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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. See above
  2. Just remember. I want it all and I want it now. I need this pandemic to go away so I can get my Macross fix. Kakizaki helps a little buuuuut not enough.
  3. Can anyone confirm receiving their Dec order? I have a feeling that no one actually received their Dec order and that everyone was pushed to April.
  4. Sweet looking man! I collected Star Wars many moons ago and if I still did, this would be a must.
  5. Ahh gotcha. Glad that panned out!!!
  6. That's great to hear. Didn't they tell you they couldn't fulfill your order on this or was that the VF-1S? I believe they called you to apologize? I PO'd a Kaki with them, so just checking to see all is well with that situation.
  7. Totally. Manda and AJ are the way to go when you can. Re: NY, I had 4 sets ordered as well. UPS was something like ~$36/set so the additional upcharge was like ~$144. (Just going off of memory.) I politely declined.
  8. Nope...still being released in June.
  9. You may want to post in the Sales thread if you haven't already. You've mentioned this a number of times now. Much love for wanting to offload, but honestly, a number of us are in the same boat. We purchased last June, got screwed in Dec, bought them elsewhere in Dec, got screwed in April, bought them elsewhere in April and have excess now. Haha. (Personally, I squared mine away so I'm good. Just trying to help.)
  10. As I understand, the molds already account for GBP or at least appears that way. I can’t imagine seeing VT-1 or VE-1 anytime soon. Based on what was previously shown and/or the SSPs, we know that DYRL Max 1A, Hikaru 1A and Roy 1S are coming presumably before those. Not to mention we’re still missing Kakizaki/Mass production 1A from the TV Vermillion. GBP armor would be cool to see this year for sure. Maybe a 1J re-release? I could see them being separate purchases the way they’ve handled missiles and SSP.
  11. I think COVID puts a wrinkle in all of this. But just remember that last year we saw POs for TV Max 1A, DYRL Hikaru 1S, SSPs, and Missile reissue all from the 1/48 line. So, it will be interesting to see what happens. The molds are there at this point for the main Valks so that's one less thing than there was at the beginning of last year.
  12. Those are amazing. I need to get them.
  13. Yeah, I mean, most of should know the various shops' quality of customer service so none of it is a surprise. And if a shop doesn't adapt their business to the new normal, customers like me will shop elsewhere. It's a shame, but each of us has to do what's best for ourselves as I'm sure businesses will consider the same. I just wanted to share my experience to help others who are waiting for their SSPs or other items from NY. The shop has been good to me overall. They just haven't adapted their ways in light of current affairs - or at least haven't adapted to where I need them. If I didn't completely burn the bridge by going to PayPal (which I'm sure I did,) I honestly would still shop with them but only do Ferry at this point if it's something I really want at a price they offer. So, I'm by no means complaining. Just sharing details.
  14. Exactly. I don't want to create unnecessary anxiety, but shipping isn't going to get to normal until JP Post either creates their own private jet fleet, negotiates a new contract with a fleet that is regularly running international flights, or commercial/business international travel begins to pick up (this last part doesn't seem will happen anytime soon). So, I won't be ordering from anywhere that's not providing DHL or FedEx. Speaking of which, for those interested, NY did follow up on my SSPs (I don't think they've caught up to my PayPal claim being awarded a refund). They only offered a ~$30 USD additional per SSP for UPS (on top of the ~$40 USD per pack already paid for with EMS,) hold my product until EMS is available again - whenever that is, or store credit. All of these "smaller" shops are in the same boat. (I.e. unless you're Mandarake or AJ, there's going to be an up-charge.)
  15. Thanks much appreciated! I actually connected with someone on it. Will post here when I have stuff to share.
  16. Bummer to see this. I haven’t purchased from Plamoya in the past but still looked at their options from time to time.
  17. Adding to the reported updates on Manda: They finally confirmed locating my returned item originally shipped March 13 SAL. They offered either a refund or to upgrade my shipment to DHL for no additional charge. Part of me just wanted a refund because I was needlessly making a purchase to begin with, but I also appreciate the offer of DHL so just took that. Picked up the HMR missile Regults.
  18. I'm totally aware of the suspension of SAL and EMS to the States (your last comment on the thread you're referencing @RedComet was directly after mine,) but not sure what company and which toy he's referencing. It just seemed like a random comment? Maybe intended for http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/48060-japan-post-suspension-of-international-mail/page/10/?tab=comments#comment-1523054
  19. Who did and what?
  20. You guys made my day.
  21. I don't know if you want to risk it, but I was able to purchase 4 sets a week or so ago for under $120 USD/ea shipped which was less/the same as my NY pre-orders shipped with EMS. It was all they had left or I would've posted here. But if you have orders elsewhere and just waiting, I would recommend being vigilant on AJ and looking for the right price. Food for thought.
  22. Unfortunately, they aren't shipping to the US unless you happened to have selected Ferry for all of them. Otherwise, they will offer you UPS for a substantial additional cost to you. That's it. They won't let you downgrade to ferry or even refund you though you might be able to get store credit. The only other option is they will hold for you until SAL or EMS become available again. Whenever that is.
  23. Rut row. Not sure who but sounds like thems fighten words.
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