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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. I was able to use a burner number but even after you get through registration, you can’t use a CC from outside of Japan .
  2. 😁I’m not claiming anything absolute. I’m merely quoting the creator, Anno. I’m not even sure he’s claiming anything absolute other than calling people who don’t recognize the Christian symbolism morons. I mostly just like trolling you because you’re adamant, confident, and absolute in your interpretation of Evangelion. So it’s good to bring an opposing viewpoint; especially, when the creator has made statements that seem to conflict with some of your view. That being said, I’m actually well read in Christianity, and the symbolism would seem to be used for mystic effect as it’s certainly not an accurate representation. But I don’t over analyze it. Sometimes art is best left with whatever impression it gives you. Nothing more. Nothing less. So that my means @Keith is…. Well Sith are pretty badass so that’s not a bad thing.
  3. No worries friend. I wasn’t commenting in regard to your statements. I don’t think anyone should claim to understand Evangelion haha. I’m right there with you.
  4. I don’t disagree with you at all. In fact, I’d venture your spot on. I interjected simply to counter the idea or statement that Evangelion definitively has nothing to do with religion or more specifically Christianity. It’s not wise to speak in absolutes unless you are the creator of the art. (Not referring to you of course.) In the article I posted, Anno states quite the opposite of @Keith’s assertions:
  5. Again, despite how we might interpret the art, Anno admits to having deeper meaning and that the Christian terminology was more intentional than they originally admitted to. Direct quotes addressing it in this article from 2015. https://www.animemaru.com/hideaki-anno-admits-some-of-evangelions-religious-symbolism-may-have-deeper-meaning/ But like @sqidd said, I don’t think you have to understand the religion to enjoy Evangelion.
  6. Time to retire this sn. You officially have 666 comments.
  7. Word and ditto. And honestly, this doesn’t sound nearly as troublesome as MP-44 3.0 for those that collect TF. Now that sucked for the money. I need to open my 31A though so obviously I can’t speak to the experience.
  8. Noooo. A is better. 😁 But I only own one of those so I’d be game for cannon fodder AX so I can have more.
  9. Yes, but don’t all of the shops require that for TWE?
  10. HEY no PO talk here sucka 😅I keed
  11. It’s definitely a good feeling to wake up finding your proxy secured your order. Ditto on my parts. I have my 31AX sitting in the HLJ warehouse because I’m heading out on vacation but I’m eager to get it. Kairos is my favorite next to the VF-1
  12. It’s been pretty crazy the last year maybe? More and more shops are doing it. And TWE is selling out almost as fast as regular releases.
  13. Were you at the Orchard AMC in CO? Cuz the same happened to me.
  14. I mean this is nowhere near as egregious as the Dragonball Z live film. I enjoyed it for what it is and wish it wasn’t canceled but not crying over it either. I think the best adaptation has been Death Note. The problem from my point of view is simply taking a western team in doing the adaptation. There are cultural nuances that are missed. Basically, this show has been Americanized. The original wasn’t even if it had American influences.
  15. The difference is that M7 is what canonizes DYRL. There's nothing in-universe connecting Macross II to anything else. I believe the official answer is that there is no official continuity that should be expected between any of them haha. So, at the very least, Macross II can objectively be considered a disconnected piece with everything else.
  16. Saw this on Twitter too and picked one up earlier today Woooo
  17. And this. Gotta keep my ninja skills sharp for when the next DYRL or SDFM drop
  18. Nah it’s a wash. Got mine from HLJ and bought at second I’m the States with free shipping. HLJ was cheaper but the TCO is about the same when you include shipping
  19. English version: https://www.tamashiinations.com/special/wwmacross2021/ I just shed a tear for not having to translate
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