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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. Cool. I hit them up a couple of weeks ago but I purchased 4 in one order so it was like $123 to ship UPS. Considering I spent ~$70 on EMS already, I’m just going to let them sit. Ugh
  2. Did they have the inventory to ship yet or just being proactive?
  3. Awesome. Ugh. If N.Y. would’ve got the damn SSPs in the Dec release like I paid for...
  4. Dude I love your work. I was hoping you'd pop in here and share. Can't believe that was your first?! Great job and looking good with a rainbow canopy!
  5. Unfortunately, I have to agree here. It makes me uneasy to give them a 1-year loan interest free when their customer service is generally lacking for my own needs. I'll will likely still use them, but I'll diversify my portfolio so-to-speak. For example, I could've used them for my PF VF-0D PO, but in that case, the substantial cost-savings wasn't worth it. I went with HLJ for peace of mind at a higher cost. If I had to go back in time, I would've put an order or two in for SSP with them, but also elsewhere like maybe AE, Okini Land, or a Proxy. On that note, anyone hear from AE or Okini Land on their SSP yet?
  6. Right?! Haha Which is exactly why I'd rather have them ship my stuff before Golden Week. It will just tack on more time than the already delayed shipping.
  7. Anyone hear from NY yet on their SSPs? Looks like Golden Week kicks off next week, and they announced they will be closed for two weeks. Would be nice if they began shipping out before next week.
  8. HA totally get that.
  9. What are we damning? I’m in.
  10. Nice. Sign me up for the Hikaru 1S with SSP please And the custom Jetfire while we’re taking requests.
  11. That's amazing man. And I dig the custom Jetfire I see sneaking at the bottom as well! Wow. Very cool. Want to sell me one (Hikaru or Jetfire)? Haha. That's actually a great idea; especially, since @jvmacross pointed out that the SSPs are pretty rare. Would be really cool to commission that since the regular 1/48 release isn't too shabby on price these days. I actually have a DX VF-1S with a crack in a leg joint that HS fully refunded me for (well...PayPal did). I'd be tempted to do that since i already own it, but the fear would be in it breaking if it had to be transformed to complete the job.
  12. I really enjoy the weathering releases on Macross and Valks that have panel lines etc. I also love the custom work that I see members doing here, so I thought I'd kick off a thread in honor of that. Would love to talk about releases or for our talented members to share what they're working on. Maybe even offer custom work? To start, I've been contemplating hunting down a Yammie 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru Custom Weathering Version. As my overly creative screen name would allude (*sarcasm*,) I love the DYRL 1S. I don't see Bandai releasing something like this anytime soon. And, KitzConcept has decent paneling but is just not there yet with their molds (plus, it's Robotech). Is this version worth hunting down? And how impossible is it to get the Strike Parts weathered as well? Our good friend @jenius covers it well in his overview of 1/48's but thought I'd crowdsource thoughts on it. (Pic courtesy of http://anymoon.com/blog/?p=178 )
  13. And then when the next PO madness is announced, I’ll promptly relate to this:
  14. Yessss
  15. I want everything and I want it now.
  16. So it looks like local peeps and proxies have started shipping SSPs already. No news on NY yet, but has anyone heard from the other shops like Okini Land, AE, Kuramashop, etc.? I'm bored and want to celebrate other people finally getting Strike Parts haha.
  17. I'll never see my SSPs from NY.
  18. I'm in complete agreement. Not my thing at all though I totally get why it would be for some. (And glad it's not because it saves me a ton of money haha.)
  19. I would just reach out to them. They are extremely responsive.
  20. Finally see movement on my Manda package that was shipped on March 15th. Unfortunately, it shows returned to sender. So, I’ll wait to see when Manda reaches out.
  21. Looking great! Are you going to remove decals as well?
  22. Thanks for posting!
  23. But I don’t and am now intrigued. Do tell... Inquiring minds and all.
  24. Right?! I don't feel like super gluing anymore...
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