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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. Nice!!
  2. This is awesome work man.
  3. I love the Macross community. I'm having waaaay too much fun today. Been a good laugh.
  4. And again:
  5. You're all good man! Many of us are newer for sure (like me). And I'm sure things like Hikaru's changing color heat shield has been discussed ever since the release of DYRL. Nothing new under the sun and all that... We're all just having fun with everyone nerding out about which is better. Or at least I am. I think Yamato, Arcadia and Bandai all have their place in the Valkyrie history books for different reasons. I prefer DX in most regards for one simple reason: they feel heftier than Yamarcadia and remind me more of Chunkies. But dayummm that VF-0D PF is one sexy mf'er. Bandai better step up. And as @treatment said: (And there is a separate thread for NY. @crackpot keeps encouraging me to drop it and that no one will listen... but "Goonies never say die!")
  6. Preeeeetttty sure @tjdetweiler is just trolling you guys, hence, @crackpot's response. He and I are just over here doing this since we're seeing recent conversations repeated (albeit super fun ones): And if I'm wrong...
  7. BOOM you know it!
  8. Hell...I'm going to start arguing for Chunkies, the greatest Valks of all times. And you will lose.
  9. Yamarcadia Nostalgia Guild vs. Bandai DX New School Guild Round 1
  10. Indeed!! LOL... details, details haha love it.
  11. Whelp.... I feel you there brother! But I have. I've been fortunate with all of the DX VF-1 releases so far to get them at retail as well as the accessories minus the 1J. Paid a small back-tax fee for that but essentially got it close to retail and sold some other toys for a profit to wash out the difference. Gotta hustle to collect this shiz.
  12. This just reflects your perceived value; in fact, it reflects everyone's perceived value that is discussing this. There really isn't a true, unbiased comparison between Yamarcadia and Bandai DX because they are (in many ways) apples to oranges (or perhaps Mandarins to Oranges is a better analogy?) - Different scales in the comparison you made and different materials (or some would say different quality). For the most part, I'm just reading one of two things underlying this discussion: A bunch of noobs to DX 1/48 VF-1 collecting who are waxing nostalgia of the golden Yamato or Arcadia days Perceived value driven mostly by price and not materials, scale or quality (though many would argue that Yamarcadia is higher quality) For the sake of discussion, I would argue that your statement of "nearly double the cost" is a bit disingenuous. A closer comparison to scale, materials and quality would be the Arcadia 1/60 VF-0S PF version to a Bandai DX 1/48 VF-1 with missiles. At retail, the DX is less expensive.
  13. Dude this looks great! Just catching up
  14. lol yuppp. That’s why there is a thread dedicated to it and since they lurk the board here it might be better to concentrate discussion where they can easily find it haha
  15. I would just wait till it releases at this point. It sold at most places pretty quickly on preorder.
  16. I found his trolling to be hilarious.
  17. I concur!
  18. That's amazing!! LMAO
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