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Everything posted by Alphahorizon

  1. AJ is where I scored. First time with PO success for me
  2. And this is where I, in the past have just waited for either release day or Mandrake. You will find one the day of release for a closer to normal cost 35k is robbery.
  3. Or its possible after effects the next day!
  4. Finally got confirmation order from AJ. Was a little worries I wouldn't.
  5. SAME HERE!!! Holy man this is adreniline filled madness. And I was going to stay asleep due to the previous pre-order events and the kick in the teeth it was
  6. It does indeed
  7. Good call. Got one here
  8. Same here
  9. NININ gone Cart Jacked!
  10. Easy!
  11. Think that's correct. Its 0200 Midwest Central time.
  12. You good friend are not alone. I have had horrible luck. But I have gotten them then next few days and of course at make up. Which I am not happy about, but it beats missing out all together. But then again, there have been multiple times I could have snagged the Hik 1S or VF-1 Max or J from Mandrake.
  13. Thank you @nathans82. I would slept right through if I hadn't checked the forums. Oh boy this is gonna hurt
  14. Wait one second peeps...Is Pre-order disorder tonight? I thought it was tomorrow? Just asking because i see that @DYRL VF-1S is asking what people are drinking. Wh9ich would indicate take a shot for every website crash/failed attempt/cart jacking ect...
  15. Just got notice from NY to pay additional costs for UPS. So I assume soon it will ship out.
  16. Make it 4. I put in a ticket 2 days ago asking for upgrade to UPS.
  17. 60.00 front loaded payment for 1 to Midwest area of the US. That payment was for EMS which looks to be a bust now. Just sent up a ticket to see what the cost difference will be. I swear 60 already should cover UPS or DHL.
  18. OH GOD the PTSD from the other 2 Pre-order events....I was honestly glad that the Kakizaki was a TWE. Special shout out again to @sumyumgoywho managed to snag an additional VF-1S. Otherwise it would have been at mark up for sure.
  19. So excited about this release! Here I was starting to make other series purchases like transformers. Didn't think I would move beyond Macross, but once I caught up on things I had a hole burning in my pockets that need to be satiated. Really looking forward to Roy. I have had ZERO luck on any of the pre-orders, So I think I will accept the mark-up. Hopefully it wont be to brutal.
  20. I knew something was up when I woke up and saw 20+ emails in this topic. Great news. I will sleep through this one as I have learned its less stressful. Slight increase in price is okay.
  21. Well, and here I just put in 15k for someoutdoor upgrades (Driveway /patio) Now I am looking at the housing market take a little dip and a few businesses have decided to leave. This will get even worse i know. I hate good idea fairies, they are never well thought out.
  22. It does indeed. I just have to may other things tying my money up right now. I doubt aftermarket will be forgiving. Living right outside Minneapolis, Ive decided to shift a few resources to more improved home defense plan with the police going away and all.
  23. I saw this available this morning available at ShowZ. Pass for me, I just don't have any history or tie into my life for it. I will say it does look pretty bad@$$ though.
  24. This is very true. 25.00 for a cardboard scratch post that lasts a day.
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