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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. Yes, agreed. I'm definitely going that route 100%. What I can't display, I tend to sell. However, there's a cool display philosophy that you should/can rotate your display every few months to keep it fresh. I know there will be Valks and items that I'll want to keep but won't have room without it being cluttered. The key is to schedule time to rotate displays. In a sense, that's what I'm doing now. And as far as actually displaying, have you seen @tekering's ? Man....unreal. That's a man with a display room. Though it's probably best to see that / post that in a thread like this to stay on topic here:
  2. YESSS that's the attitude. Love it. I'm on that trajectory over the last year it seems. haha. But I don't think I could ever catch up to what you and other vets here have acquired. Wish I would have discovered all of this awesomeness at least 10 - 15 years ago.
  3. I'm really stoked about the 0D. If they put the detail into this and care that they did for the SDF-1, this will be unbelievable. The SDF-1 PF is a grail. Period. And worth every penny. If the 0D PF translates well in a Valk, it would have the DX 1/48 beat.
  4. Just going to put this right here.... again... only several comments later.
  5. I encourage you hooligans to take this over to the wonderful thread I started: We've gone on NY tangents too much in threads that I just want to read about the topic at hand. We're not there yet by any means with these comments, but just a friendly reminder so that we don't start down that rabbit hole again.
  6. I did mine through HLJ because I ordered a bit late and have more confidence that they will ship timely (but dayyuuuum they are more expensive than the NY listing). Anyway, they have April as the new date as well.
  7. No problem mate. Bummer for sure.
  8. https://arcadia.ac/
  9. Yes, sir! I'm really enjoying them. And if anyone can do those customs it would be you! haha. But, yeah I think the different whites would drive me nuts. Considering the cost and time to do it, it doesn't sound like it'd be a satisfying project. I get pretty OCD with stuff like that. That's why I don't even mess with custom stuff. I don't have a steady hand for any of it. Even when I get stuff looking ok, I see too many flaws in it. Sooo, I just admire your stuff and others' from a distance haha.
  10. Finally got these two up over the weekend
  11. Many of us have a lot of time on our hands right now. Seems a good a time as any to complicate a collection strategy and have fun with it
  12. Nice cameos!
  13. Thanks man! I got them here for a decent price. Led Strip Lights Waterproof 16.4ft 5m Flexible Color Changing RGB SMD 5050 150leds LED Strip Light Kit with 44 Keys IR Remote Controller and 12V Power Supply https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DWWMY8J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_BolGEbD62N577 1 quantity covers an entire Detolf with a some slack leftover. You can cut the slack too. Great for the price.
  14. I have all of these minus the Max 1A. Just haven't been motivated to get him yet though I'm sure that I will eventually. I've been dying to open my VF-1S Strike, but I don't want to do it until I can get someone to do a solid repro sticker sheet for me. I've attempted to get Toyhax (Reprolabels) and TFKingdom to do it as custom to no avail. I've also reached out to individuals to no avail. *Sigh* One day. Or I'll just find another Strike that is open and in good shape. I love to open my collection so the Strike just seems too naked without the decals for my tastes.
  15. I have a sealed DYRL VF-1S Strike, and then 7 of the 2001 & 2008 re-issues, plus 1 Jetfire (if we want to count him). I prefer the re-issues because of the tampo and the grey tones on the 2008 series (preventing yellowing). Yeah I'm in the same boat. Don't really care to hunt down the VE-1 or VT-1. The DYRL VF-1S Strike cost me an arm and a leg (maybe even my first born...verdict is out on that) so I don't want to pay out the same for those.
  16. Picked up some canon fodder for under $100 on Manda. Other than the box being a little worn this thing is near mint.
  17. $218 before shipping. EMS is usually around $45. SAL is like $25-$35.
  18. No, unfortunately. P-Bandai doesn't take the Tenso phone # they give you. And, even if you get a # that works (as I did,) P-Bandai won't accept payment from any source but one that originates from / was issued in Japan. I tried Rakuten Pay and Amazon Japan Pay. Rakuten was accepted but days later rejected as it was reported that my form of payment was not issued in Japan.
  19. We're all over here like this... Whilst Bandai is really like this...
  20. Of course! And my man, @Checkmate did me the solid of letting me know when it was first up. We've been tag teaming on Okini Land since Max 1A
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