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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. Woah woah! Dude, getting real spicy up in here doing poses with his gun pod in his hands!!
  2. LOL See what you started @sh9000????
  3. Fixed for ya... cuz I'm in a pedantic mood.
  4. DYRL VF-1S


  5. Still had to answer you. LOL
  6. @jenius is Anymoon.com / Scorched Earth.
  7. Hey, if the man feels sexy and bold in his PJs, more power to him! As long as the videos keep coming
  8. Yeah but it was waaay more fun to post what I did instead. (Though I am looking forward to another pose and hey, now we’re having fun speculating on release order because of it!)
  9. I would love there to be a Max 1S but is there any history of Bandai releasing that even in an HMR, etc.? Also with the Supers and a history of bundling those with Hikaru would we see a TWE TV 1S release under him?
  10. @sqidd I think that’s his passive aggressive way of saying, “I don’t care about all of your shipping notices 2 weeks later. Let’s move on...”
  11. And no updates on the PF version, so I’m hoping that stays Feb.
  12. I’ll add a couple of things. In the hypothetical scenario, that is only possible with TWE items which none of us outside of Japan can acquire without a proxy. So it’s not plausible. To follow up on the other comments, I’ll just add from experience that AJ does allow returns for damaged items and will actually refund you the shipping after it is returned and inspected. However, you have to use DHL, it will cost quite a bit upfront before you see the money refunded. When they do refund, it’s only up to a certain amount and the rest is given as an AJ gift card. (Can’t remember the threshold.) Other reliable resellers like HobbySearch, HLJ, etc. will take the return for damaged items within a small window. However, they generally have no more stock for exchanges so you’re just hosed on that Valk.
  13. DYRL VF-1S


  14. Deleted
  15. Pretty sure he spent this much on his Roy multiples, so he has a lot!
  16. Right on! I’m in the same boat with having two already and would’ve likely done the same.
  17. Plaza Japan just had stock of Roy but sold out in min. I didn’t catch it until 3 min too late
  18. I was going to be cheeky and post a LMGTFY link but will just add another pic on top of Sqidd’s
  19. There is only one version of the 1/55 VF-1S Strike (DYRL Hikaru). The box art is in the pics that Kamui 777 posted.
  20. Hey man, Shawn did it through Buyee / Tenso - see above. Trick here is to not elect the secure packaging. They just put a box in a box. HOWEVER, that means you'll trust the original seller to package correctly. When it arrives in their warehouse, you can request a pic and they'll send it to you so you can make that call.
  21. Gotta move the Detolf around to fit Roy... Or maybe just redo a ton my display hmmm
  22. Nice! And I see you have DJ'ing gear too.
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