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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. We're back up! In this world of uncertain times, I couldn't handle the site being down much longer!
  2. *raises hand*
  3. Perfect. I have no doubt they'll deliver and am in no huge rush for the SSP.
  4. Right?! And, yeah, I have the same dilemma. Hopefully, NY delivers ours "promptly" (in NY terms of course). But, considering there won't be any Valks to outfit with SSP (I already have two sets for my VF-1S's), I suppose it doesn't matter when I get them.
  5. Some good news for the moment: DX SSP are still scheduled for April release while other releases are being delayed. https://tamashii.jp/importance/155/
  6. So you’re saying when I paid $18,000 USD, I paid too much?! Dayuummm
  7. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing them up
  8. Picked this haul over the last week or so. Got M&M in excellent condition for a sweet price from a TFW2005 member and picked up EVA-01 from @moose. (He has another one up for grabs btw.) And EVA-02 actually got from Bluefin.
  9. I can’t wait to receive my order. Perfect time to redo displays. Hopefully coming soon? (I just wanted to use that emoji... it bears no meaning)
  10. If it PO's next month then @jenius called it going back to his prediction last June.
  11. That would be awesome.
  12. Right?!
  13. Ahh gotcha I read your post wrong. For some reason I thought you owned a store I was all about supporting you!
  14. Yeah and let's hope the economies around the world hold up. I don't even want to look at stock in the States. But I'll do my part in the economy by buying Valks and Vinyl! I live by the two "V's"!
  15. Do you have a store out in Cali that I can support?
  16. Haha...man that seems to be the case for sure! I won't be lagging in the future. Thankfully, I was able to still snag SV-51 at MSRP because of the whole leg mishap. A few of the shops restocked with corrected Valks in box. And then on the 0S, I only paid like a $30 - $40 markup IIRC using my Tenso address on AJ. And part of that markup was due to Tenso's ridiculous shipping. (Worse than NY using EMS.) I have to say that after receiving those two, I'm pretty stoked about this 0D.
  17. I bet! My problem is that I'll start trying to catch up on missed things and wind up paying the go-back-in-time tax (a.k.a. Aftermarket Markup). I had no interest in the Arcadia Zero stuff and then BAM. A PF 0S, SV-51, and PO for PF 0D later... At least I snagged a PO for 0D and won't be paying the markup for that but sheesh it's expensive enough on its own.
  18. Yeah, the one time I didn't! Lol.
  19. Whomp whomp. But yeah, good reasons indeed. I'm just bored over here working from home and need to swoosh a new valk.
  20. LOL mate, no going back now! Welcome!
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