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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. Saving the best for last brother!
  2. Correct on the detail for purchasing directly from P-Bandai. I actually got around the first two and tried two different ways around the third. Both times, my “test” order was accepted but then days later was told that it was reported my payment method was issued out of country. I even tried a Travelex pre-paid card in Yen, but still not accepted since it was issued in the States. Fortunately, I got Strike parts through an Amazon seller who shipped Global and was only $10 more than the cost of NY.
  3. FWIW, it doesn’t work with the TWE stuff directly on P-Bandai unless you can get a credit card issued in Japan. Or a gift card while in Japan.
  4. Personally, I’m not bashing and agree. Bandai sold out in 3 hours I think. I knew what I was getting into when I purchased before Bandai even posted the reservations. Still a bummer/fail. My gamble didn’t pay off. Instead, they’re holding my money longer than I needed them to. They’ve never done wrong by me, but I think I have proper expectations of what I’m getting and not getting from them.
  5. Same thing happened to me. Many are wondering if they simply didn’t score any from the first batch. Major fail.
  6. I'd also love to hear if/when anyone gets a shipment preparation update from NY.
  7. Good thing you kick ass at modifying them. Good thing none of that bothers me compared to having to put decals on a Yammie that eventually fall off since I suck at mods.
  8. I'll jump in on the convo haha. A lot of what is being discussed is splitting hairs. Yamato had its problems too. But there is no denying that Bandai DX (1/48-ish) is a heavier Valk and therefore more stable displaying at 1/48. Yammies are flaky and light for sure. There's a nostalgia for Yammies and that's where preference comes in. I dig that. Just like there is a nostalgia for the Chunky Monkeys. Regarding the 1/60, I believe Yamarcadia had the licensing for the SDFM and DYRL valks at that scale, so Bandai actually couldn't do that scale. When it is up, there is no reason Bandai can't go that route. And that's where I think we'll see a revamp of the line again.
  9. Haha! Yeah I won’t complain. And I haven’t been banned yet either. So win/win all things considered.
  10. Speaking of backups, here’s my HS “freebie”. This will never be transformed but at least I can throw some supers on it and still looks good in fighter mode.
  11. This is my strategy. And it paid off this last time.
  12. I love the 31’s. Get ‘em all.
  13. Interesting choice of words . Hehe
  14. Haha love it. C’mon mate, my experience is that those in the UK can drink any of us from the states under the table. I have it worse. I’ll need to take the day off after lol.
  15. Well done sir. That makes 3.
  16. So, let me see if I got this right... Only @derex3592 and me are willing to do a drinking game on PO night. Shots for every time someone says "cart jacked." I bet we land 3 each with this method. I tend to bowl and shoot pool better using this method. No reason I can't apply that logic here.
  17. I'm so glad that I could care less about the insides of the Parts. Because it would frustrate me as well if I did care. Totally get it, but glad it doesn't matter to me. The color and tampo actually matter way more to me, and I love what Bandai did on both of those compared to Yammie.
  18. I would suggest keeping an eye out on AJ as well. I was running around yesterday and found a seller who did Global Ship from AJ while out running errands. Total with shipping was 13,354 Yen with DHL shipping, while NY was 12,100 with EMS. For a $10 difference than what MSRP cost with shipping, that was a good price to get one now for my Valk. I've been swamped or would've posted here, and now isn't available. But, keep your eyes open there.
  19. Exactly the boat I'm in. And that's why I think they said April when inquiring about it, because I ordered like a day prior to p-bandai even posting the reservations, so I should in theory get the Dec release.
  20. Right?!! I'm in so that makes at least two of us haha. Yes, I received the update but I'm pretty sure we all did. Their listing doesn't distinguish between the Dec and April releases. It just says early pre-orders will be in Dec and later ones in April, but it's all the same listing so the notification of Dec 23rd would go to all of us regardless. So, basically, they can do whatever they want and just say you didn't order soon enough.
  21. I can be patient enough to wait it out. I mean, I knew what I was getting into when I ordered before P-Bandai even had it listed. But it's good to hear several stories where two people who ordered from companies that posted in advance (like AE and NY) and thought they were getting Dec actually aren't, while one person actually is. I'm guessing it's a bit of a crap shoot.
  22. Guess what kids... As we all surmised, NY is in the same boat as AE. I ordered from NY the day before P-Bandai even posted their listing and upon inquiry I was told: "We sincerely apologize for having caused any confusion. The shipment of the order will be April." So, not to alarm anyone, but those who thought they were getting the Dec order has a high chance of not.
  23. Oh man LOL. That would be a sad sight. Haha. Good times man. Cheers to you. Now bring on PO night! We all need to do a drinking game on PO night. Every time someone says "cartjacked" we all take a shot.
  24. Better not swoosh any Valks right now.
  25. I'm ready for the next Valk! BRING ON PO NIGHT. Ok, I may or may not be sipping on a little Bushmills. But yeah, bring on the next DYRL Valk...cuz ya' know, I bought 5 Strike Packs that I need to fit on valks.
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