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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. That’s actually been asked within the last day or so. I was a noob for the last pre-order hell and there is a lot to be gleaned from this thread. Give the thread a quick search and there are some suggestions. But pretty much all of the main hobby/toy collectible stores ship to the the US via SAL, EMS, or DHL.
  2. For all those thinking about getting it, but not sure. I might encourage you not to unless you get it after PO night so that those who really want it have one more statistic going for them that night....less odds against us. HA I'm kidding, but seriously... Ok, still kidding.
  3. If all you have for comparison is Robotech “Masterpiece” then that would be a resounding YES. It’s especially worth owning at MSRP and even at markup.
  4. Dude, don’t jinx us! Haha
  5. Yup, the VF-1A is a good example to speculate from.
  6. I think I just got lucky with a seller that was globally fulfilled through AJ. I posted when they were up but seems to have gone quickly. Edit: And it’s back up as of right now for anyone interested. And NY having one person?! Right?! I think we all agree they have one person slowly uploading each listing on PO night. Wouldn’t be surprised if we see this PO well into the early morning with how many POs going up that night.
  7. I find it odd that I ordered Missiles from AJ on like Monday for only $10 more with shipping than I did during pre-order at NY with shipping, and I've received them from AJ already whilst NY is still showing "Preparation in progress." I'm in no rush, and I enjoy NY, but find it funny.
  8. And we have a listing already: https://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/japanese-import-hobbies-toys-game-character/32302-macross-vf-1s-valkyrie-hikaru-ichijou-use-dx-chogokin-.html
  9. Here's the update from Macross.jp: http://macross.jp/news/?id=1107&category1=4
  10. Nice!
  11. No problem! I thought about leaving it unanswered so as to leave more odds for me to land a PO. LOL. If a bunch of lurkers came across your post, they may all be three hours late to the party and maybe a day early.
  12. Correct. June 7th is Strike/Super pack.
  13. No, Monday 12:00 AM PT / 3:00 AM ET (Sunday evening into Monday).
  14. Yeah, I picked up an extra set at AJ last night for not quite double the markup just in case. Better price than what is currently out and cheap (but fast and reliable) shipping. Worst case I get two sets, and best case I have three. Two is more than enough for what I want atm (though who knows how that will look another few months to a year from now depending on releases). That seems to be the case period. I wouldn’t be surprised if Max releases almost double like what they currently have for pre-orders. Seems to be the trend.
  15. Thanks guys! I figured they wouldn’t separate the shipment but just curious if there would be a stocking issue with a TWE being released much sooner than the Max.
  16. So here’s a question: I ordered a missile set ala carte from NY (got notified like everyone else above), but I had a second set in my cart that I forgot about when I landed the Max on PO night from there so it processed in the same order. Do they just set one aside in the warehouse for me until Max ships or are the missiles at risk of being cancelled? I pre-paid for that order. Just wondering if anyone else has experience in that because Max is obviously months away.
  17. Annnd, NY just put them up again for order all around the same price.
  18. Ah right on. I hear ya! Actually, AJ has them right now with Global shipping as well.
  19. How did you lose it? And they seem to be on eBay and here for double the price.
  20. Thanks! I keep debating opening it. It’s minty white plus the decals will be 35 yrs old. I picked up that TV Ichijo VF-1S in the pic from there. Everything was in awesome shape. As well as other items.
  21. The Focker and Ichijo TV VF-1S as well as DYRL VF-1A are new to me (2002/2008 reissues). But thought I’d get a Chunky group photo with some OG Macross (as well as sneaking in their long lost TF brother).
  22. I did as well. No update yet.
  23. Haha I didn’t receive the Tamashii newsletter and hadn’t seen the update on the site so just didn’t want to assume. Thanks for confirming!
  24. More evidence of June 3. Posted on another board by @flapjacks . I'm sure we'll have official announcement soon enough, but knowledge is power, amiright?
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