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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. Get your game face on people...
  2. Nice! I don’t feel so bad about mine now!
  3. Thanks. Took the advice and ordered on NY!
  4. So, I’m a little late for ordering the Missile Set. Looks like Nin-Nin-Game and Nippon-Yasan have them up for pre-order still. Either one reliable? Both are pay upfront and I know there are a lot of sources that don’t have quantity for the pre-order and just hunt for it after release.
  5. That's good to know as well. I don't own any Yammies yet so part of me just wonders if I should ride out the DX train with Bandai a bit. Seems like a good time to do that, and as long as I can fight the good PO fight, it makes sense. The question is: Will they release DYRL?
  6. I just picked a couple up that had only been transformed once from a user here. So they're basically new. Just arrived this afternoon and now I understand why reviews are so high for this. Just curious since there is always something exciting about opening brand new. The VF-1A announcement is definitely awesome. I might have to start collecting these in DX.
  7. Anyone think this announcement will open up more VF-1J stock w/o stand?
  8. Amazing looking bunch there! Haha! I have the premium finish 1/60 but still need the 1/48.
  9. LMAO. Like I need another devil on my shoulder telling me to...Thanks! Life is short and I collect to play. So I might. Though been thinking of my MIB VF-1A Ichijo and VF-1S Focker chunky rereleases. They’re already open and could just Frankenstein a head swap. If I keep Focker in Jet mode it wouldn’t be too bad. (plus could always swap em back).
  10. Here’s where I found mine: www.planetxtoys.com Owner is super nice and came from his personal collection. His website probably could use some better SEO because I found him 6 tabs deep while searching for this (I was looking for one even 1/4 of this freshness). Did some homework and knew he was legit. Seems more focused on Power Rangers as he runs some events and visits toy fairs in general. But has a selection of Macross worth keeping an eye on. Not spamming here. Just had a great experience worth sharing. Because it’s definitely tough to find these like this.
  11. Yeah I couldn’t pass it up. Completely sealed and as minty as the day it was born. It was pricey, but considering what I’ve seen a sealed G1 Jetfire go for, it was only a quarter of that price. The only problem is that i’m So tempted to swoosh it. Just can’t open this one.
  12. Couldn’t believe I found this. Incredible condition like 1984 new. Most beautiful Valk I’ve ever laid eyes on. Story is that it come from Kawamori’s personal collection in the 80’s to the collector I purchased from. No documentation to prove but based on it’s condition, I’ve no reason to doubt it.
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