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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. As the great @Slave IV said, my F5 finger is ready!
  2. The irony will be that the next release will actually be Kakizaki. And I’m OK with that. Would be cool to round out the Vermillion squad. In fact, I think it will be the next TV release. And I think Roy will be the next DYRL. But I don’t have the inside scoop on either.
  3. I was fortunate that I actually had no intention of getting the SV-51 or really any of the Zero line that Arcadia is doing, but when I saw Nora on display (and the fact that @Slave IV raves about the 0S) I had to at least look at them. My delayed desire to purchase meant that by the time I was interested, both HLJ and Hobby Search had the 51 at MSRP with corrected feet, so I jumped in. (And found 0S for only like $30 more than MSRP...which is nothing considering the cost.) Like @sqidd, I did not previously own the Yammie, so it worked out for me. And now that I know Nora is coming, I won't try to go back in time to find the Yammies. But, if I had owned them, I probably would just wait for a PF from Arcadia (or actually just be content with the original 1/60 releases).
  4. This thing is gorgeous. (Yes, feet are correct. The one time waiting paid off.)
  5. This. And if @bbilly29 is being genuine then he/she has likely been bamboozled themselves since the pics are not a DX. I would go back to my friend and say:
  6. Just in time for my unboxing. Thank you sir!
  7. Yessss
  8. Your friend is a wolf in sheep’s clothing! My friend of a friend who’s uncle is best friends with a girl who works at Bandai said that the next release is a DX reinterpretation of the following:
  9. Aside from different biases, many of us have just had bad experiences with their Valks. I have Roy and the Dark Red variant. Both have issues enough to where I won’t bother transforming them and only display. I had to glue parts back on Roy for just looking at that 1S wrong. BUT I love their figures. Rick is amazing! And customer service is awesome. I really hope their adjustments to the mold make a huge difference but will patiently wait for reviews.
  10. Did you wind up grabbing a pre-order on The Chosen Prime? It's sold out now.
  11. I actually had purchased both. Then decided to keep the Kai fire the same reasons and sell the original.
  12. Just got mine today. HUGE
  13. Nope, all good according to Hobby Search but I’ll open and check this week. And yup time to move stuff around!!
  14. What a fun haul today! VF-0S and 1/55 Max are in route too.
  15. I didn't think through this possibility but it makes so much sense. Man...what a bummer. First, I hope for everyone's health and safety, but after that I can be selfish and think about my collecting. That stinks.
  16. So true! And awesome idea. I wish I had mod skills
  17. Yeah I love it in the series but just hard to display.
  18. So, it looks like maybe this is a reissue or revised version? https://www.bleedingcool.com/2020/01/12/eva-evangelion-metal-build-bandai/
  19. Oh man... don’t even jinx it!
  20. Can’t say I’m a fan either. Of course my OCD won’t allow me to pass up a DX release but won’t be getting multiples.
  21. Definitely a nice reminder and also stokes the debate on where the Hikkie 1A Strike Parts are coming from because bus 011 is not included in the Strike set. I’m guessing a TWE bundle.
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