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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. Finally some proof.
  2. It drives me nuts and for the price I just can't justify using the decal sheet from Kaki to fix all of the DYRLs.
  3. I'm calling it: TV will always have correct modex and DYRL will always have "symmetrical" modex.
  4. LOL... Ok phew! I was just trying to be nice but really was like...
  5. No, the heat shield for Roy/Hikaru’s VF-1S on SDFM also had a skull
  6. Haha right?! Thanks man. I’m really stoked to have found the SSPs dirty weathered too!
  7. Finally got my Yamato 1/48 Hikaru VF-1S weathered with weathered Strike. Acardia has really come a long way with their PF VF-0A but I still really enjoy this one. (Neither are in comparison to some of the custom work you all are showcasing of course!)
  8. Yeah I got that one on speed dial.
  9. One of my all time favorites. Lol
  10. Yeah, they're super solid.
  11. Haha helllll yeah!
  12. Is it too soon to say that I'm a little bummed that 1D is TWE? Like, I really get a rush out of PO madness. I think I have a problem... I WANT ALL THE MACROSS
  13. Well, a bunch of us (including me) got them direct from AJ during pre-order madness in July. So, I just received mine from AJ today. (Got one from HLJ that hit the States and should arrive tomorrow). So, it depends on where @Toonz got his from on AJ. If it is direct, then it could be slightly alarming though still wouldn't worry. There have been problems for a handful of people on the AJ direct ones this time around.
  14. Did you get it through a 3rd Party that ships via Amazon Global? Or was it direct from Amazon? If 3rd Party, it can take up to like a week before it ships, so no need to be alarmed.
  15. The eagle has landed.
  16. Thanks for the update brother!
  17. Yup. There’s still debate on if they will open up 12/24 or 12/25 in Japan. Sources are saying different things
  18. This is saying 12/25. Interesting... https://hobby.dengeki.com/news/1126483/
  19. Shipping notice from AJ and paid HLJ.
  20. HERE
  21. So many questions, so little answers. It’s absolutely plausible to see a DYRL release but I don’t recall more than a couple Macross releasing PO in Dec. 1D and Super reissues seem to be filling that, but they could always surprise us. Otherwise, I don’t expect anything again till Feb or Mar.
  22. Ok according to @no3Ljm’s theory and pattern discovery, we should see a DYRL release next. Also it seems maybe another pattern is beginning: - DYRL 1S hikkie regular release - DYRL 1A kaki TWE - TV 1S Roy regular - TV 1D TWE
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