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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. Dude, you never disappoint on delivering the full experience. Awesome!
  2. Yessssss. I usually just reply with something like this: https://lmgtfy.com/?q=where+do+i+get+macross+POs+macrossworld.com+dx But, haven’t resorted to that here yet. I guess till now.
  3. This is a thing of beauty right here. There are a handful of us “regulars” on this thread. Many have been here for a long while. I’ve only done 4 or 5 PO nights and even then there is a trend. Each time, people come out of the woodwork magically and begin asking the same questions of how everyone can help them land a PO. It’s totally fine of course because we all started somewhere. But this is a community and so would just be cool if those asking would at least first try searching for previous info (someone inevitably posts the answers every PO) and second be willing to contribute. (This isn’t directed at you @Chewie. I’m generally speaking. Pretty sure you even mentioned trying to search first.) I got a bunch of snark too from people. And still do. Many of us do that. I have for the past two POs
  4. LOL you sure you don’t want to join the DX Roy PO night just to participate in the drinking game??
  5. Anyone get notification from HLJ yet?
  6. I was able to land a VF-1S on release day for 19,800 and a Max on release day for 18,000 so it is possible. LOL. Pretty much.
  7. That. Is. Amazing. Also, I will be sipping bourbon every time I see: cartjacked, frozen, crashed, spinning wheel of death. Pretty sure @borgified has the list. Speaking of... Yup! But that’s OK as long as people give back the best they can to the community and not just take.
  8. And no free lunch for those asking where to purchase! Your a*%es better be in the trenches with us on PO night contributing
  9. According to Hobby Watch, ""DX Chogokin VF-1S Valkyrie Roy Focker Special" will be introduced at the online event "TAMASHII Features 2020" which will be held from July 4th." https://hobby.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1261799.html Would seem our suspicions would be correct.
  10. That's debatable and has been hashed out on this thread quite a bit already. Most of these companies have a different idea of customer service than how we are accustomed to in the States. NY is not the most accommodating in ways that you might expect in the states. But I don't want to rehash here. Just dive in and watch this thread on PO night. You'll see great chatter and info here.
  11. However, be careful of where you order. Many sites are not offering a viable means to ship since Japan Post suspended SAL and EMS to the States (and other locations). So for example, if you order from AE it will have to sit in their warehouse until Japan Post restores SAL and/or EMS. NY will let you do ferry but that's it - or it sits in their warehouse. Edit: For those particular about details, both of those sites offer alternatives but reports are that AE has a courier service that costs a ton and requires your Social Security number. NY has UPS and costs about double of shipping EMS.
  12. This. LOL Uh oh... did the drinking game start already?
  13. Nice!
  14. Not to mention that we may not see a DYRL release for awhile. Likely would be a Max or Hikaru 1A. Gonna call it that DYRL Roy will be TWE.
  15. It's not just the figures that are different though; the cockpits are too.
  16. Nice! Good catch
  17. It's not just you, it's actually been discussed yesterday and today here. TagHobby points it out in their magazine and draws comparisons.
  18. Don't forget... Japan Post has suspended EMS shipment for many countries still - for example, in the USA. So, make sure wherever you order from, you can actually get it shipped to you or it'll just be sitting in their warehouse until EMS is back. NY and AE don't have great options for fast shipment. AE only has some courier that requires your Social Security # (yeah right) and NY has UPS for $1 bazillion USD (Ferry is still an option for many).
  19. LOL I love this group. Particularly around PO madness
  20. Thanks dude! Yes, that indeed looks like a nice swoosher. Most appropriate face palm. I'm wincing for you/with you.
  21. Thanks brother. Lucky timing really and thankful I had the discretionary income to do it. Phew.
  22. You all in for the drinking game! Gotta take a shot (or a sip of whatever beverage you want) anytime you hear "cartjacked", "wheel of death," "froze(n)," "sold out in sec"... Bwahahahahahahaha. Just like the numbering, no?
  23. Bandai hasn't officially announced yet. So no official pre-order date announced yet. I suspect as early as this Monday @ 4:00 PM JST
  24. I'm mostly Hikaru. I disguised myself as Roy for time in my early 30's living in Miami and pulled that off well. Buuut, at the end of the day, I'm more of a whiny Hikaru who is talented enough at things to be a team leader but really not genius enough to be a Jenius and gave up being suave like Roy.
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