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Penguin sushi

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Everything posted by Penguin sushi

  1. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Yea i know but so many people inflating the price. There is a guy in ny that will sell one for 130 but he charges 30 for shipping. I dont trust to many hong kong sellers...
  2. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Anyone know where i can get a regult at a half decent price?
  3. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    I know that the hm regult is really expensive, but has anyone had any experience with the ones from revoltech?
  4. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Why are the hi metal regults so exspensive?
  5. Most recent purchase.. i know not really a toy... to be detrrmined. Used gameboy micro, little guys are hard to find at decent prices.
  6. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Yea, the vf-4 page is not showing now bc of an error and my order is still pending...
  7. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Ordered from bandai, never will do that again....
  8. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Yea i should have, bc i also put a wishlist at hobby search and yhe cost there is only 102. I got standard shipping wich bvb was like 13 bucks.
  9. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    For the people that have not ordered one and finding pretty much all places sold out... Bandai online just opened orders and you are limited to 3.
  10. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

  11. It's yellowed people might think I'm crazy for wanting to buy it but.. going to go ahead.
  12. It's hard not to look at something so pretty and not want to have one. Some women would get jealous with how some guys look at them chunkies..
  13. Trying to learn transformers from michael bay is like trying to learn about vampires from twillight....
  14. Ahhh ok bc this is before those.... i don't think of them as transformers. We are talking about the 1980's cartoon transformers. Jetfire from the cartoon got a macross jet as a toy instead of an actual toy that looked like it.
  15. Uhh i hope that was a bad joke. How old are you?
  16. I'm kinda surprised that someone from mw forums don't know jetfire. Alot of guys here have bought old jetfires for the main purpose of converting them mainly bc old jetfires are cheap. I actually bought that one for 30 bucks, not going to do anything to him just glad the shop here sales them for cheap.
  17. It's the g1 jetfire. You can pick them up cheap unless its it's a matsushoro (sp). There are two more at the comic shop i go to that has all the armor, but not the greatest shape for about 70.
  18. Thought i was getting the larger scale bc i needed parts, but i got this guy instead.... Not sure what to do with him..
  19. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    I will probably start collecting them though i miss the chunkies. There is one or two old ones i want but i was trying to see what was the best bang for what inpay. The plastic ones are wayyyy to fragile. Guess the vf-4 will be my first and i will see how it goes.
  20. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    They aren't magical and now they don't fly... 2 things i have to scratch off of why to get.
  21. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Hey just got back to collecting. I want to get the vf-4, but been wondering how do the hi metals stand up? Are they made well? To they feel plasticky?
  22. While actively looking for older items i came across some alphas for a good price. And a small cyclone that was free that is missing parts, trying to decide if i am to keep it or not.
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