my luck with Nin-Nin later today too. Finally achieved my best fave trio in 1/48 - Roy Fokker VF-1J, VF-1D and now (at last) the VT-1. I've secured other PO's in the past but have sold them however these three I will hold forever. Made sure I paid by PAYPAL this time and chose JPY currency. At least PAYPAL does offer 6 months protection so hopefully the release is on time within this period.
  6. Being local, I did email Sugotoys about this a few days back enquiring as to whether they'd stock this but they never replied. The takeaway for me is that it's still cheaper to secure a preorder from a Japanese supplier directly. Mine from Nin nin is about $480 aud landed so I'm already $60 aud ahead.
  7. ¥43,889 for me shipped (literally) to Australia. I can wait for sea mail however the upside to ordering from Nin-nin is that they don't charge additional 10% GST tax unlike HLJ and Ami Ami so I've done good to get it at the cheapest price possible. Hesitated at HLJ and was cartjacked but no hesitation on this one. My wallet's empty again
  8. Time to fire up the ol' account for another round of preorders - always greatful to everyone here for the link posts! Seems Luna Park would be everyone's last resort given the price. Despite the VF-21 finally becoming available, the Ostrich is the one worth dying for...
  9. Arakure Knight

    Hi-Metal R

    Damn - looks like HLJ just sold out with order stop: https://www.hlj.com/hi-metal-r-vf-0s-phoenix-roy-focker-machine-bans63742
  10. Crickey ... thanks for the link. Ended up ordering a third one now as I just sold a pair of Yeezys earlier today so had some extra funds. I've tried Mykombini in the past and they delivered with no problems so know they are reliable.
  11. As said above for those who wish to try their luck, Nippon Yasan pre-order link up now - 2,000 yen more than the BIJ pre-order one: https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/33413-super-dimension-fortress-macross-dx-chogokin-vf-1d-valkyrie-fan-racer.html Seems like most shops rather list preorders on Christmas eve rather than on Christmas day itself.
  12. First time ordering from them and I put myself down for two ... figured it was only 600 yen asking more than the initial Nin-Nin price and I wasn't going to spend my Christmas refreshing sites tomorrow whenever Nin-Nin decides to drop. Nin-Nin drops earlier than most but Roy was the exception when they dropped a few hours later at a higher price. All good ... the AUD dollar's been stregthening so I've allowed myself an early Christmas pressie today then. First time ordering TWE item but looks like I was lucky to have been ready. Certainly wasn't as painful as Roy release. Now then, waiting on Nin-Nin to deliver my Roy anyday now after having to pay extra postage early this week to get the order off.
  13. Big in Japan link now up: https://www.biginjap.com/en/home/25035-macross-dx-chogokin-vf-1d-valkyrie-fan-racer.html
  14. I've gotten all my DX Valks through Nin-nin however it's annoying how they randomly open up the orders at different points jacking the price up each time. This is going to be fun (not) spending time continuously pressing F5 at the computer and forgoing family on Christmas Day itself ...
  15. Must cop for me too - Nin Nin link up: https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/japanese-import-hobbies-toys-bandai-premium/43408-dx-chogokin-vf-1d-valkyrie-fan-racer-macross-limited-edition-bandai-.html
  16. Mine went through fine - I've ordered from Nin-Nin before in the past and had no issues or bad experience - they've delivered me both Max DX Vf1a and Chuck V31e in the past on time and in great packaging. Unlike previous times, they didn't do an early release for this PO. I only didn't have time to apply my vouchers and choose the best PAYPAL method but hey, whatever it takes to secure an order in the heat of the moment right?
  17. You're not the only one - I also added three in the first round and missed out by the time I had removed two. On the second release, I was lucky and made sure I only clicked on the Add to Cart button once. Had hoped to snag a second one but will count my blessings as I know how it hurts to miss out totally as I did with the previous VF1s PO.
  18. I think everyone's experience is different - I certainly felt that this time wasn't as bad as the previous Hikaru VF1s DYRL release which I was unable to secure then but managed to get Max VF1a before. Nin-nin didn't have any early release this time but Nippon Yasan did. In any case, I've learnt HobbySearch is near impossible to even land on when these pre-orders drop. That said, I won't complain - I feel like copping a pair of OG Nike Jordans or SB dunks is even harder than these Macross pre-orders.
  19. Nin Nin just opened again and I managed to secure one this time I can exhale now
  20. Thanks to whoever posted that Evangelion dyna-action figure link - I pulled the trigger so even if I miss on Roy I have a consolation. Made sense as I don't have any metal build eva's yet and these are bigger than em
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