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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. NICE. I kinda want to hang out with them now. I'd be the creepy old guy but oh well.
  2. In some cases, they become one of the only viable options. Like with TWE (Tamashii Web Exclusives), only a handful of shops carry. That was the case with SSPs or Kakizaki's 1A (though I went a different path on the 1A due to price). AND, NY has never exactly done me wrong. They always deliver for me. They just have a customer service that is not typical for the States or even the West. I would stop buying from them if it bothered me enough. For others, like @sqidd he burned the bridge with them on purpose because he doesn't want to deal with them. Dude, thanks for sharing all this goodness!
  3. Awesome, yeah same here. I'm dreading the delay. I made the mistake of ordering 5 of them. I should've split the order between them and other shops. NY is notorious for delaying a large order and shipping through smaller ones first. You'd think they'd go in order of queue but doesn't seem to be the case. No one seems to know the rhyme or reason for how they do things LOL. Hopefully, we'll start seeing people report in here around the last week of the month.
  4. HA... no my friend. The SSPs won't even be released again till probably April 24th/25th from P-Bandai. Then it will take forever for NY to get them. Then it will take forever for them to ship; particularly if you were late to the party - as in any time after like June of 2019. And, then it will take forever for you to get the shipment even if you paid EMS since JapanPost has announced a 2-week delay on all EMS shipments.
  5. Right?! Totally agree. Though BBTS's pre-orders are usually either at no charge or with a non-refundable deposit.
  6. Saw that on Twitter as well! Will be much better than the crazy number BBTS has.
  7. Yeah they changed it some time ago. Here's the workaround: Login Go to Cog on upper right Click "Payments" on top bar "Manage Automatic Payments" Select any one of your auto payments from the left side Under "Payment Method" on the right side, click your current method It opens all of your available payment options and where possible, it has "See Conversion options" for each of them Change the ones you want
  8. Yup! True true. Which is all the more satisfying when I land it for far less. Now....to simply land it...
  9. BTW, looks like this is a web exclusive so it won't be at all of the etailers. For example, looks like MyKombini took orders early and already sold out: https://mykombini.com/en/june-2020/18371-metal-build-evangelion-eva-01-eva2020-bandai-limited.html
  10. I wonder if they priced it so high because of shipping being jacked up internationally now?
  11. LOL love it. Unfortunately, I paid for those SSPs in June of 2019. And like the rest of us who ordered from NY before P-Bandai even opened the reservations, we didn't get it in Dec like we should've. UGH Oh well. It is what it is. As long as I get it by August for Kaki. (Annndd...now that will be famous last words.)
  12. With the new updates from JapanPost about EMS shipping taking at least two weeks to get loaded on a plane, I don't think I'll see my SSPs anytime soon from NY even if they are released by P-Bandai on time this month (~ 24th or 25th I think). And if it takes too long, we may see further delays in the States as there are talks about USPS having severe delays by June without proper relief from the Gov.
  13. I’m jealous of all of you. Anyone willing to do commissioned work? Amazing stuff
  14. I’d love a 19Kai as well. I’d take an Arcadia reissue but didn’t Bandai tease a DX version of this too?
  15. Well they are sold out on the site which tells me that some unsuspecting folks paid too much and are going to be surprised when it arrives.
  16. You summabi%^h I would've grabbed it as well. haha
  17. It isn't officially released until early Fri morning our time (12:00 AM PT / 3:00 AM ET). But a few shops have begun posting it in advance like Big Bad, Nin-Nin, etc. But this is how much Bandai is selling for: Price: 28,600 yen (tax included). So, BigBadToys is a ridiculous cost as is NY and Nin Nin right now. I'll be waiting to see what drops tomorrow night / Fri morning both with Japanese sellers and Stateside.
  18. It's what I posted above. It's the next Metal Build. But that Big Bad price is way inflated if you follow my links.
  19. It’s all about Nora for me. I’m about as excited for that as I am about a DX DYRL Roy or TV Kaki
  20. Awesome!
  21. Pretty much! Good times right?!
  22. Sorry to hear that. And thank you for being on the front line. Hopefully, rediscovering this hobby gives some relaxation when you can. My kiddo in Kindergarten is finishing the school year online as well.
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