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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. This is a pretty cool read (via Google Translate) https://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12610137189.html Talking about some of the improvements on the PF 0D. Also leaving us a teaser at the end that more PFs are to follow.
  2. Congrats!!
  3. Now that is legit. Awesome pic!
  4. It’s fun! DYRL is my favorite Macross release (does my super creative sn give it away?) And SDFM is cool to watch as Roy is more badass and minmay is a more believable character. Some extra scenes as well.
  5. I mean you are on a Macross thread and not a Robotech one. But everyone here is pretty cool about it unlike some of the other forums on the interwebs. I like both personally but to each their own. For the love of all that is sacred, please watch Macross legit style. You can find SDFM on Amazon Prime with English subs. Or better yet, since you’ve watched the Macross Saga on Robotech, go to YouTube and watch Do You Remember Love?
  6. Rick who?
  7. I would like to direct further NY discussion here:
  8. I actually am the opposite and prefer the metal look over anime accurate in this case. And being smaller is easier on my display case
  9. I took your info and posted it in this thread: It actually worked for me. Thanks
  10. I think they’re fine and delivered for me but you’re in the States so if EMS stays suspended here you’ll be waiting until it resumes before you get your packages from them.
  11. Agreed. Nothing interested me about Arcadia’s PF or the price until this release. I was able to preorder this, find Ivanov with correct leg at MSRP, and find PF Roy at MSRP or like $10 above. Totally worth it to grab all them. This thing is impressive. Roy should’ve been done like this.
  12. Is Nin-nin the new NY? Cuz we’re talking a lot about them haha
  13. Bwahaha And this because the timing was perfect.
  14. Yup!!! I’m all addicted to the F5 now. Lol. October makes sense. Crazy. I never realized that CDJapan does additional releases from their listing (aside from proxy). They’re usually out in sec on PO night and I always find out immediately when they open it. Just never get past the cart to payment.
  15. Ok so when is the next announcement?!
  16. Yeah I feel you there. But I understand wanting 3 for the 3 modes. I don’t understand getting a crap ton to sit in boxes in storage but whatcha gonna do? To each their own. Capitalism and all. Oh totally nothing wrong with it until you never hear from them again. So they come on the board to glean info, thank us and bounce. Info is given here to contribute to the community and help each other. It doesn’t work when it’s one-way. At a certain point it’s rude to take take take without contributing back. You joined and contribute to convo. That’s awesome. And people just take awhile to warm up here. Keep hanging.
  17. To be fair, these same people generally help post links that many of you on the board wouldn’t know otherwise per the many thank yous following those posts. Also, many of us supply our extras at cost to those who didn’t land. I landed multiples of YF-29 and have two spoken for by members here. There are so many lurkers that use the info posted here to land (as seen by the noobs on Roy PO night who created accounts just to tell us thanks they landed). Those are the people you all should complain about. And they’re the reason I don’t share all the little things I do to land multiples.
  18. Yup! I managed to get around all of the walls to the point of accepting my order. But two or three days later, they canceled my order since the credit card wasn't actually issued in Japan. I even got an international debit card that was loaded with Yen. But noooope. If someone who lives in Japan wants to become a proxy for purchasing a Visa gift card in-country and then loading it when needed for extra money, I can share how to do it. But without that, it won't work period. Arcadia on the other hand... no problem.
  19. You have to own a CC issued from within Japan.
  20. I was up for the announcement but couldn’t stay awake long enough to snag at Okini. *sigh* Lost the competitive edge and now I have to battle the rest of you hooligans that chose to sleep...
  21. https://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000146995
  22. Welcome back brotha! I literally just tagged you before PO night.
  23. Nice @Sanity is Optional! Got mine in as well but haven’t popped open yet.
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