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Everything posted by Alphahorizon

  1. @sumyumgoy Where did you snag the MC version. Can't afford the original but would probably get this version.
  2. Yes indeed. If I recall it was way back it got cancelled. I believe when one of the companies that make the alternative version got shut down. There had been a good amount cancelled that day. Sad indeed.
  3. I have tried to keep it just to MB Gundam and not dip into Robot Spirit line. Are they the same build quality, except smaller? I like this design a ton. But finances are tight.
  4. And @LUNA PARKwill the packaging be a little more robust? Thank you.
  5. I have purchased about 5 things Macross related in the last year and a half, with no issue. To the point they arey first choice whenever possible. Just my experience
  6. And gone from Okini
  7. Tempted in getting one. Little sketchy with images I've seen from Luna Parks shipping and same price. But not a more then 1 person. Money won't allow it, bit I have some spare coin atm.
  8. https://okini.land/en/24937-dx-chokokin-vf-1j-armored-valyrie-hikaru-ichijyo-bandai-spirits.html OkiniLand go go go
  9. Yep. Quick label prints. but no actual movement as of yet.
  10. Received the same. Heres for hoping they improved the packing from heir last release.
  11. So then this is a reissue?
  12. @sqiddI agree. It is more then I have seen any other store do to date. Not saying there hasnt been. But still a decent attempt at customer service @LUNA PARKfor those of us that ordered the VF-1J GBP package is there anyway we can ensure the packaging for that is more solid and that DHL doesnt take it upon itself to remove any of the packaging to include the Tamashi brown box? Good on you guys for coming here directly
  13. https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1172038464&ref=list&keyword=Macross&lang=en 1 up!!!
  14. Okini coming through again. Solid place and have had enough business with them for them to be trusted. DHL will be at home station in a few days!
  15. That price will be the low end once some of the regular retailers list them for a second time. I went with them as well. Slept good to.
  16. AE it is...I think. I put in cart purchased it, internet went weird. When I went back in it was in my orders but I hadn't paid for it. I did after receiving the email. But, after doing that the armor went to "Sold out." Here's for hoping. I haven't had any issues with AE in the past.
  17. Anyone got the skinny if the reissue AFC-01H has fixed some of the previous issues? BBTS for me on this one just now. Know its a little bit more then the YJ, but want to support a local head to help keep the food on the table.
  18. Hmmm. I am reading in the thread that Amazon is cancelling orders. Although I have had success with them in the past shipping to the states. I have an inquiry someone here may be able to provide insight to me on. I am looking at getting an Exia version. I know theres a ton. I want to also get the METAL BUILD Option Parts set, but wan to make sure it is the Avalanche version that this set goes to. Theres so many Exia versions, and I only want one version. Preferably the beefier over all Avelanche. Just want to make sure I am not purchasing anything more then whats needed.
  19. MAN! Those look awesome! Thats how you deck out a shelf.
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