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Penguin sushi

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Everything posted by Penguin sushi

  1. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    I kinda want an sd...
  2. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Okay question, i know a few of you guys have the fext owl armour. How is the fitting and is it worth getting?
  3. Vf-4 sd experteen wonderfest kit.... I didn't expect it to be so small... For the price...
  4. Not exactly a toy, but will be making stuff with it to entertain myself...
  5. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Got mine from amiami a little bit ago, but i am loving jungle. Jungle had a regult in and i had to jump on it.
  6. 1/100 fully transformable. It is a recast off of the s.h.e. kit that was put out a while ago.
  7. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Arg, wish someone had one for sale, the one i was eyeballing at jungle hot snipped...
  8. But if i can cast some then i will not feel bad modding them...
  9. Wish i could recast it and have a bunch to play with... Surprised i actually won it off ebay.
  10. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Isnt there a stand coming out soon that is for hmr line that looks like a dockung arm?
  11. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Isn't there a new stand coming out like next month...
  12. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    If yall break one and decide to sell it cheap, think of me i want to fo a conversion..
  13. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    I want a regult to go with my 1d trainer but this will do, way cheaper.
  14. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Also are these worth the money?
  15. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Are there any good display stands or launch arms for the 1/100 line.
  16. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    I have seen the 1/100 vf-25 from bandai, are they as wanted as the hi metal and how are the build? Seti88 said that he finds that the there really isn't a better valk scale wise. Back in the day of the 55's yherevwas vf a huge difference. The smaller ones were prettycrap made and all plastic. The yamato when they came out the larger ones had more detail, but they all suffered from problems especially the joints. Now its not really the scale it is more of the brand.
  17. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Alot of people talking about yamato and scarcity, the chunkies wich i believe wete the best are becoming harder and harder to get. I actually don't like all the extras parts that are swappable, more parts especially plastic means more breakage. The chunkies for their age have done well and have stood up to abuse. Alot of the newer ones have had broken parts, even right out of the box.
  18. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Oooo i might be intetested in that elintseeker. Msg me with price and details.
  19. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Not happy with nin, i ordered a gluag bc they were on sale and they overlooked shipping it until i emailed them. 10 days later. They said it will be out next week.
  20. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Just gotvthe vf-4, smaller than what i thought..
  21. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    I wanted a regult, mainly bc of the vf-1d fight. Brings back memories. I instead now just ordered a gluag bc 130 shipped isn't bad. Well now to get a 1d, if anyone is getting any extra i would like to get one from you.
  22. Penguin sushi

    Hi-Metal R

    Hard to find a regult under 160 on ebay. The glaug you can find closer to 100. I was just looking at one that was about 110 and wondering if worth it..
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