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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. Totally. And if it came across as though I thought it was easy to get a DX, then I can clarify I don't think it's easy at all. Just like you said, the fact that I get a rush and thrill of the kill means it's hard to do. I don't believe I insinuated it was easy or realistic. It's just my personal experience and based on that the price of KC is not worth the quality. If they would've kept the price around the same price point as Ver 1, I'd be all in frankly. This bothers me a bit as well. Not enough to stop me from purchasing at the right price point because Robotech still has a place in my heart. I look at it very separately from Macross ironically enough. But based on the current price, the HG license certainly doesn't help me want to buy.
  2. I’m definitely not joking. As crackpot mentions, there’s only a $30 - $50 difference at MSRP for DXs compared to KC. I would call that close. I have gotten every single DX VF-1 at $190 or less. Only exception was the 1J because I was late to that one. Even that, I got close to MSRP. KC has gotten better with each release, but their prices have increased with each as well. I hope someday they are as good as Arcadia or Bandai, but until then it’s not worth the price. Just my opinion and from my own experience in owning two of the ver 1. Not sure what the contentious reply is for?
  3. Exactly. Not even worth it in my opinion for that price. Not when many of us are getting DXs at MSRP. It’s a shame because I would prefer to purchase this scale and leave the 1/48 for special displays. I actually like the 1/72 better than the 1/60 scale. I do like the price better than Arcadia’s PF but the quality sucks compared to them so again not worth it.
  4. Honestly, I hope for us all that PO madness subsides a bit. (But yes, I LOVE the thrill )
  5. 100%. Absolutely be getting DYRL Roy if I'm able. I actually love PO madness. Total adrenaline rush, and I've been fortunate enough to score for every single one post 1J release (and Hikkie DYRL I scored an extra MSRP on release day). Now, when my luck runs out, I might feel differently.
  6. That's what I was waiting for.
  7. Fake news. It's elevenbillionty dollars.
  8. Um...no. I thought I made myself clear.
  9. So far, I’m not super impressed, but I’m an early adopter so hiccups are to be expected. I mean, you can just load RetroPie on a Pi etc. if you really want Atari games. The games they are adding could be cool but nothing super yet. I’m having a heck of a time getting a gaming OS of any kind to load in their PC mode. Cool. See above. Will be curious your thoughts when you set up.
  10. Learned it from you!
  11. I generally use PayPal with my card (when only PayPal is accepted) and pass the currency conversion over to my card instead of PayPal.
  12. Yes, exactly the same. It was through mail-in. Here’s are pics of that mail-in. Credit goes to @nightmareB4macross and @jvmacross during my search for info. My avatar displays it.
  13. Ditto and yeah it shipped from HK so makes total sense what the delay was. I’ll keep that in mind for the future. Most likely it’ll be DYRL if they stick to the pattern of two TV then two DYRL. Also they’ve been doing one regular and then one TWE release. I also think it’ll be Max 1A regular and then Hikaru 1A TWE with Strike or possibly just his skulls to place in separate Strike.
  14. Absolutely. Let me know what you need. I don’t mind at all. Especially helpful to confirm details since we know it was sealed when I received it. I have a complete Jetfire with box in NM if you need any pics. Though I’m sure the other guys do here as well.
  15. I need to double check my two Strikes and VF-1A now for the stamps, stickers etc. I’m curious.
  16. This is the box that was sealed. (I took a video of opening it to capture the moment lol.) You can see the Bandai and texture. I have another one that is NM that is also textured. I don’t believe Takatoku ever released these, right? Only promotional ads before Bandai took over.
  17. Mine is textured too and was sealed when I bought it.
  18. Ooooh gotcha. First time using them though I do recall their dates office is based in Hong Kong
  19. Yeah just realized that as well looking at it and seeing the TT.
  20. Speaking of Supers again, any of us waiting on Kurama get shipping notice yet? I know there are a few of us.
  21. @nightmareB4macross @jvmacross You guys are amazing. Lol. Did any of you see the 1/55 VF-1D custom on YJ recently? I came so close to buying but someone beat me out before I could decide. I wondered if it was a Toynami/Bandai prototype.
  22. I love this thread. That is all.
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