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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. Whenever my wife comments on the amount of toys I own, I show her the article on @tekering and that I aspire to his greatness.
  2. Oooooh there ya go! @sqidd you seem to have the space based on your display cases. I vote for him!
  3. My only wish is to see the Vermillion Squad and DYRL Skull Squad completed for DX before I die. Hear that Bandai?! I've put up with way too much crap on the SSPs not to see that happen with DRYL, and Vermillion needs to happen because Kakizaki matters!!!! So someone better see to it for me if I'm not alive to see these releases complete.
  4. Hmmm....good call. Mine isn't as large as @sqidd but some of mine would sell good. I think I'd just want all my homies to pour one out for me and then throw a bunch of Valks in fighter mode over a cliff so they have one last swooooosh.
  5. Some sellers put an outlandish price as a placeholder for a specific buyer to avoid anyone else buying and then manage the sale through Make an Offer. Might be the case here.
  6. Whatever is done next will certainly be the same formula. That's the fun and staple of the series. Kawamori did an interview last year that was quite interesting. Here's an excerpt: https://www.japantimes.co.jp/culture/2019/08/08/films/shoji-kawamori-40-years-spent-designing-anime-future/#.XyLv_B17lTY
  7. Yes, it's not being advertised as Macross related by Calibre, BUT the original modeler who they purchased design from said it is intended to be a replica of the opening scene of SDFM.
  8. I follow Luke Massassi's Facebook page "Massassi Models." They did purchase his design.
  9. Totally makes sense.
  10. It is.
  11. Oooh nice! I hope to get my update soon!
  12. All I know is that you should begin to end each post with this: I look forward to it each time. It's your signature.
  13. WB! Glad you're on the mend. Now get to it! haha
  14. Totally. I mean, we go off-topic all the time in this thread. It's one of the things I like about MW - it's not moderated so tightly that every little thing is censored like in other groups. But, to be fair, this has been going on for days and not isolated to convo you're referring to. I would love another means to acquire DX valks too. Count me in.
  15. Which I created a dedicated thread for as a solution. Want me to create a dedicated thread for "Back in my day" or "I remember when I joined 20 years ago..." or "Bob was a really great guy...?" I don't just complain; I offer alternatives. But yeah, it is much better than complaining about NY!! Haha... I do appreciate that. It would be cool to get back on topic though, and all kidding aside, it wouldn't be a bad idea for someone to create a thread to just bs about foregone days. I totally get it, and it's fun to reminisce about things.
  16. Ok ok, I love all this nostalgia but what does this have to do with DX 1/48 again? ....sorry, I'm gonna be that guy who calls it out. Notifications are lighting up for nothing.
  17. There were a lot of badass Valks coming out around that time through Yamato that completely changed the engineering of these. Unless chunkies had a soft spot in your heart, I could see why people would pass on them for sure.
  18. They made Max’s 1J (both OG and reissue) as well as his DYRL 1A with Supers (2008 Origin). @sqidd had both in his pic above. No on Kakizaki. Though they did make CF 1As both OG and reissue.
  19. A lot less than what they go for now. 2008 Origin: https://www.hlj.com/1-55-scale-origin-of-valkyrie-vf-1a-super-valkyrie-hikaru-ichijo-ban952860 https://www.hlj.com/1-55-scale-origin-of-valkyrie-vf-1j-hikaru-ichijo-ban952859 2002 Reissue: https://www.hlj.com/1-55-scale-vf-1j-valkyrie-millia-ban912039
  20. HAHA....love it. Yeah, I know I lurked for a bit. Honestly, I just casually collected Star Wars and DBZ for some years in the 90's and early 00's. Jump to 2018 and with the recent TF G1 reissues, thus began my mid-life crisis of collecting all the way and that quickly moved to Macross! LOL
  21. I remember. It was Sept 15, 2003. What a good day that was.
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