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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. I've never heard of this company before, but they've only opened shop since this year (2019). But, they have a physical address and phone number in Japan. I didn't take the time to search the inter-webs for feedback on them either. But, the price is what it should be ($188 with EMS shipping). Only downside is upfront payment. Desperate measures may call for desperate times for those wanting to grab now. https://okini.land/en/8955-dx-chogokin-vf-1a-valkyrie-maximilian-jenius-use-bandai.html Twitter: https://twitter.com/okiniland Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/okiniland
  2. I can't say from personal experience, but someone on another board said that Amiami cancelled their DX VF-1J PO.
  3. Buyer beware. Looks like it’s prepaid too.
  4. Huh, what do you think this means it the product page's Description?
  5. Though it sucked for people stuck in the waiting line when the product page dropped with pre-order status, it prevented the site from crashing as well as from being cart jacked for those able to submit an order. As someone (along with you) who were "live" on the site when it dropped, it was a relief to get through the process without hiccup.
  6. Maybe this is naive of me, but is it possible that these stores have a certain quota for pre-orders in order to ensure a certain amount of stock at release? Supply based on demand. If so, it would not be a stretch to consider N-Y or Nin-Nin hit that pre-order quota and are now keeping things open for anticipated release day at release day prices while calling it "pre-order" on their site. Other vendors may not want to gamble with those numbers and will just wait until release. I really don't think either store is withholding pre-order stock. They've had it opened at higher prices for days now. It's not uncommon for stores to take pre-orders on anticipated stock.
  7. I was in NY PO night cracked out from sleep depravation at 3 AM and had the missiles in my cart just staying active when the damn PO opened up. I landed a Max then but was too rapid fire in the order to remove the missiles. So, yeah, he’s going to have a missile set now. You’re not alone. I already had a set ordered for Hikaru and was content with that...oh well. You know Super Parts will be coming at some point...and as already quoted: ”Shut up and take my money!” - Fry
  8. Uh oh...jeez so we have to be worried about that happening? This was my first Macross PO. It. Was. Crazy. I'm glad I secured one from NY, but couldn't do another all-nighter to grab a 2nd.
  9. @no3Ljm I secured a Max through NY last night in USD using PayPal Credit. A credit line and no interest financing for 6 months.
  10. NY was definitely strange. I was able to confirm an order there. But luck and timing was it. Seems like you had to be live and active at the time of posting. Like @Shizuka the Cat said, clicking in the site kept me alive and then I kept searching while seeing them post iterations of the product page till pre-order opened. Once it opened I sped through the order process. But once I submitted payment (I pre-paid) it spit me back in the waiting line for 10 min. During that wait, I got a notification in email of payment processed from PayPal, confirmation email from NY, and finally after the waiting queue it spit me to a confirmation on the site. Super weird experience.
  11. With great power comes great responsibility? I hear ya, just frustrating to see scalpers pull that bs. Would be cool to fight fire with fire if possible.
  12. Anyone here know how to write a competing Bot for the next pre-order madness? MW's can unite and pool resources to help the fam? If I can score an extra at some point, I'd be glad to help anyone here. Paying it forward and supporting the (proto)culture here is what makes this community cool.
  13. Whelp....payment processed but not sure if the PO actually hit?
  14. So damn close. Payment pages for bot CDJ and HLJ...then jacked.
  15. No product page yet for NY, right? I was #26 and now I'm just chilling on the search page.
  16. I find keeping it simple to be a bit better because sometimes leading with "DX" doesn't quite work. Practice searching the different sites for the VF-1J to get a feel for what pops, but I find "Chogokin" registers better and sometimes with "VF-1A" (though not too many sites are live for that. I'm no "pro" though. Any other's have advice?
  17. I think I gave them about 4 or 5 business days if I remember correctly? I paid for EMS so expected it sooner :shrugs: Just wasn't impressed.
  18. I recently ordered the VF-1J and they never updated shipping. Thankfully, I used PayPal and got them involved. Nin-nin cancelled my order and refunded rather than fulfilled order.
  19. This preorder has me thinking about the Hikaru again. Anyone from Singapore here? Know of any stores that have the DX VF-1J in-store? I have family there that could purchase it locally.
  20. No, but it would seem you stumbled on the JAN: 4573102567222 For example, DX VF-1J is 4573102551382
  21. I'm just incredibly lucky that I purchased a couple from @spanner in his going away, "everything must go," party. I would still love one fresh out of the box so you would think that Bandai would re-release considering the initial release was positioned as "First Press Limited Edition." But, yeah...
  22. That was a much nicer version of this or some variant of it: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Convert+4%3A00+pm+JST+to+PDT
  23. Sage advice. Plus, at 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM (depending on where you reside) it'll be too late/early to think straight. Just click, click, approve, click, hold your breath until a confirmation page pulls up.
  24. Anyone else notice how they show the whole squad in one snapshot on Max’s promo? Would make sense if Kakizaki we’re next.
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