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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. Yup. You missed out. I keed I keed. But...if you have to ask then they didn't happen or wasn't announced. This thread will be lit when it's announced.
  2. Well done! Wish I had the skill for that. I see you’re working on Max too?
  3. It is something to behold. What makes it the most challenging is that it is sooo early in the morning starting at 12:00 AM PT / 3:00 AM ET and not ending for several hours based on different sites releasing POs at different times. Sites stall, crash, etc. and in seconds you can miss out. It's probably more like 1 - 3 min on most sites but the problem is that everything stalls, so it is painstaking to get to each screen in the checkout process.... if you can even get to the checkout process. Haha.
  4. I’ll just add one more - someone usually gets b@&$%# slapped starting with DYRL and forward.
  5. I was just having a conversation on another board and this thought came up: What if DYRL 1A Hikkie is a TWE release bundled with his Strike Parts? That actually makes more sense than Bandai including only his insert with its release. It's possible that they just include the insert with the Strike Parts at release, but I have to imagine that this has been planned for some time considering the rest of the Squad has been included in the Strike Parts from day one. Also, the Tamashii Nations event displays the Strike Parts without including 011. I really think Hikkie's 1A will be a TWE release bundled with his Strike.
  6. Oh how I love me some AJ when I can use them. I had scored Max on PO night through NY. Then, I had scored him a second time directly from AJ at release. My AJ arrived like a week or more before NY. I don't think anyone can match their service from a Macross standpoint when made available with Global Ship.
  7. Welllll.... just because NY has changed the date doesn't necessarily mean we'll receive it right away. They tend to be delayed sometimes a couple of weeks after release. I know that threw me for a curve ball when I started using them over the past year.
  8. Yes, except you can still preorder for the April release
  9. Ah yes! Even better shot. And let’s hope that’s the case. Makes sense
  10. Hoping for the latter if it's not included in the Strike set at release.
  11. Agreed. I just purchased a 5th Strike Set so hopefully it wasn't for naught. Just wonder how they're going to distribute the 011 insert. Will it be an add-on purchase, included in the Strike Parts, or will separate Strike Parts be sold with the 011? Hopefully, we'll know more over the course of this weekend and coming week.
  12. Right. Thanks for supporting my reply. But to @Lolicon's point, there are only 4 colors in the box and the pic of Hikkie 1A clearly shows 011 instead of his 1S 001. Inquiring minds want to know...
  13. I don't know, but the Strike product page has the 001. Now that the Hikkie 1A is on display, I might need another Strike set...
  14. Ooooooh shiiiiiizzzz it's the squad!!
  15. If memory serves correct, you secured a late PO from NY, right @sqidd? I'm guessing you are confused by NY's date of Nov 30th. When PO's drop, the stores don't have a firm release date so they always put like the last day of the release month and then update it to the accurate date when Bandai announces it. So, you'll likely see an email hit from NY sometime in the next week informing you that the date has been changed to Nov 23.
  16. Right?! Guilty here! Pretty much this. Next to the sealed 1/55 DYRL VF-1S Hikkie that I own, it’s the most expensive. Both were worth every penny to me.
  17. Damnit. You're sounding like my wife now! This one has some interesting history, so yeah, some people do just to complete their lineup. I didn't spend that much thanks to a board member selling me one, but still paid much more than MSRP. Some might consider it a "grail." I have paid for more in order to have a few grails, so I get it. Everyone has a different budget for this kind of stuff
  18. Swooooooosh!
  19. So these are RC Macross DX 1/48 VF-1’s or are we just getting off topic? Haha
  20. Indeed. It defies logic. The more money I spend on an order the more I should be prioritized; particularly when I was an early order.
  21. I made the mistake of ordering 4 sets of VF-1 Strike Parts all from NY. On one hand, I got them in the "Dec" timeframe. On the other hand, I fear it will be April before I get them anyway. Rookie mistake that I won't make again.
  22. I see where your head is on this...
  23. Shhhhh. Think about the domino effect of sharing that here. If everyone does it, it won’t work any longer. It’s not just the crew here, it’s all of the lurkers this thread has. Haha. I know others wouldn’t agree with me, but think about it for a second. Natural deduction.
  24. You can do the 2002 & 2008 reissues from Bandai. They have less stickers and seem to yellow less. I own an OG Jetfire and a sealed 1/55 DYRL VF-1S Hikaru. The others I preferred the reissues (they didn’t make reissues of Jetfire or DYRL 1S Hikkie).
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