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Everything posted by DYRL VF-1S

  1. Speaking of Supers... Kurama and my proxy is taking foorreeevvver to ship.
  2. Are you interested in the Hikaru 1J, Max 1A, Hikaru 1S?
  3. Anyone still need/want armor? https://hobby-genki.com/en/dx-chogokin/34-dx-chogokin-macross-delta-armored-parts-set-for-vf-31s-siegfried-arad-molders-use-4573102558015.html
  4. You are more kind than I.
  5. Aren’t we all? PO doesn’t open till tomorrow 12 AM PT / 3 AM ET. And awesome on the Supers. Still waiting for mine to ship from Kurama and a proxy.
  6. You guys don’t seem to get it. AE and others are only reliable if they can secure the TWE and resell. There is no way to know that BEFORE IT’S EVEN LISTED ON P-BANDAI Love you all
  7. Yeah just a reminder you crazy kids - Some shops put up the SSP a day early and almost NONE of them delivered on the Dec release because it sold out quite fast when p-Bandai listed it. Fortunately, they decided a second release for the following Apr and all of the Dec orders done a day before got pushed to Apr. AE was among them. NY never delivered for most and stuck us with store credit.
  8. All TWEs are upfront for what it’s worth.
  9. Doctor’s orders! Cheers to you as well
  10. Right?! I feel you. I feel you.
  11. Ah great update thanks! Yeah I didn’t even argue with them. Just paid it. All good - who knows what their negotiated rates are as a small shop.
  12. I think people in the States or western culture are just used to “the customer is always right.” I’m kinda in the middle about this topic. Part of the challenge is simply the lack of logic in how things get shipped for some of these shops. It’s not always “first come, first serve.” So I don’t blame people for the nudge here and there. Anyway, I digress because I think impatience is another thing altogether and that translates to any culture as annoying. Haha If enough impatient people piss off the one person answering all of the inquiries for a shop then they’ll become jaded and act so just like you and @Slave IV have said. And on that note, Kurama Toys invoiced me for shipping. It was $48 for a single Supers set. So, I’ve noted their rates are a bit high for shipping but not complaining cuz I’m just content getting Macross during a pandemic lol
  13. Ditto on price but to Colorado. I’d be curious to see what they reply to you with before I pay. They may just have poor rates with FedEx.
  14. Yeah, I used a new Proxy as well with no update yet. I think @F360 mentioned two release dates though? - 12/22 being the second one? So, maybe it's in that batch. I did receive notification from Kuramatoys though so I'll have one coming from them shortly. But buyer beware, their FedEx rates suuuuck. $48 USD to ship Supers. I'd hate to know what a Roy cost...
  15. Hahaha! YUP! The only thing saving me is that since it's Christmas time she's not questioning my packages. Got an extra DX Roy and Voltron still boxed HA.
  16. Haha love this. Happy Birthday to her! Also, the Supers only had the Macross kite, but DYRL has the various Skull Squad colors with the Skulls on each.
  17. Exactly
  18. DYRL VF-1S


  19. If memory serves correct, it's Tamashii Web Exclusive.
  20. Great questions! And I think the answer manifests in many ways. First, it's just nice to stay engaged in conversation. If someone posts pics of their Valks, comment on it and let them know you appreciate it. If someone has a question you know the answer to, answer it. Share pics of your own valks if you'd like. This way, you're not just asking questions that help you but you're contributing to general conversation that builds community. More specifically to acquiring Valks, comment on successful experiences you have (when you have them) purchasing from a shop. If you get multiples, consider selling one to another MW member at your cost (this is one way I contribute back as I usually buy multiples as a safety net). When PO Madness comes around, post links after you've snagged one so others know a listing is live. Most importantly, just have fun here. None of these things prevent lurkers from grabbing info, but it does make for a positive deposit to the community rather than just withdrawing. And of course, this is just my opinion. I know others don't agree and are more laid back about it. I'm sure others can chime in on positive ways to contribute.
  21. Been the bane of this thread for two years. I think for proxies part of the challenge with TWEs is that P-Bandai only allows a quantity of 6 from one address. So for example, the last couple of TWE rounds people have graciously said FromJapan. Well, now people are getting orders canceled, etc. because everyone is attempting to use this them. I'm going to be a d&*k for a moment - It's called Google. Use it. I don't think anyone needs to share the proxies they use if it's to the detriment of actually obtaining a TWE for oneself. But hey, that's just my opinion. In regard to a list of stores, there already is one here: Edit: And to clarify my opinion a bit, there are people here who take, take, take and never contribute to the community or helping others actually get the Valks we all love. Further, there are soooo many lurkers who scrape for info and are worse in that sense because they don't even chat. But more power to them if the info is easily available here. Can't blame 'em for taking advantage of that fact.
  22. Hasn't been published yet but likely 18,000 Yen (19,800 with in-country tax). However, outside of Japan, there's usually a markup for TWE so prices will vary by shop (the few that sell TWE) or vary fees any proxies will charge.
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