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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. $26 for SAL. EMS is still in line with everyone else ~$45
  2. Haha right?!
  3. I don’t think we’ll see a TV Roy. If it’s a 1S it’d likely be Hikaru if history repeats itself.
  4. Not directly through AJ, though at the time of release you'll find 3rd party sellers that do it. (Just not PO.)
  5. Ditto. MyKombini wound up being about the same as FJ
  6. You could probably get enough content out of going through a short timeline of releases and comparisons. I'm not as familiar with the history, but IIRC there have been TV and DYRL Skull One releases for Hikaru and Roy of 1/55 (reissues), Yamarcadia, and HMR right? Would be cool to start off with the actual anime or line art differences and then compare the toy releases to date. Then you'd be able to add to it when DX does their releases. Super or Strike Parts would be an added cool factor as well. Thoughts from others? I'm not a fan. They've canceled my orders in the past for no other reason than "sorry, we don't have that in stock" though their site showed it and continued to show it after. But everyone has stories of e-tailers gone sideways, so YMMV.
  7. #truth
  8. A few more sites will pop later. It hasn't been released by p-bandai yet so these two sites are early. It'll officially drop at 4:00PM JST. So, like 3:00 AM ET/12:00 AM PT over this evening into tomorrow.
  9. They're legit. Prices can be a tad more than others at times, but they don't oversell. So, quantities can be low on how many they sell.
  10. It's problematic because I assume you are outside of Japan? Try using a VPN from Tokyo to mask location and you should be able to access it easier.
  11. @jenius Can you build into your review schedule a comparison of the Skull One? (Unless it exists and I couldn't find it on anymoon.com.) Would be really cool to reference since it's asked a lot here.
  12. I'm really thinking the same. On one hand, TV Roy could make sense since they already showed the DRYL 1A squad. On the other hand, it seems unlikely to me that we would see both a TV Roy and DYRL Roy. And we know there will be a DYRL Roy because of the black skull insignia in SSP. If anything, Bandai has a history of TV Hikaru 1S and DYRL Roy 1S. Then that begs the question: Do you think they'd quickly do a back-to-back DYRL PO? The trouble is that Bandai never makes sense to me on their release decisions. I can't find a pattern. LOL. Which is why it's so fun to speculate.
  13. For sure, but hopefully we'll be lucky and see a regular PO announcement in April or May for another DX (maybe TV Kaki?). Last year, Bandai did PO for Max in Feb and then DYRL 1S in March. Wouldn't surprise me to see a non-TWE release sooner than later since the molds exist for them all at this point (1J, 1A, 1S).
  14. Yeah I have a feeling too...
  15. Well... at least we really don't have that problem with DX at the 1/48 size. I mean really you can only fit one or two in a Detolf anyway (as the most common display case for most of us). As soon as we are able to either complete the Vermillion squad or Skull squad, I'll be relocating them to my retail case. But until then, Detolf it is (unless I can snag a good deal on Displays2Go or something...)!
  16. Yeah man, I'm having that issue now with consolidating my TF's down to one Detolf to open up an extra Detolf for Macross. It's not horrible, but I tend to like clean displays that aren't over crowded. Leaving some breathing room is critical for a sharp display. Once this COVID madness subsides a little, I'll likely invest in a large upright display case which will free up a Detolf.
  17. I can't wait for my Yetis ahhhhhhh
  18. Yeah I'm right there with ya. I'm always amazed at the level of detail some of our brothers and sisters in Macross collecting get into. Like the line art, etc. Simply because it doesn't matter to me that much - but then again, I don't do modeling so I can't relate to that type of detail. My collection mostly stays on display with some swooshing from time to time. I'm ok with the modex and lack of certain tampo like the ejection one. I may use the decals to supplement some of it but eh we'll see.
  19. Unfortunately, there's no way to really purchase from them directly unless you're a resident of Japan. You'll need to use a Proxy or one of the few sites that sell them like Nippon-Yasan
  20. You all have inspired me to redo my set up. Hold my beer. I’ve been contemplating doing @sqidd’s displays but waiting for my crap ton of Yeti’s to arrive from @ChaoticYeti to see how much space I can conquer that way first. Plus, I’m either going to box up or sell a bunch of TF’s to make room. Clearly, Macross is taking over.
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