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Everything posted by Alphahorizon

  1. @MommarI woke up at 0130 Central Time US. No luck on any site. I have them all up and am refreshing them. But i agree with you. I took 14 years away from collecting Macross and just recently got back into it. This is just silly and I am very happy for those here that managed to secure one, but I don't like the way it went down and seeing them on YJ for the scalping rates. Even Badai Online had a few. I could have secured one there...at 100.00 mark up.
  2. I have had the same problems with posting sometimes. It seems when I initially want to quote someone but change my mind I cant.
  3. And just like that...All is quiet on the home front. Sleep well travelers.
  4. Thank you to @Shizuka the Catand @Valkerie23. We appreciate your assistance and help. I'll keep looking but cant justify the Bandaionline $100 mark up. Thanks all. And a huge CONGRATS to those who scored!
  5. Ty for the link seti. Alas wasn't meant to be.
  6. Will they ship to the states?
  7. Closed for orders when I got to the page. Well I didn't get one. Not for lack of effort. This was fun, but I wont be doing that again..for any of thier releases. Not worth the lack of sleep and price of mind.
  8. Brutal
  9. That seems to be a good read on the situation
  10. HA I just did the very same thing
  11. Good looking out for us Cat! TY
  12. 2 hours from now!
  13. Agreed
  14. Welp, gave it a good effort...and now the ridiculous inflated scalper prices ensues....That's to bad. Grats to everyone that scored! Carry one for the team.
  15. Welp. Back to bed I guess. What a disgrace.
  16. I can see it now. The next time I'm out at the clubs and I spot a lady with a macross shirt on ( because we all know that's a sign of high fashion), Me: " Hey, nice Macross shirt you've got there." Her: "Thanks." Me: " Want to be my Milia? I'm Max by the way." Proceed to wear the drink that had previously been in her glass.
  17. Well @ErikElvis if you just hired a secretary to keep track of those purchases this wouldnt be an issue.
  18. Wai....no VF-1S?!?!?!? More to follow I'm sure.
  19. @Pontusthat weird. I was able to and now, not what enphily had just posted and I responded to. Did he pull the image down? Everything else before than I still see.
  20. Thanks Reïvaj. I'm a kid in a candy store again!
  21. This is the last 2 months since o got back into collecting Macross. Awaiting the arrival of a few others. VF-31F and J still.
  22. I'm pretty sure you are correct. Now I just have to wait for the shipping timeline to file a claim with Ebay. Grrrr... that site has become a trash heap, riddled with scalpers. Not all I know but seemingly more and more.
  23. @Mommar. I had an issue with the VF-4 last week where I accidentally put it warehouse and didn't know what to do either. I reached out to the help center and they responded really fast. I recieved it this morning. I have had pretty good service with them. Reach out.to the help center, they will square it away.
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