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Everything posted by Glasswave

  1. Do you guys think Riobot would consider making the Bubblegum Crisis MOTO-SLAVE? *Is it logical; considering their close relationship to Aramaki Shinji ?? P.S. Counting the days until the Bartley's arrive woohoO!!(waiting for 30+ years)
  2. Oh man a Yamato Ride-Armor series would have been truly legendary..Those 1/15 Moto-Slaves are 80's anime GOLD imho *On a side note: I believe that T-Rex was a designer at Yamato before working with Beagle.
  3. HLJ Pre-Order COMPLETE Oh YeAH!!! Wanted a deluxe Houquet for at least 35 Years...It proves dreams can come True!! *I just hope the curse doesn't mean a global apocalypse before April*
  4. Don't these also have the distinction of being the smallest variable mospeada's ever mass produced? **On a side note does anyone have pics of the tiny scratch built mospeada ride-armor? I think i remember pics of it standing on a coin Lol
  5. I couldnt agree more. Hopefully with the huge retail price and strong sales of the 1st wave - HGeesh may cough up to have Bartley/Graham produced? Lol prob just pipe dreams
  6. It's unreal...and the plastic they used is so brittle and weak, I for one am convinced that anti-mospeada knomes from an alternative reality slipped into the factory. Again, I genuinely suspect this universe may be "incompatable" with the glory of the female ride-armor.
  7. Correct Sir *except for the cracked or broken knee joints on every Bartley I've come across...smh The female ride-armor may indeed be too cool for this world.
  8. BARTLEY = RED End of line.
  9. I would suggest free advertising by way of social media and even Ebay and Etsy pre-order type listings. Just spit balling
  10. Ugh that blows! Do you have any insight into why an established company goes through the laborious and expensive task of creating a line of painted prototypes only to promptly mothball them for all eternity? *On a side note sometimes I feel doomed to be a mospeada addict..we get precious little respect and the aftermarket is smoldering barren hellscape!! :/
  11. Indeed..The CM's Bartley types have broken joints right out of the package - It's as if our universe refuses to allow a variable version to exist!! (I own 5 copies and they all have at least 1 cracked joint)fml :/ P.S. Anyone know of any replacement knee or hip joints that would possibly work?
  12. Anyone have an idea when we might see the Figma ride-armors actually on the shelves? *Bonus: Are they smaller than the CM's? Also: Possible price?
  13. Sentinel would be shrewd to go for the RED Fuke bike next...to avoid possible fatigue in the Legioss market. Imho Again... R E D
  14. Funny you should mention it...found this pic of someone using a AM Driver figure for the 1/15 Bartley. I must admit it's very tempting! (* The AM Driver "Moto-Bisar" bike has a very Mospeada like design)
  15. Indeed, I totally agree in regards to the concept vs. execution. The toy itself is quite a strange beast(the front wheel for example)..yet I still find to be one of my favorites! I mean, a legendary video game company makes a Aramaki ride-armor toy...whats not to love? P.s. Good luck with the Scepter + fingers crossed on the new Tri-Charger!! *I think CM's was planning one that never happened.
  16. So awesome..Frankly I'm speechless. Thanks again for the link man - my mind is officially blown! Here are a few pics of my Sega Tri-charger obtained way back in 2002...By far the rarest piece in my collection.
  17. Woah Thanks for the link! I did a triple take when i saw the Zillion Tri-Charger !!! I'm lucky enough to have the 1987 Sega Tri-charger toy, But o m g this prototype is blowing my mind! A true "unicorn" dream Toy imho *Anyone have any info on this*?
  18. Wow cool I had no idea..a sentinel tread would be a 'unicorn' piece for the ages. And lol I feel my Bartley comment may be ill-informed or even a tad immature..Yet I've waited ovr 30 years for a deluxe Bartley ride-armor...Preferably RED haha! :P (The Beagle prototype still causes me physical pain upon seeing the images) Also : The teased box art depicts her in red..unless It was somehow fan-made?
  19. I Agree 100% Dear Sentinel : BARTLEY IS RED !! *PLEASE : Respect Aramaki Shinji !! THANK YOU !! ^__^ V..
  20. Now that is a jaw dropping paint job.
  21. Many Thanks for the link...that auction ended but i will hopefully track down a fast-pack version on there soon!!
  22. Wow I can't Thank you enough for looking Shawn! Very long time fan (lurker) of you and Graham's site!! Very interested in a possible replacement set..or trying to find a good link for d.i.y. repair lol Thanks again man!
  23. Lol i cant help but agree with you..that said the version 2 is apparently issue-free : but i cant find one for less than $350!
  24. Many Thanks Twich!!
  25. Hey guys..just purchased a cheap 1/72 Yamato 11B brand new... ..any advice on how best to approach the hip joints before I even touch this thing? Do I unscrew the upper leg or even disassemble in order to loosen them? P.s. Is there an old post for outright hip replacement? Thanks very much for any help!!
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