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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. Not sure if there is already a thread dedicated to this, but anyone have a passion for music or play guitar? First, I would love to get my hands on one of these: Second, my guitar collection has waxed and waned over the years, but here is my current iteration:
  2. Right?! I personally love them.
  3. Congrats and enjoy!! Edit: I guess I should ask you to clarify "inflation" before congratulating. LOL. Maybe you aren't happy with the purchase. Do you mean the price is inflated a ton from the 90's or do you mean the DX VF-1 is an underwhelming experience not worthy of the hype?
  4. I keep contemplating getting the VF-19 Advance in addition to my YF-19, but really thinking I shouldn't since the YF-19 has everything I need. The VF-19 had like two sec of screen time anyway. Is there a compelling reason to grab the VF other than to just have the SMS version?
  5. True. And also...
  6. Guess what ya'll? Good ole Kakizaki is coming soooooon!
  7. Right?! You know me. I live for that hunt!!
  8. I guess nothing should surprise us these days living in Bizarro World.
  9. Nice! Glad you were able to snag one.
  10. Sweet! When did you finally get a 1S? Did HLJ come through?
  11. I am soooo glad I made a decent sized order before it shut down. I was in the last batch to get fulfilled. Just wished I had order more adapters prior!
  12. Thanks! Would be pretty crazy if they didn't include the pilot. But thought it was interesting that it wasn't in the pic.
  13. Dumb question (but I haven't looked for the answer myself): Is there a Hikaru pilot included in the normal version? Surprised to see the pilot missing in the normal ver pic.
  14. I actually had no interest in the normal release. VF-4 is cool but my HMR is enough because I just can't hang with the Gerwalk or Battroid on this Valk. BUT the PF version sealed it for me with the panel lines. Love it. This thing will look glorious in Fighter.
  15. If you were looking for the PF then you shouldn't have ordered from AE. If you want the regular version, then AE is just fine; however, if you're in the States, they don't have a way to deliver it to you currently with the JapanPost suspension.
  16. No, but the 4A is. And I don't believe the 0D was an exclusive either.
  17. I only paid the deposit directly with Arcadia... just saying... Now... because I'm being snarky (albeit in jest) the Universe will be pissed, and Arcadia will probably drop my order because it's Tenso. LOL Dude....this is me. I just commented on TFW2005 board how "fugly" this Valk is (with the exception of Fighter IMO) and then 8 hours later when I saw they were releasing PF with panel lining, I was all like welllll maaaaaybeeee.... and put a deposit on one. HA
  18. After the SV-51 incident where a ton of people had trouble getting replacement parts, I personally would prefer going direct with Arcadia when possible. That being said, makes sense if you are going to use your proxy for several things and ship together.
  19. All of that was already posted in the appropriate thread btw. They’ve told a number of people the same. Anyone else interested should go there to read more.
  20. Yes, I set up an account there to order etc. I did it back in June in anticipation for a web exclusive, so memory is a little foggy but happy to help or look at my addy on there.
  21. I successfully used my Tenso addy and US based CC for the deposit FWIW.
  22. You’re not alone.
  23. Well just know that I appreciate it man. I do.
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